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922k healing and 3 medals, plz add a 600k and 900k medal


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I am Jedi Sage Seer Jayess from Infinite Empire, basically full champ set w/ maxed biochem. If I can do it I wanna be rewarded for it, especially since it was such an intense game I couldnt go for any other medals.




please do the other things that get you medals. Pressing three buttons and targeting your own faction isn't skillful.

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please do the other things that get you medals. Pressing three buttons and targeting your own faction isn't skillful.


If you looked at the SS you might see he was the only healer... i.e. he was doing what his team needed him to do. They lost, but still.

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dont get mad that Im doing something youll never, I literally did not have a free gcd to go out of my way and get more medals because it was an intense game and I was the only healer, at least im going for the warzone win and not just life-tapping in a corner to get my medals.


The 600k and 900k medals will help alot or even changing the shielding to protection pts as suggested earlier

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if they made the absorb shields count towards protection rather than healing you would have probably got 3 more medals at least easy.


but i agree they need more rewards for healers cause really healers should be rewarded.


lol cast a shield on 3 ppl in a cluster fight and get 10k in one life.

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If you looked at the SS you might see he was the only healer... i.e. he was doing what his team needed him to do. They lost, but still.


Exactly... Either choose to get medals (being versatile) or choose to only do one thing.


It doesn't take that much time away from healing if you tab, hit an aoe on a bunch of players, retarget who you are healing.


That is right... what I am saying is if you want medals, you need to do some more damage.


10 kills

25 kills

75k damage

death blow


these are pretty easy to get, even for healers. I realize everyone has a soft spot for healers, I do too... Just telling you guys what to do in order to obtain more medals, since no one else is helping.

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I maybe be worng, BUT according to this screenshot (5 kills\200 objectives and the whole opposite team even hardly doing over 1mil damage while scoring 20-25 kills) this guy only doing is life tap - self heal in a corner, for the whole WZ duration, still hard to understand why he is not kicked as an useless afk bot and why he demand more medals for doing NOTHING in WZ like this? :)
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id love to just go for medals as im still pushing battlemaster, but like I said this was an intense game with my RL friends and I really just wanted the win, me dpsing wouldnt have gotten it done (even though we lost anyways) o well, i guess im just butthurt about not getting a ton of medals.
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I maybe be worng, BUT according to this screenshot (5 kills\200 objectives and the whole opposite team even hardly doing over 1mil damage while scoring 20-25 kills) this guy only doing is life tap - self heal in a corner, for the whole WZ duration, still hard to understand why he is not kicked as an useless afk bot and why he demand more medals for doing NOTHING in WZ like this? :)


i like u

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If a healer is using a gcd to dps they're not using it to heal. The medal system needs to be reworked to reward people for doing their job. Could healers tab around and spam weaken mind to get more medals? Yes. Is that really what I want my healers to be worried with? No.
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Exactly... Either choose to get medals (being versatile) or choose to only do one thing.


It doesn't take that much time away from healing if you tab, hit an aoe on a bunch of players, retarget who you are healing.


That is right... what I am saying is if you want medals, you need to do some more damage.


10 kills

25 kills

75k damage

death blow


these are pretty easy to get, even for healers. I realize everyone has a soft spot for healers, I do too... Just telling you guys what to do in order to obtain more medals, since no one else is helping.


tbh, it's kind of unfair that most defensive medals are earned relatively passively (you do it through guard, and using taunt and aoe taunt when up), basically meaning you can dedicate about 80% of your time or more to dps and still reach the 4 medals, whereas healers can get at most 4, and often have to dedicate 90%+ of their time to just healing.

Edited by Adzzy
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I maybe be worng, BUT according to this screenshot (5 kills\200 objectives and the whole opposite team even hardly doing over 1mil damage while scoring 20-25 kills) this guy only doing is life tap - self heal in a corner, for the whole WZ duration, still hard to understand why he is not kicked as an useless afk bot and why he demand more medals for doing NOTHING in WZ like this? :)


ROFL life-tapping in a corner and healing yourself gets you ~300k if you are geared, are you new to the game?

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tbh, it's kind of unfair that most defensive medals are earned relatively passively (you do it through guard, and using taunt and aoe taunt when on cd), basically meaning you can dedicated about 80% of your time or more to dps and still reach the 4 medals, whereas healers can get at most 4, and often have to dedicate 90%+ of their time to just healing.


Actually, I use my 30% damage decrease taunts on my vanguard quite a bit... I have gotten 50k in a warzone, just using them without putting anyone in guard. But that is just me, I like making things easier on my team mates and being v-e-r-s-a-t-i-l-e.


I also like taking out healers with a 1k+dot, delayed 1k, 5k, 3k, 5k, 2k, 5k(with any luck) in about 5 seconds...

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Actually, I use my 30% damage decrease taunts on my vanguard quite a bit... I have gotten 50k in a warzone, just using them without putting anyone in guard. But that is just me, I like making things easier on my team mates and being v-e-r-s-a-t-i-l-e.


I also like taking out healers with a 1k+dot, delayed 1k, 5k, 3k, 5k, 2k, 5k(with any luck) in about 5 seconds...


i can do the same thing on my powertech, it's just that it requires so little of my active time to get those medals, as compared to a healer that needs to have their head buried in heal spam.

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Have you people lost your minds? The man does 900k healing. NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND! Do you realize how much healing that is? His power levels are over 9000. When I check stats after a game and see someone with 500k healing done I think "nice, a healer played great!" But 900k?! Thats more than just playing well. That is, like he says, healing on every single GCD and not missing a beat. I tip my hat to you sir.


Also, I have a question: What do you find to be the most effective way to target allies in a WZ? I find my operation frames are usually bugged and not everyone is on there effectively making them worthless.


And by the way, the most likely reason that there is no 600k and 900k healing medal is because it probably never occurred to developers that people would heal for that much in a single WZ.

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I am Jedi Sage Seer Jayess from Infinite Empire, basically full champ set w/ maxed biochem. If I can do it I wanna be rewarded for it, especially since it was such an intense game I couldnt go for any other medals.





Actually you doing only healing might have been the reason your team lost. Doing only healing in defense is OK bit in offense a good sage knows that it is far more important to kill the defense fast then to keep everyone on your side alive. I always laugh when I am outnumbered 2 to 1 by a healer and any other class and the healer just heals... guess what I will heal myself and you will never cap anything (and this happens quite often). Even with only 10 points in a damage tree you can do respectable damage. Not breaking 75K damage and getting at least 10 kills is your fault and nothing else.

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Also, I have a question: What do you find to be the most effective way to target allies in a WZ? I find my operation frames are usually bugged and not everyone is on there effectively making them worthless..


Yeah I just use the ops frame, they seemed to have fixed the issue where 1 person doesnt show up, and occasionally it happens and ill have to physically click on that guys char model to heal him or just make sure he is in the splash healing

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Actually you doing only healing might have been the reason your team lost. Doing only healing in defense is OK bit in offense a good sage knows that it is far more important to kill the defense fast then to keep everyone on your side alive. I always laugh when I am outnumbered 2 to 1 by a healer and any other class and the healer just heals... guess what I will heal myself and you will never cap anything (and this happens quite often). Even with only 10 points in a damage tree you can do respectable damage. Not breaking 75K damage and getting at least 10 kills is your fault and nothing else.


75k you call respectable damage... just lol. It's way more efficient for him to save a life of DPSer who can pull off 400k+ damage.

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Have you people lost your minds? The man does 900k healing. NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND! Do you realize how much healing that is? His power levels are over 9000. When I check stats after a game and see someone with 500k healing done I think "nice, a healer played great!" But 900k?! Thats more than just playing well. That is, like he says, healing on every single GCD and not missing a beat. I tip my hat to you sir.


Also, I have a question: What do you find to be the most effective way to target allies in a WZ? I find my operation frames are usually bugged and not everyone is on there effectively making them worthless.


And by the way, the most likely reason that there is no 600k and 900k healing medal is because it probably never occurred to developers that people would heal for that much in a single WZ.


Actually it takes far less skill to get to 900K healign then you think. All you need is good gear, and enaugh people taking AE damage that are standing in your AE heal.... this is the reason why 99% of those screenshots are from voidstar. Don´t get me wrong 900K healing is good, but nothing you can do without the right circimstances. 500K healing in huttball is usually far mor impressive then 800K+ in voidstar.

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