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For those bored at 50...


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For those bored at 50, Name one content feature you would have in End-Game. I don't mean LFG or any of that. True content...ya'll are quick to point out that this is same old same old....Step-up. If you feel prod-dev's are lazy, this is your chance. Real Simple a CONTENT FEATURE you would like see in game. There are a few catch's...


1) It has to have broad appeal....Raids, Hardmode's and Pvp have broad appeal.


2) If you response is I don't work for (insert random company name here) this thread isn't for you.

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Content would be nice, however, i have 2 50's and are finding myself with nothing to do. Can never get into a flashpoint because there is never enough groups or no groups forming in general. I dont understand the appeal of pvp, if gear wasnt so insane to aquire i might do it. BUt grinding endless hours for a chance of 1 upgrade just doesnt sound right. Love the game, just nothing really to strive for at lvl 50...
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I dont have any level 50 yet, I see all those people at 50 complaining, instead i have a lot of fun leveling my legacy with alt. Each class have a different gameplay and story, and you are allowed to have toon on both faction...


Anyway Im having a blast with all my char and Im not bored at all with lvl 50 controversal content, once I reach lvl 50 more content will be out and Ill have all my friend with me.

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Content would be nice, however, i have 2 50's and are finding myself with nothing to do. Can never get into a flashpoint because there is never enough groups or no groups forming in general. I dont understand the appeal of pvp, if gear wasnt so insane to aquire i might do it. BUt grinding endless hours for a chance of 1 upgrade just doesnt sound right. Love the game, just nothing really to strive for at lvl 50...


Read the original posters comment again.



I would like to see an Alterac Valley type Warzone added into the game. WoW had AV, and it was awesome. A really long map with mountains, trees, open plains, etc. Something with objectives, maybe add some pve into it? Kill some bosses, take some towers, take some spawn points, etc. This could be what's going to be added in March, but I'm not sure.

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I think Bioware is going to improve endgame content as time goes on. ATM it seems that they are working constantly to provide entertaining and immersive leveling and general gameplay features. I kind of agree with this tactic, being just over a month since launch, since the majority of players (even those who will be intense endgamers) are still on their way to the level cap and endgame. So far everything UP TO endgame is so sweet, and I'm anticipating that the next content update will provide an excellent boost to the capped player. I'm happy with the way its set up so far.
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i would like to see a guild leveling system.


rewarding us with a guild star destroyer/ a buildable fleet.


space ship pvp system.


a large pvp with pve elements.

start out equal with a large ground/space battle.


based on actions of either side the balance can be swayed with additional npc units or large walkers.

make it feel like a war elimanating targets/ spawning reinforcements

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On one end you have the happy high population server crowd with rose tinted goggles having a grand old time then the rest of us on low pop/medium servers where you have to beg people to do a flash point with you. When I get home from work and want to play for a while I don't want to be in the fleet for 2 hours doing crafting while spamming LFM Black Talon then my effort does not pay off and this is Empire side. I feel really bad for Republics on low pop servers it must be a ghost town.
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i would like to see a guild leveling system.


rewarding us with a guild star destroyer/ a buildable fleet.


space ship pvp system.


a large pvp with pve elements.

start out equal with a large ground/space battle.


based on actions of either side the balance can be swayed with additional npc units or large walkers.

make it feel like a war elimanating targets/ spawning reinforcements


I did read they really want to bring guild capitol ships. But this is a good start.


I like some of these idea's.....:D

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For those bored at 50, Name one content feature you would have in End-Game. I don't mean LFG or any of that. True content...ya'll are quick to point out that this is same old same old....Step-up. If you feel prod-dev's are lazy, this is your chance. Real Simple a CONTENT FEATURE you would like see in game. There are a few catch's...


1) It has to have broad appeal....Raids, Hardmode's and Pvp have broad appeal.


2) If you response is I don't work for (insert random company name here) this thread isn't for you.


Don't need additional content - need the ability to run the current end-game content WHENEVER THE HELL I WANT TO.


So yeah, I want cross-server functionality.

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Don't need additional content - need the ability to run the current end-game content WHENEVER THE HELL I WANT TO.


So yeah, I want cross-server functionality.



Server LFG sure, cross server no, they just need to offer server transfers and eliminate some low pops making all remaining high pop.

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what i would have loved is to still be leveling, to not have a level based system but rather a skill based system that never ends.


but for the system they have now what I want is someway to continually work on my character that i can do solo or a very small group anyway without doing a raid. or something else than do some dailies, do a hardmode dungeon for the daily and twiddle my thumbs or log off. but with the system they developed that is pretty much all there is to do so ill have to live with it but i wouldve preferred not having this type of system altogether.

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I would like to see a differnt Flash Point (FP) ... such as an 'epic' battle where you fight waves of mobs simulating an assault on a base(s) that you are protecting or assaulting.


Rather than a group of us run around as always through 'trash' and 'bosses'.


I'd like to see i guess a 'star warsy' type battle.


But truely im not bored, though dailies get repetative, i find things to do for the time being between my alts and 50 main.

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Like what? Your response is vague at best....what kinda small group stuff?


I agree with further advancement of char not level. But I was looking for what stuff people would like doing at max level....other then what is available

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Hounestly I'd take a page out of DAOC's book


Setup planets with positions/military emplacements to hold, if one faction holds the majority the entire faction regardless of location gets some sort of bonus, be it access to a special dungeon or extra exp or whatever.

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Sounds alot like WG or BH in WoW...Which fits in the been here done that. People on this forum and others have said that(insert random game) is boring dev's are lazy. I was looking for the couch dev's that make these statement or some of the people here for something new.
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What are the hallmarks of this MMO's existence?


Story and Companions... unfortunately, at max level, your story ends and your companion no longer talks to you.


So, they built a game on one premise, but try to mold end game to "regular" mmo content at the end. Doesn't mix!!


I would like to see further progression of story, without quests, grinding, gear, etc...


I would like to see further development of companion relationships, without grinding, gearing, etc...


this MMO is about Story and Companions, sadly, end game is dead as a result of these ending at that point.

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