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Is your main lvl 50 yet?


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Main has been 50 for quite some time.... Have a couple others im working on as well...


So really if your main isnt 50 yet, dont worry, really at this point your not missing out, just go at your own pace, there truely is no rush.

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No because I found out at level 39 I needed to grind Valor to rank 40 to be somewhat on par with current 50's in pvp. If not for this I would have been 50 by now and infact im dreading hitting 50 as I am behind on ranks and do not think I will make it to 40 in time.
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Mine is not and I feel kinda inferior and noob because im not 50 yet, im not playing too much , a few hours everyday (2-3) .


Should I feel like this? My main is 38 , is your main lvl 50?


Well, from where I sit you are doing great! I play 'many' hours a day, on and off while I also work, and I'm only 41.


No reason to feel 'inferior' if you are having fun. :o

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Mine is not and I feel kinda inferior and noob because im not 50 yet, im not playing too much , a few hours everyday (2-3) .


Should I feel like this? My main is 38 , is your main lvl 50?


I have a char that is lvl 50 and im loving the storylines so much im now making another one and so far at lvl 24. For how you feel then i believe you are wrong. there is absolutly nothing wrong with taking your time and enjoying the game.


No game should ever take over your life so much that all you do is spend every spare second on the game. It is to easy to burn yourself out aiming to just play endgame but endgame isnt the only thing in an mmo but so many people have such a a feeling that they have to be at endgame to enjoy it when that isnt true and 9/10 times you will find people that do that end up coming on these forums screaming how there is nothing todo.


So aslong as you are enjoying yourself it dont matter if you get to lvl 50 be it today or next year. you pay your subs and you enjoy the game the way you enjoy it and dont let anyone or any thing you feel like you should be doing change how you play the game and how YOU enjoy it.

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I have a char that is lvl 50 and im loving the storylines so much im now making another one and so far at lvl 24. For how you feel then i believe you are wrong. there is absolutly nothing wrong with taking your time and enjoying the game.


No game should ever take over your life so much that all you do is spend every spare second on the game. It is to easy to burn yourself out aiming to just play endgame but endgame isnt the only thing in an mmo but so many people have such a a feeling that they have to be at endgame to enjoy it when that isnt true and 9/10 times you will find people that do that end up coming on these forums screaming how there is nothing todo.


So aslong as you are enjoying yourself it dont matter if you get to lvl 50 be it today or next year. you pay your subs and you enjoy the game the way you enjoy it and dont let anyone or any thing you feel like you should be doing change how you play the game and how YOU enjoy it.


Well said. And love your sig too, Blackadder is one of the best comedies I've seen :D

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