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I wasn't referring to a PvP content style thing, I used the wrong word there I meant Republic OR Imperials could travel to it, as in similar to the early worlds where imperials/republics don't share the same planet (Balmorra for example) I kinda didn't phrase the whole thing well because it was an on the fly whilst I type idea. I also assumed it was obvious I was refering to PvE not PvP content; as in my opinion the only issue with PvP content at the moment is damned armaments. (though more maps would be nice, and no doubt will come in the near future)


Edit: Your edit sums up the other half of why I think Dynamic events wouldn't work here; and why I suggested opening up another non-normally accessible world for a "Dynamic" system. As stated though it would HAVE to be PvE content exclusively because otherwise many servers would simply have one side turn up without the other.


Absolutely nothing wrong with Dynamic content like it being completely PVE. People have to understand that not everything works with everything. Trying to find what does is the hard part, but choosing not to do so, because it's hard, is not acceptable. :(

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He means things like player created content and player cities, things that made a game like SWG stand out.


Instead we get the cheap WOW clone.


Lazy lazy lazy.


You mean that made SWG the biggest MMO failure, well, barring Tabula Rasa perhaps, to date?

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To respond to everything about Dynamic events in general - the biggest issue is if it's normal world events; due to the PvP worlds being open PvP everywhere, one side will always get totally screwed.


As for my idea in specific, it was a random idea plucked out of thin air, and was a concept not a precisely planned or detailed stategem on how they should advance; simply a point that a Dynamic event system could exist but would require being off of the main worlds; and even then something would have to be done to prevent the issue of one side having 100+ players the other having <10.


Besides, Bioware don't pay me to come up with ideas for them, we pay them to come up with ideas for us! I'm sure in typical Bioware form they'll manage to come up with stuff; they have a tendacy to be quite good at it.

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To respond to everything about Dynamic events in general - the biggest issue is if it's normal world events; due to the PvP worlds being open PvP everywhere, one side will always get totally screwed.


As for my idea in specific, it was a random idea plucked out of thin air, and was a concept not a precisely planned or detailed stategem on how they should advance; simply a point that a Dynamic event system could exist but would require being off of the main worlds; and even then something would have to be done to prevent the issue of one side having 100+ players the other having <10.


Besides, Bioware don't pay me to come up with ideas for them, we pay them to come up with ideas for us! I'm sure in typical Bioware form they'll manage to come up with stuff; they have a tendacy to be quite good at it.


Exactly. Time will tell all.

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I wasn't trying to put down your idea, as I, too, would like some variation. I was just giving out only a few problems that need to be taken into consideration. I could easily come up with more, though. At least you now understand that it's not as simple as just "doing it". Edited by Jandi
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I wasn't trying to put down your idea, as I, too, would like some variation. I was just giving out only a few problems that need to be taken into consideration. I could easily come up with more, though. At least you now understand that it's not as simple as just "doing it".


I'm pretty sure, he and everyone else always knew it's not as simple as just doing it Jandi. :D

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You can refuse to believe me, but they do. Just because they don't say it text doesn't mean they don't. They'd have to be as thick as wood to not understand. People can't be that way, can they?


Many of the ideas in this thread alone prove otherwise. I suggest you read the whole thing. Of course, I suggest anti-depressants to be taken beforehand. Oh, and cover your face with something soft, to take the edge out of the force of your palm hitting your face.

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Unfortunately, people would complain. Anything that adversely affects the player base with no way to opt out will result in epic complaints. Just look at WoW's 1 week zombie invasion pre-WotLK.
Developers are just too lazy. Stop feeding them excuses.


WAR had some dynamic content, and not necessarily limited exclusively to the PQs. WAR actually had some great PvE; PQs need a little tweaking, and they needed a brand new dungeon design team, but otherwise the content itself was fun.


One of my favorite WAR moments was coming across what amounted to an automated PQ out in Tier 1 Empire, moderately off the beaten quest path (and utterly devoid of people for not being red blobbed).


Chaos raiders would invade a village with weak NPCs, weak NPC guards would respond, progressively stronger named NPCs would show up, until eventually you had two champion level named NPCs duking it out, with no actual winner scripted.


And because it was automated, it didn't call on the RNG crutch loot system WAR relied heavily on.

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Guild Wars 2 is taking a shot at dynamic content, though as a raider you might not be interested.


It's not really dynamic, there just big Public Quests (IE: Warhammer Onilne)


Step 1) They try to take over a town

Step 2) If you stop them then they go on CD and then it starts over again say hour later

Step 3) If nobody stops them they take the town over

Step 4) If nobody takes the town back they take over the next town

Step 5) Once you clear them out the whole cycle starts over again, go back to Step 1


So yeah not really Dynamic but it's still better then the static quests most MMO use including SWTOR...


Would of been nice if Bioware had random bosses in there flashpoints to fight or at least created new areas in the flashpoints for Hardmodes so it wasn't exactly the same as normal mode... Make things less scripted so each time you do it something new could happen...

Edited by Monoth
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