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My First Music Video


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Hey, so after a LONG time of working, I finally finished work on my first music video. I decided to make it using clips from Deceived, Hope, and Return, so if you'd be willing to check it out and let me know what you think, I'd be very grateful!


You can watch it here:

Edited by GhostNappa
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Aw, thank you very much guys! I know I said this in the actual video description, but I was amazed at how, during the video's making, my preconceived ideas for it flew out the window while new possibilities I had never considered before came to life on their own. As such, the video just kinda made itself, which was a really cool experience. :)


But yeah, thank you to all who posted so far and/or watched the video! I really appreciate all of your kind feedback and views. :)

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I'm not usually one for SWTOR video remixes and such but I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and take a look.


Very nice vid. I like the choice of music. Your cuts, re-assembles, and various video affects fit well together and lend to a very nice overall 're-touch' of the 3 original trailers. Keep up the good work.

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