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Feels like day 3 roaming the streets looking to buy crack


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This is becoming foolish now, launch for this game will be remembered for this **** and posting dates of when someone entered there code's, it's now past annoying for people who are still locked out.


I'm glad people started posting dates, before they did that we had *no* idea when we would get in, at least now we have a rough estimate. It's nice even though everyone is angry and turning on each other at least they banded together for one thing. EA/Bioware really dropped the PR ball with this 'email once you actually have access instead just telling you beforehand' thing.

Edited by Jessabeans
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People here have a rightr to air their views, but what can be said about a staggered release for EGA is that it allows everyone to be spread out failry and keeps people from all piling up at one area.


The SWTOR staggered release though was not so good as they didnt make the staggered release happen every 90-120 minutes for 24 hours till everyone got access. This would have been a fairer and faster approach inmy opinion.


sorry for thosde waiting till tomorrow i know how you all feel, i can tell you though that as soon as you wake up tomorrow all that pain will go away because you will know for sure that today you can play :)


I should get access today after what I saw earlier from a dev post. I havent been feeling like i did yesterday which was not a good feel, like that xmas eve feeling you got as a kid

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This is becoming foolish now, launch for this game will be remembered for this **** and posting dates of when someone entered there code's, it's now past annoying for people who are still locked out.


you should of went to your crack dealer a couple months earlier. besides launch is on dec 20th.

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