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Buff to lightning tree


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In order for auto crit abilities to scale with crit, why not have them convert crit rating to surge at a reduced rate? Will still allow them to scale with the stat without having it be 200% dmg or some such nonsense.


I suppose but that seems over complicated. Just buff the base damage.

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That is the dumbest thing I have ever read. How is it that you think making lightning strike, an ability with no cooldown, instant cast will not increase damage? Couple that with Subversion and you have people running around 100% of the time spamming Lightning Strike and never going OOF.


Because Sorcerer already has better powers that will also be instant cast with wrath proc. Lightning strike is seriously meh in terms of damage. If youre charging lightning strike as part of your attack chain youre doing it wrong.


I also think the final tier attacks should be buffed to make people even consider going full on a single tree instead of the hybrid spec.

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I honestly think if you changed Conduction to something that provides a very significant boost to Force Storm, on par with the way Creeping Death buffs Death Field, a deep Lightning build would be viable.


If that change occurred, Force Storm would be a useful spell. With Force Storm being useful, it can be used to proc Lightning Storm for instacast CL. The force cost is negated by Lightning Effusion. You'd basically replace Death Field with Force Storm and Wrath would be replaced by Lightning Storm, with the trade being that you use an AoE to proc instead of ST force lightning but LS only works on CL as opposed to Wrath working on everything.


Would be a potentially valid build, assuming Conduction got that change. As it is, it's pretty much worthless, and it's high enough in the tree that giving it this change would not be OP because you can't hybrid with it.

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Lightning needs two fixes:

1. Thundering blast should NOT be autocrit. Instead, it should have a much, much higher base damage. (Being auto crit basically means all of the stats you put into crit mean nothing for this ability. Bad.)

2. Lightning strike should benefit from reverberating force.


Done, thats it. Makes it a viable crit monkey PvE turret, as it was meant to be.


Why fix it only for PvE when it can easily be fixed for PvP as well? Maybe we should fix it for PvP and don't worry about it's PvE ramifications. I think we can all agree it was intended to be the burst spec for the Sorc/Sages, but they way you choose to play the game shouldn't get a preference over the way another person chooses to play. This game has two very viable end game routes and both should accounted for in any changes.

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Why fix it only for PvE when it can easily be fixed for PvP as well? Maybe we should fix it for PvP and don't worry about it's PvE ramifications. I think we can all agree it was intended to be the burst spec for the Sorc/Sages, but they way you choose to play the game shouldn't get a preference over the way another person chooses to play. This game has two very viable end game routes and both should accounted for in any changes.


A fair point, but I think its alot harder to make Lightning a "great" PvP spec. Madness is so great because there are so many instants. Even on FL, which is channeled, the first tick is instant.


Perhaps if they buf lightning enough so it does more damage than madness when the caster is left alone, but madness does more when on the run or being molested, lightning will be "viable" for PvP. Madness/hybrid will, imo, probably still be the spec of choice for hard core pvpers though.

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A fair point, but I think its alot harder to make Lightning a "great" PvP spec. Madness is so great because there are so many instants. Even on FL, which is channeled, the first tick is instant.


Perhaps if they buf lightning enough so it does more damage than madness when the caster is left alone, but madness does more when on the run or being molested, lightning will be "viable" for PvP. Madness/hybrid will, imo, probably still be the spec of choice for hard core pvpers though.


There are plenty of way to make a spec that relies on casting better. The sniper is basically a hard hitting casting spec. It has the same issues of LoS, Interrupts, Mobility as a Sorc. It is compensated for it's lack of mobility by very high burst and it's not interruptable from cover. It's just a question of Risk v. Reward. The Lightning Sorc is along the same path. Currently though the risks just outweigh any potential rewards too much. They can increase the reward end (aka high burst) or decrease the risk end (less hard casting).

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There are plenty of way to make a spec that relies on casting better. The sniper is basically a hard hitting casting spec. It has the same issues of LoS, Interrupts, Mobility as a Sorc. It is compensated for it's lack of mobility by very high burst and it's not interruptable from cover. It's just a question of Risk v. Reward. The Lightning Sorc is along the same path. Currently though the risks just outweigh any potential rewards too much. They can increase the reward end (aka high burst) or decrease the risk end (less hard casting).


Well I think what I described was a high burst spec. I just called it "crit monkey."

So if you think that makes a good PvP spec as well, then, yes, we are in agreement.

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Lightning does need a bit more dmg. Some passive or active armor penetration would go a long way - somewhere in mid-upper tiers of tree.


Or make TB place a debuff on target or a buff on you which buffs your Lightning strike dmg up to 100%? So you are rewarded not only for hardcasting a 2s spell which does internal dmg, but also buffs / setups your rest of damage abilities.


Also Polarity Shift could become a 1 min cd with 30s duration (or keep duration to 20s). Or keep it 2 mins, but buff alacrity to 50% bonus so it becomes a burst CD.


Some other good ideas in the thread, could someone try to consolidate them and make a nice formated post for devs? Cheers!

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