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Baras: love him or hate him?


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Sorry if something like that's been posted before


I have seen mixed responses to Baras's character and I would like to know what you think of him


In my humble opinion Baras is one of the best SW characters ever


In the past we have seen legendary sith lords like Revan,Bane,Sidious etc and some larger than life villains like Nihilus..... but Baras.....he is one of those people who would keep an "evil empire" working like a well oiled machine

He is not all-powerful or all-knowing but he is methodical and cunning

And his voice rocks!

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As a villain, I thought he was an excellent character. He wasn't a totally over-the-top Batman villain like a lot of the other Sith (characters that I tend to find ridiculous - if you kill everyone, you have no power base and no allies). And his voice acting was great, particularly when he



tortures the captive on Dromund Kaas...his furious rage when he couldn't break the guy was excellently acted.


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as a villain, i thought he was an excellent character. He wasn't a totally over-the-top batman villain like a lot of the other sith (characters that i tend to find ridiculous - if you kill everyone, you have no power base and no allies). And his voice acting was great, particularly when he



tortures the captive on dromund kaas...his furious rage when he couldn't break the guy was excellently acted.


Edited by kraidy
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Sith acolyte, you must fetch me a bowl of cereals within the ancient tomb of tulak horde where it is rumored he once buried a powerful chamber full of cereals that grant those that eat it eternal life. I MUST HAVE THOSE CEREALS!!!!!!!!!
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I loved him. I think the interactions are brilliant and his voice actor is nothing short of excellent. Like the above poster, I LOVED the part

on Dromund Kass where he is torturing the Republic Agent. The roar of frustration actually gave me goosebumps.


Seriously. If I heard someone yelling like that in real life, I'd be quietly sneaking off the other way. Plus, given that he's usually fairly calm, especially for a Sith...well, it gave it a lot more gravity. If it was just another DARTH HULK SMASH kinda Sith yelling, it probably wouldn't have been as awesome.

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I like him.


The Baras Code...


Cake is a lie, there is only pie.


Through pie I gain calories


Through calories I gain fat


Through fat, my belt is broken


The recliner shall set me free.


But his torturing of that Republic Spy was very well done, I really did feel bad for the poor guy when he was being electrocuted.

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I loved to hate that guy. He was extremely well written for being the bad guy of the warrior storyline.



I also enjoyed the part where he calls you sometime before you head to Corellia when you select the dialog option "I'm sorry, do I know you?"



There will always be a special place in my heart for that blind, deaf, comatose, lobotomy patient.

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I liked Baras, and I liked Tremel too. I actually liked Tremel more, but I have this silly habit of liking people who treat me well :p


I thought Baras's armor was pretty cool; he reminded me of a big, evil, hedonistic judgement pally. The only thing that turned me off to his character was that so much of my story revolved around him that I started to feel like it was the Darth Baras Story, instead of the Sith Warrior Story.


(Better that though than the Kira Carsen story, which my husband dubbed for his JK.)

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I liked how much I hated the character.


Like, the way they scripted him made me feel my character's hatred for him, and I really didn't enjoy him sending me on tasks that he either should have handled himself or warned me that I might nearly get killed (See: Nomen Karr fight). So, yes, I love the character. But I hate him so.

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