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None of your suggestions in any way address the simple fact that no matter how many wins I get, which was 5 today by the way, I cant complete my daily and collect my rewards because the game is not counting my wins, none of them. Bioware obviously has NO idea how to fix this bug and it's gotten to the point where they need to just scrap the whole PVP daily and come up with something fresh that WORKS. It's absurd that I can finish ALL of my PVE dailies in less time than completing ONE PVP daily.



Please show me your source where the Devs are quoted saying that they have no idea how to fix this problem and may scrap the daily entirely. Like any MMO there will be a few things to fix especially in their first year.



Also, why worry about something that's out of your control?

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ive seen this proposed a few times before, i think that a fair compromise would be a point system. something like 6 points to complete the daily. A loss is worth 1 point and a win is worth 2. That way if you are super 1337 and you win every warzone nothing will change, but for those of us that spend a considerable amount of time watching our teammates run in circles can finish our dailies in a reasonable amount of time.


this would also help with the quitting problem that seems to get worse by the day. I honestly dont blame people sometimes... Its an awful waste of time to sit through an entire warzone knowing that you are going to lose because half your team is just kill farming.


Note: the point system is just an example, i havent given the actual numbers any thought... its just something i said off the top of my head...

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This is my Number 1, most annoying thing I hate about this game.


I feel like I am forced to do the daily PVP quests as the rewards are so good, but I hate the fact that you have to win matches to get it.

Why is my participation alone not enough. It should be changed to Warzone Matches Played. Some days it can take over 5 hours to get 3 wins. Not everyone has a premade PVP team.


I have played some days and my team has lost easily 10 games in a row. I usually finish in the top 3 players in each game but my participation means nothing because if the team doesnt win, the rewards *********** suck.


Please change this it's so annoying.


Are you serious?

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I don't think making it "play 3 games" would really fix anything, but I'd like it to be tweaked atleast a bit. Ilum can be done in 30 minutes (lowpop server) or even less via kill trading.


3 full length WZ rounds take 50 minutes+ depending on your queues. And this is assuming you actually win them all. Some days I get it in in less than 50 minutes. Today, it seems, I've been at it for 2½ hours and still short one win.


The time investment doesn't really match the other dailies (Complete a HM FP takes <30 minutes most of the time). I'd like to have some time in the day to play my alts too, instead of angsting most of the evening over 3 WZ wins to get my BM bag.. .which probably won't have a a comm to begin with.

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Woah! 26 pages of garbage PvP elitists who think they are winning and this is hard :)

Therefore no one other is elgible to get reward or having fun throught advancement...


Did you realize, that if opposing (loosing) faction falls behind yors furtheremore - there will be only 2 ways out - reroll on winning side or leave a game. Witch one is better in yours eyes?



Really - every time I see how much people doesnt use theirs brains to somthing more usefull than a BIO timer makes me sad.

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Give everyone full Battlemaster when reaching 50, and work on having things in order for the next level expansion-- AHEAD of TIME!!


Make PVE gear from pve the best FOR PVE, and Make PVP gear only useable in PVP...


What ever level you are, just step in the PVP locker-room and pick your damn set!


Then the people playing might actually be there to P V P !!!!!!!


Separate these 2 game concepts ffs... it's killing every MMO trying to balance them-- there's no damn need too!


You do this, I might have a reason to re-sub, otherwise I'm enjoying my time elsewhere...

actually...don't do it... I really am enjoying my time...


Edit: and oh yeah... since you made world PVP you pretty much locked out the option to fix things, so have fun!

Edited by Barrtabb
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