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Bio-Ware DRopping the ball with Changes.


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Bio-ware you are dropping the ball hard with the bio chem nerf, there is no need for a nerf to the stims it's just plain stupid.


Any mmorpg has percs for you taking a profession to make your dps better. You shouldnt nerf the stims to the group becuase of all the stupid forum QQ. You should buff the rest of the professions to make them give buffs for PVP and Raiding instead of nerfing an amazing profession to ****.


It was bad enough you made biochem amazing and all the other ones suck, nerfing things to the ground will be the death of this game.

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Any mmorpg has percs for you taking a profession to make your dps better.


No, they don't. Only one I've seen that does is WoW. And *I* would argue it's a bad/stupid mechanic as it destroys the point of tradeskills, which is selling things for cash. Much smaller profits when there is far more competition, and far less customers, which is what happens when you make having a tradeskill mandatory.

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We know that a lot of players are eager to talk about the changes to Crew Skills, especially Biochem. Since there is already a conversation in another thread, we encourage you to post your thoughts here:


Crafting Profession Changes in Patch 1.1.2


We will be closing this thread now. Thank you for your help in keeping our forums a little better organized.

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