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922k healing and 3 medals, plz add a 600k and 900k medal


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Actually it takes far less skill to get to 900K healign then you think. All you need is good gear, and enaugh people taking AE damage that are standing in your AE heal.... this is the reason why 99% of those screenshots are from voidstar. Don´t get me wrong 900K healing is good, but nothing you can do without the right circimstances. 500K healing in huttball is usually far mor impressive then 800K+ in voidstar.


What's your point exactly??


In voidstar, people are clumped up around small area way more often than in other warzones which results in people doing more damage/healing.


Not a rocket science really and has nothing to do with the topic.

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ROFL life-tapping in a corner and healing yourself gets you ~300k if you are geared, are you new to the game?


How do you know that?


Let's do the math, shall we? :D Assuming a HoT ticking away for 900 for the entire match, which is 15 minutes, giving you (15 * 60) / 1.5 worth of gcd:s. That's 600 of them, making a net-total of 540k healing if utilized 100%, so let's make it an even 500k.


Add to that two life taps, followed by a healing spell, we are using up 4.5sec with an additional 1.5sec being used every 10th gcd to refresh the HoT, meaning that every rotation uses 4,65sec (calculating for that 10th gcd being used).


Let's assume nothing ever crits, and you only heal for 3k each time, that gives us 600 / 4.65 number of casts. 129 casts, give or take. That's 387k worth of healing. Leaving us with a total of 887k worth of healing.


Assuming 30% crit and 70% surge, you'll get a 0.3 * 0.7 = 0.21 = 21% increase in the total healing done (on average), resulting in ... 1073.27k healed. What do you know - it's around your ballpark. :)


Please note I'm not saying you stood there life-tapping away. I'm just saying it's perfectly doable.

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please do the other things that get you medals. Pressing three buttons and targeting your own faction isn't skillful.


Because hitting 3 buttons to dps while someone else has your back is hard.


OP, you are better off just dpsing and heal yourself only. You will be happier for it.

Edited by Amiracle
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Because hitting 3 buttons to dps while someone else has your back is hard.


OP, you are better off just dpsing and heal yourself only. You will be happier for it.


3 button dpser you mentioned is probably getting healed all the time and pretending that it's not happening and that he is solo killing people.

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Actually it takes far less skill to get to 900K healign then you think. All you need is good gear, and enaugh people taking AE damage that are standing in your AE heal.... this is the reason why 99% of those screenshots are from voidstar. Don´t get me wrong 900K healing is good, but nothing you can do without the right circimstances. 500K healing in huttball is usually far mor impressive then 800K+ in voidstar.


This is true to a point, people are grouped at the doors which makes it easier for AE heals/dps, a mediocre sage can usually get over 500k but if its what the situation calls for then thats what im going to do, I was by no means "meter padding" It was just more effective and efficient to heal with AE, I can break 500k on huttball or civil war easy but those fights dont call for it, huttball is about team play and passing so is it really impressive to do 500k healing there? no, its impressive when you assist or score 3+ times. I didnt create this topic to flash my healing or brag, I did it to let people know sages/sorcs are reaching this level of play and basically getting just a pat on the back.


Is a player better that abandons the war game mechanics to go get a solo kill, spam taunt, find the exp buff to life-tap and heal yourself for 5k medal? In my downtime I may do these things if the opposition has no chance of victory but in this wz and plenty others like it, it was most effective to just go balls to the wall healing for my team.

Edited by Zanistir
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75k you call respectable damage... just lol. It's way more efficient for him to save a life of DPSer who can pull off 400k+ damage.


Were did I say that 75 is respectable? And how much damage does a DD loose in the offense if he dies and imediately runs back? Or do you think the DD does those 400K in the few seconds it takes to run back?


You don´t let anyone die because you can, but as soon as you have to upper close to a door you have to start dealing damage to kill everyone as fast as possible to actually have a chance to place a bomb. If you keep healing till the defense respawns you do it wrong.

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Were did I say that 75 is respectable? And how much damage does a DD loose in the offense if he dies and imediately runs back? Or do you think the DD does those 400K in the few seconds it takes to run back?


You don´t let anyone die because you can, but as soon as you have to upper close to a door you have to start dealing damage to kill everyone as fast as possible to actually have a chance to place a bomb. If you keep healing till the defense respawns you do it wrong.


It's actually more than a "few seconds" in voidstar but whatever. Keep it going how healer should rock 1k damage spells instead of healing a damage dealer who has 5k damage spells.

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Not to sound conceded but 900k isnt peanuts, it takes alot more than shielding and keeping salvation on cd, if you played a sage youd know, 600k is good for voidstar, 900k means you are maxing your class.


900k means nobody attacked the healer and you was the only healer.


Great healing and hats off to you for it. I do hope they add a few more medals for healers as they are very important.

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It's actually more than a "few seconds" in voidstar but whatever. Keep it going how healer should rock 1k damage spells instead of healing a damage dealer who has 5k damage spells.


It's all about the situation. Healing isn't the magical solution to every problem. If you need to dish out some damage to win a fight, that's what you do, or you might be stuck in that fight forever.


I've seen long, dragged out, Alderaan-mid fights because both sides had far too much healing going on. No one died, but no one could slice the turret either. That is when you roll up your sleeve as a healer and start bringing the "hurt"!

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Exactly... Either choose to get medals (being versatile) or choose to only do one thing.


It doesn't take that much time away from healing if you tab, hit an aoe on a bunch of players, retarget who you are healing.


That is right... what I am saying is if you want medals, you need to do some more damage.


10 kills

25 kills

75k damage

death blow


these are pretty easy to get, even for healers. I realize everyone has a soft spot for healers, I do too... Just telling you guys what to do in order to obtain more medals, since no one else is helping.

*********** retarded that you have to do that. Unbelievably retarded.



You heal at x efficiency, you dps at y efficiency. Your dps teammate heals at y efficiency, and he dpss at x efficiency.




There should never, ever, ever, ever, EVER be a reason that you should have to dps, or that he should have to heal, given the above is the case. It rewards people for doing the WRONG thing.

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medals are badly designed. A sage/sorc dps can get 10+ medals just by healing 75k and getting 5k crit heal. Imagine what they'd get if shield gave protection like some said.



He is right.


I tried all kinds of specs from full heal, full damge, hybrid damgage, hybdrid damge heal and I stuck with 23 heal 18 madness because imo it is the most flexible spec and I mostly do pickup groups.


I always (unless it is a very fast 6-0 in a hutball game) get the following medalls:

2,5 K heal

5 K heal

75 K damage

75 K heal

2,5 hit

Quick Draw

10 kills


This is 7 I get every time.


Usually I also get

25 kills

solo kill

300K damage or heal (depending on how the game goes)


This is 10 most of the time


And sometimes also

Defender (depends on warzone and role I am playing)


I guess it helps that I already have 5 pieces of battlemaster gear but anyways sorcerer that play their class flexible have absolutely no reason to complain about medals.

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People keep saying he should DPS to get more, this is missing the point.


I shouldn't have to do two different roles, to get nearly as many medals as soneone that does one role.


If I'm pugging, then I will go all out for medals, get 300k healing then stop, and focus on damage until im 25 kills/75k damage etc. this massively lets the team down and hinders pugs. Players should be rewarded for playing well, (objectives, doing their job etc...) rather than just DPSing everything.

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Exactly... Either choose to get medals (being versatile) or choose to only do one thing.


It doesn't take that much time away from healing if you tab, hit an aoe on a bunch of players, retarget who you are healing.


That is right... what I am saying is if you want medals, you need to do some more damage.


10 kills

25 kills

75k damage

death blow


these are pretty easy to get, even for healers. I realize everyone has a soft spot for healers, I do too... Just telling you guys what to do in order to obtain more medals, since no one else is helping.


This is the sort of staggering brilliance that convinced me to never play a healer again. Your argument is to ignore the fact that the healer's job is to heal and instead selfishly farm medals, i.e. not be a team player. Well thought out.

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Because hitting 3 buttons to dps while someone else has your back is hard.


OP, you are better off just dpsing and heal yourself only. You will be happier for it.


What you talking about, they probably have a merc so only need one button.

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I dont see any negatives to adding a 600k and 900k healing medal tbh, if you are getting that high you probably arent getting the solo kill/10 kills/75k damage and some others. If you purely healed, which actually is very good for defending nodes on civil war and voidstar, youd get the 2.5/5k heal, 75k, 300k, 600k and 900k. Thats 6 medals and you are following the warzone mechanics and immensely helping your team. Adversely you have vangaurds with 12 medals that cant be found because they are in a corner farming a solo kill letting their team down or other classes typing to me in ops chat not to heal them so they can get their 2.5k heal off while we are defending a node or running with the huttball... Edited by Zanistir
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This is the sort of staggering brilliance that convinced me to never play a healer again. Your argument is to ignore the fact that the healer's job is to heal and instead selfishly farm medals, i.e. not be a team player. Well thought out.


So a tank should only guard and taunt?


Use all your tools. You get the 10 kills for just using your stun 10 time in a BG and guess what: A stunned player does no damage -> no need to heal so while he is stunned you can as well DPS him.


There might be games where you have absolutely no time doing anything else but healing but those games are not very common. I usually watch the healthbars of the people around me, heal those that are dropping fast and then swith to damage -> dead enemies do no damage so less need to heal. I do not intentually let people around me die and my priority is healing but those of you that say that they can do nothing else but heal are either: Not very good in judging the situation and trying to keep everyone at 100% all the time or VERY unlucky with the their teams.


Do you actually think it is better to heal the players attacking the ball carrier then CCing the healer healing him or doing damage to him? Always keep an open mind a judge the situation and you will have no reason to complain about medals.


If you just watch the healthbars and nothing else it is your problem, not the problem of the game.

Edited by Telurian
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