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bioware you made stupid move


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atleast you do understand grim half of the names i've seen doesn't relate to the starwars universe and should be removed or changed to one that does relate to it have no problems with names like boba fett etc. ones from different universe's that is where i cross that line



I understand bud.


Thing is, when you report a name, it does not become changed that second. The reports of names are sent to another team that investigate the cause of the report and then take action. Some names are changed on the spot if it is something really offensive as HitlerTwo or Cocainlord etc, and others can even call for you to send another response as to why you feel that name should be changed.


All and all, your tickets will be dealt with and the better you explain yourself in the ticket, the faster the developers can work through the pile already sent in.


Hang in there.

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You play on a RP-based server right? Then when you see names not fitting or perhaps they are offensive, you open a ticket about it and be constructive and precise.


Do not do this


* Lol i saww nam3 larsninja...channge ur i cancel sub*





* I would like to report the name larsninja. Not a fitting name on a roleplaying server since it´s both "leetspeach" and not an actual name.*


The only problem is there is no naming policy on RP servers. If a name breaks the EULA/ToS, then by all means it can be changed with a proper report. However, if someone makes a leetspeak name on an RP server.. it cannot currently be changed for not fitting in with RP. Might be in the future, but not at the moment at least.

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The only problem is there is no naming policy on RP servers. If a name breaks the EULA/ToS, then by all means it can be changed with a proper report. However, if someone makes a leetspeak name on an RP server.. it cannot currently be changed for not fitting in with RP. Might be in the future, but not at the moment at least.





Naming Policy


When creating a character or guild name for Star Wars: The Old Republic, it is encouraged that you select a name that reflects the theme of the game. The guidelines listed below outline the types of names that you can NOT use, and apply to both player or character names, as well as guild names.


You may not use any names that violate the General Rules. This includes the use of names that are hateful, defamatory, racist, ethnically offensive, obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit, or any other language that is offensive in nature.


You may not use names that are harassing or defamatory to other players or employees of EA, BioWare or LucasArts, e.g. EASUX, Timsretarded, and Biowaresux.


You may not use names of any EA, BioWare, or LucasArts employee or service related to Star Wars: The Old Republic.


You may not use names of copyrighted or trademarked characters, materials or products, e.g. Coca-Cola or Dr. Pepper.


You may not use names from popular culture or media, e.g. Lady Gaga or George Lucas.


You may not use names that are religiously or historically significant, e.g. Jesus, Winston Churchill.


You may not use proper names of areas within Star Wars for character names. Guild names, however, MAY use the proper names of specific areas to help promote role-playing and realm pride, e.g. Defenders of Tython or Protectors of Hutta.


You may not use proper names of non-player characters within Star Wars: The Old Republic, e.g. Darth Malgus, Satele Shan, Yoda, Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker.


You may not use names containing titles or ranks within them, e.g. General Supertrooper, Captain Tim, Darth Timmy, Knight Wakey.


You may not use names that refer to drugs or that are drug related.


You may not use names that contain an inappropriate phrase, sentence or any fragment of a sentence or Leet speak, e.g. uberhaxer, xxspeederxx, lolface, rofl, Noobwhacker, TimmyF**k, kock, fuk.

You may not use misspellings or alternative spellings of names that violate any of the above rules, e.g. Hamsolo, Yooda, DorthVader.


You may not use gibberish names when creating character, e.g. ajsdu, rifndsw, qweszs.


If you violate any part of the above Naming Policy you will either be assigned a new name, or given the option of changing the name. In addition to this, your account could incur a penalty up to and including account closure.

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This post make me laugh...I think there are other things to complain about other then someone's name on a MMO. Seriously coming to complain about something like this is complaining that someone named their child ESPN, who cares it their toon let them name it how they please. It just shows you people will complain about anything.
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this is the only way i can complain enough about the stupid names i've seen on this mmo when it doesn't relate to this mmo is not funny at all next to those norris jokes it is just plain stupid


Pro-tip: Take your shoe off, take the sock off, and shove it in your mouth.


You keep going on and on about "your problem" when in fact you have 2 options.


Report it if its really offensive like "If***yomommalastnight - The Oh-yeah! Legacy".


Second is...get over it. You are not entitled to complain about someone else's name, because it clearly states on every server on the server select screen "There are no rules against naming" so long as its not offensive and in fact there is probably more action taken against disruptive behavior then a name.


BW already stated they do not care if its some funny name and its not immersive breaking because for me I hate every damn star wars name since I can't pronoune them from NPC. Also do you really think Luke, Han, and Leia are origional? No, they are not since Luke is from the Bible, Han is european, and Leia is pretty much Leila, Lelia, Leina...which women are actually named after. Chewbacca probably came from some guy trying to tell someone why they can't understand what he is saying so the guy mutters something about "Chewing Tobacco" and Mr. Lucas though it was cool to take -ing and To- off along with the ending o substituting an a. Yes, Chewie isn't that origional plus he is the most terrible character ever written - 7 foot shaggy dog that growls and at least John Candy did a better impression.

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This post make me laugh...I think there are other things to complain about other then someone's name on a MMO. Seriously coming to complain about something like this is complaining that someone named their child ESPN, who cares it their toon let them name it how they please. It just shows you people will complain about anything.


One players name issue is another's wrong-bought item issue. Laugh as much as you will, it is still an issue for many many players and the reports will keep coming. The Rules of Conduct exists for a reason.

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To complain about someone's name that you might see on a planet for 2 secs isn't worth a ticket or anything. It creates issues that the dev team doesn't even need to address. Oh no someones name is Bob that isn't from Star Wars BAN THEM!!!!! Just seems to be people crying over split milk.
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To complain about someone's name that you might see on a planet for 2 secs isn't worth a ticket or anything. It creates issues that the dev team doesn't even need to address. Oh no someones name is Bob that isn't from Star Wars BAN THEM!!!!! Just seems to be people crying over split milk.


They address anything that violates the Rules of Conduct. If you feel it is silly or unnecessary, you are very much free to do so.

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You may not use names that contain an inappropriate phrase, sentence or any fragment of a sentence or Leet speak, e.g. uberhaxer, xxspeederxx, lolface, rofl, Noobwhacker, TimmyF**k, kock, fuk.


There is nothing in that rule that says you must have an RP-friendly or Sci-fi style name. While I could not name my character Noobwhacker I can name myself: Flapjack, Typewriter, Horseshoes or Lipstick.


The OP's complaint, which I don't agree with, is that player should be forced to have a name that matches what billketch thinks evokes a Star Wars feeling. At the moment there is no rule against names that are not Star Wars.... which is as it should be.

Edited by Darth_Slaine
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As long as it doesn't go against the naming policy what someone names their character is their decision.


Just because someone names their character something you may not particulary care for isn't something you can change.


And because someone names their character a name that fits in the naming policy but yet you perceive as a non SW name cannot effect you or break your roleplay immersion unless you let it.


You don't have to roleplay with them so the name doesnt effect you unless you let it.


I play on a roleplay server along with my guild and rarely unless I see a name I know is aganist the policy have I reported it.


You are not allowed to use star wars characters from the movies, books so those are against the rules bw has set forth.


Why let someone's name break your immersion into your roleplay. You don't like it then move on and roleplay with someone else that fits what you are looking for.


A name is just that unless it is offensive or against the policy there is no reason to make sure a big deal about it especially if you are not roleplaying with them. Ignore them and go on with you activities.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Shouldn't matter, anyone who role plays would ignore people with stupid *** names like that. Don't need moderation unless it is offensive. People on role playing servers laugh and shun the stupid. Or if they don't they should shun the guy named spider man from their guild, I know I would.
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There are certain names that should indeed not be allowed and should get reported. I mean, I'd hate to run into Hitler the Imp Ops. On Roleplay server even more then on the normal ones..


But yeah, some names are just way way to far out there. Biggest thing is, the more languages you know (6 and counting now) the more you run into names you "KNOW" are far to offensive but won't get forcibly changed as the mods don't get the neaming as it's not in their own language.


As an example : "Prostitute Yourmother".... Oke, it wasn't in English but it was still just as offensive to people that actualy spoke the language it was in...


The example is in no way a referrence to any players, alive or dead, playing this game :)



Good point, but I've found if I explain the meaning of the name in the report it sometimes helps. I think it all depends on how lazy CS is really.

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Shouldn't matter, anyone who role plays would ignore people with stupid *** names like that. Don't need moderation unless it is offensive. People on role playing servers laugh and shun the stupid. Or if they don't they should shun the guy named spider man from their guild, I know I would.



If on an RP server the guild I'm in would allow someone named Spiderman in the guild I'd shun the guild. And though I may shun stupid names, if I find their name unacceptable according to the policies I report them first.


As a general comment, I think the OP is simply looking for stricter naming rules. I can't say as I agree with the entire position he or she is taking, but there is no excuse for some of the petty belittling some of you are dishing out. Everyone, whether you agree with them or not, is entitled to an opinion, but no one is entitled to be a dick. Being a dick is a choice. If you can't post a mature response do the RP forum a favor and don't post.

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you should have blocked every non sw name that is not related to this mmo and be more strict.on it. And put moderators on the rp realms/servers as well i'm tired of seeing non rp names on this mmo. that is not related to the starwars universe etc.


I get what you mean, and he is correct: there should be naming conventions on the RP servers. He's not saying only names from the films should be used, rather names which reflect a player's thought into their character.


Hebrewhammer is not a name I should see on an RP server, nor is:


  • Orly
  • Yarly
  • RUserious
  • Darth Stewie
  • Baconator
  • UltraMarine
  • ihavesocks
  • etc.


Or guilds like Your Companion. Their guild name appears in braces as <Your Companion>. Cute, but not appropriate for an RP server.

Edited by TheGreatNeechi
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i hate seeing names like kirk


That's not really a big deal. After all, there are 3 central characters that have real-world names - Luke, Leia, and Lando (short for Orlando, if you didn't know). 4, if you count Obi-Wan's alias of "Ben". Plus there's Luke's Uncle Owen. That's just off the top of my head, and just from the movies. There's a lot more when you get into the expanded universe.


I do agree with you on names like Spider-Man, though. Show some originality, folks!

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  • 3 weeks later...
names from other mmo's or comic book's that does not cordinate with this mmorpg should be blocked and removed simple as that


"Hi, Customer Service? Yes, I'd like to report an inappropriate, non-SW, non-Rp name please? Yes, well, see...it's actually your fault. Your whole 'Legacy System' that, at the moment, does absolutely nothing but force all of your characters on a server to be related, regardless of race, affiliation, or maybe some attempt at having an RP backstory? Oh, plus the fact that the Legacy System is the ONLY way to give any of your characters a last name, since a space is apparently considered a 'special' character by the name handler.


I'm sorry? Why, yes, yes, I'm quite serious. It destroys my immersion to have my Twi'lek sharing a surname with my fullblooded Sith. For the love of Luke, they don't even speak the same LANGUAGE!"


For real.


Now, a little more seriously- I'm one of the first to complain about people rolling on an RP server and then running around like idiots with names like Barney_mustdie or whatever. And yes, I would like, on the RP servers at least, to see this sort of thing moderated a bit better. There are also IP issues- another MMO I play in fact gives people hassles for naming their chars anything remotely LIKE a character that might maybe be someone else's intellectual property, even if the name in question is a historical one, or a common word. You can't even use a specific word for a chess move, in a name or in text, because it HAPPENS to be used as a character's name in a completely different context in another IP.




I'm reallllllly not convinced that outside of these parameters, anyone in the player base is qualified to say what is and isn't an 'appropriate' SW name. the restrictions mentioned above in another game get ridiculous there, and would get ridiculous here.


If I am a human trooper, and my name is Kirk Legume, are you going to report me if I use the title "Captain", which is granted to me by progressing in the story? Because I am now "Captain Kirk Legume"?


Still >.>. .<.<


I DO understand the nerdrage.

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