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922k healing and 3 medals, plz add a 600k and 900k medal


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The simple fact you healed 900k damage means you were dropping your AoE heal, alot. And then spamming heals on very unfocused DPS. I had no trouble getting 650k healing, 100k damage done, and 8 medals, doing the same thing you did.


The difference however, is I was trying to win, where you were just trying to be a high number.


I normally don't respond to these style of bad players, but in your case, I will make an obvious exception. Yes, you healed alot. Congrats, NOBODY was attacking you. If we fall into our zero force heal rotation + AoE, I am sure each of us could heal that same ammount


Oh, and this is as a PvE spec healer. None of this crap hybrid stuff


You're bashing him for dropping his aoe heal in voidstar where it's A M A Z I N G?


As a commando healer I've had voidstar matches with 700k+


Generally speaking any time you break 400k as a healer it means there's a LOT of healing to be done and you're much better off healing in those circumstances than dpsing. The only time I'll dps in a match like that is when people are clumped for my mortar volley.

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You're bashing him for dropping his aoe heal in voidstar where it's A M A Z I N G?


As a commando healer I've had voidstar matches with 700k+


Generally speaking any time you break 400k as a healer it means there's a LOT of healing to be done and you're much better off healing in those circumstances than dpsing. The only time I'll dps in a match like that is when people are clumped for my mortar volley.


No, what I am bashing him for is throwing a fit for only healing 900k when he had plenty of time to drop a single Overload(or rebel equivilant), Channeled AOE damage for a SINGLE tick to tag every killmail. A shock/Interupt to stop someone from casting or a quick help on bursting people down.


The simple fact you see doing a mortal volley on grouped hostiles means your a better healer than him odds are, since your helping your team in several ways

Edited by Pheniox
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No, what I am bashing him for is throwing a fit for only healing 900k when he had plenty of time to drop a single Overload(or rebel equivilant), Channeled AOE damage for a SINGLE tick to tag every killmail. A shock/Interupt to stop someone from casting or a quick help on bursting people down.


The simple fact you see doing a mortal volley on grouped hostiles means your a better healer than him odds are, since your helping your team in several ways


A full heal spec'd sorc doesn't have anything like my mortar volley. And honestly if he did 900k healing I doubt he had time to dps. I've had similar matches but mortar volley+relic+adrenal is a ton of damage so it's still worth doing. Force storm isn't worth letting someone die to use(unless it stops caps).


I've definitely adjusted my play style for medals. Is it stupid? Yes. I dislike that I waste my talents by DPSing but so be it. He makes a good point that healers should have an extra couple of medals and the kill medals should be automatic.

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People are setting their sites to low. I think they should come up with a number of what they consider to be impressive and give something special for it.


Like maybe for 1 mil heals you get a BM token or possibly something better. Of course before they did something like that they would have to eliminate all of the numbers exploiting somehow. Like standing in acid and healing yourself, lifetap and healing yourself or healing yourself out of combat with consumables.


By adding incentives for doing extraordinary things you could add an extra tier of gear or at least a way to get more epic items than just grinding for them. Which is really the big problem with progressing through PvP gear. They would constanly have to be on top of this though to make sure that the feats are actually extraordinary and to eliminate exploiting. So its probably not realistic.

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People are setting their sites to low. I think they should come up with a number of what they consider to be impressive and give something special for it.


Like maybe for 1 mil heals you get a BM token or possibly something better. Of course before they did something like that they would have to eliminate all of the numbers exploiting somehow. Like standing in acid and healing yourself, lifetap and healing yourself or healing yourself out of combat with consumables.


By adding incentives for doing extraordinary things you could add an extra tier of gear or at least a way to get more epic items than just grinding for them. Which is really the big problem with progressing through PvP gear. They would constanly have to be on top of this though to make sure that the feats are actually extraordinary and to eliminate exploiting. So its probably not realistic.


Your ideas would give no reward for playing objectives.


And it's impossible for a sorc to hit 1mil healing via acid or life-tapping. Neither does enough damage.

Edited by Jooji
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People are setting their sites to low. I think they should come up with a number of what they consider to be impressive and give something special for it.


Like maybe for 1 mil heals you get a BM token or possibly something better. Of course before they did something like that they would have to eliminate all of the numbers exploiting somehow. Like standing in acid and healing yourself, lifetap and healing yourself or healing yourself out of combat with consumables.


By adding incentives for doing extraordinary things you could add an extra tier of gear or at least a way to get more epic items than just grinding for them. Which is really the big problem with progressing through PvP gear. They would constanly have to be on top of this though to make sure that the feats are actually extraordinary and to eliminate exploiting. So its probably not realistic.


Figure your healing yourself at a rate of 450 hps on average for most healers.(and ohgod is that a high number).


Figure roughly 60 seconds in a minute.

Figure 15~ minutes per warzone.

Thats 900 seconds

900 * 450 = 405000

Figure your instantly taking 450 dps and never interupted, but able to heal the whole time

Figure you don't get interupted the WHOLE time your healing

Figure you don't go out of healing resources/force/heat.


Grats, you healed 405000. Thats it. While still a respectable number, its not the impressive number, or even high score. Its a baseline that many geared healers use. If I don't break at least 400k in most games, I don't feel I did my job as a healbot

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Your ideas would give no reward for playing objectives.


And it's impossible for a sorc to hit 1mil healing via acid or life-tapping. Neither does enough damage.


I wasnt really trying to be very specific. It was just an idea I wasnt really trying to give any concrete achievements or determine what the real exploits would be.


The way the game records objective points is very stupid so you could actually take my idea and make 1 of these achievments have something to do with objectives also, but before they do that they should really fix how they determine objective points.


My main point was that there should be some type of reward progression that has something to do with ability rather than grinding. This was an idea on how to do that without an arena or some type of competitive matching making PvP.


I think that an extra medal or two is trivial personally. If I have a game where I play amazing I would like a real reward. Maybe thats just me.

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I wasnt really trying to be very specific. It was just an idea I wasnt really trying to give any concrete achievements or determine what the real exploits would be.


The way the game records objective points is very stupid so you could actually take my idea and make 1 of these achievments have something to do with objectives also, but before they do that they should really fix how they determine objective points.


My main point was that there should be some type of reward progression that has something to do with ability rather than grinding. This was an idea on how to do that without an arena or some type of competitive matching making PvP.


I think that an extra medal or two is trivial personally. If I have a game where I play amazing I would like a real reward. Maybe thats just me.


If they balanced medals and/or gave more progressive medals the reward would be there. I see where you're coming from though. I had a 300k dmg/400k healing game yesterday and only had 8 medals.

Edited by Jooji
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dont get mad that Im doing something youll never, I literally did not have a free gcd to go out of my way and get more medals because it was an intense game and I was the only healer, at least im going for the warzone win and not just life-tapping in a corner to get my medals.


The 600k and 900k medals will help alot or even changing the shielding to protection pts as suggested earlier


Lol people who say dont get mad are mad. And no ones gonna give you medals bc who gives a crap about healers? You belong in dungeons not in my pvp. What matters is a the 500k dmg medal i am owed

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If they balanced medals and/or gave more progressive medals the reward would be there. I see where you're coming from though. I had a 300k dmg/400k healing game yesterday and only had 8 medals.


I use to medal farm, because it gave me something to shoot for, I think its boring now though. I would much rather just play to beat people and having been over 60 for a while I realize that the extra valor from a medal or two isnt really that significant. Also since medals arent an indivation of skill or ability I couldnt care less about them.

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realistically your healed through over half of their teams entire damage output... and your team had some beastly damage dealers...


My question: how the hell did your team lose? really?


They lost because it was a draw. Idk how win/loss is determined in a draw but I think it's just random.

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Yeah straight healing sucks for medals but my tank buddy guarding me had 4 within the first few seconds of a good fight and can finish with 10. I go a hybrid to start getting more but that just means the group loses out on potential heals cus i wants my medals too. Mo Medal Mo Valor Edited by reianime
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The warzones are team games. They should take all the medals and split them across the entire team. There are very few instances where someone is not trying and how do you know if the guy that doesn't have great numbers actually contributed to the win more than the guy that fired off his lightning non stop at the tank and ran up 500k in damage.


The more you reward individuals, the more you encourage people to be selfish.

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The simple fact you healed 900k damage means you were dropping your AoE heal, alot. And then spamming heals on very unfocused DPS. I had no trouble getting 650k healing, 100k damage done, and 8 medals, doing the same thing you did.


The difference however, is I was trying to win, where you were just trying to be a high number.


I normally don't respond to these style of bad players, but in your case, I will make an obvious exception. Yes, you healed alot. Congrats, NOBODY was attacking you. If we fall into our zero force heal rotation + AoE, I am sure each of us could heal that same ammount


Oh, and this is as a PvE spec healer. None of this crap hybrid stuff. I was also locking down(or attempting to at least) the rebel healer who also broke 600k healing that match


lol your stats are very mediocre for a sage/sorc on voidstar, but kudos on almost knowing what you are talking about

Edited by Zanistir
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The most disturbing thing about this is definitely that no other healing class except for sage/sorcerer can come close to this amount of healing done. When they can, sure add more medals.


I agree. When healers are on par (just different styles), we could look into this medals thing.

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if they made the absorb shields count towards protection rather than healing you would have probably got 3 more medals at least easy.


but i agree they need more rewards for healers cause really healers should be rewarded.


That would be totally fair to all the Operative healers. Ohh wait, the pvp consists of 90% sorcs anyway, lulz.

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