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Light vs. Dark side and being a "good" bounty hunter


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I am going lightside on my Bounty Hunter as well and I look at this way.


I think of my self as a vigilante out in the world to bring justice to bad guys. Someone people can look to and hire when the Imperial justice system has failed them. Someone who will bring justice down upon those who have evaded the capture or death for their crimes.


I will happily screw over my employer if he chooses to hire me to kill someone innocent. I will take his credits and let the innocent man/women go and if I can I will bring my employer to justice myself. This is my reputation in the galaxy.


Me an Mako we are like the two brothers in Boondock Saints. Two people who got fed up with the criminals and bad guys and decided to do something about it, except we get paid to do it. We do offer freebies at times depends on the story :)


Funny thing is most of the dialogue so far in game seems to support an approach like this.

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How very Malcolm Reynolds of you.


Being a Light-Side Bounty Hunter plays JUST like that actually.



Well, no. It really plays like crazy crossover Firefly/Starwars fanfic with Kaylee as an Asian cyborg love interest.


But you get my point. Hell, even the damn ship feels reminiscent of Serenity in places.

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Im also playing as a light side Bounty Hunter, but only so much as far as the story takes me.


My take on the character is that he is looking to increase his reputation, and works for the Empire to gain clearance to planets controlled by the Empire. He believes the Empire will bring order into a chaotic galaxy, until he realizes what the Empire is really up to.


He then decides to kill as many Sith as he can (possibly gaining dark side points for doing so), and help as many people as he can (possibly gaining light side points), but not without blowing his cover as a mercenary, or else he too will be food for the Sith.


Why he doesnt join the Republic? He thinks an Empire is needed to control the galaxy and through order will come peace, even at the expense of some liberties and principles he is willing to gave up, but he believes the Empire doesnt need Siths and removing them will bring peace to the Empire.

Edited by luchiferchuga
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Thanks again! I started off being the mean and touch Bounty Hunter... and I know it's silly and that it's only a game, but after a while the "dark" choices started to drag on me and I started going with what I (as a person, not as my BH) would pick. I am not +1 light, almost to +2, lol. But I have some dark points from my earlier choices.


I guess it goes where it goes and maybe I am screw up as a Bounty Hunter--but you know what, I am still getting paid! lol

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The only DS points I have are from Diplomacy (ie: didn't want to wait for those damn medical supplies...). Never chose a DS response. To me it actually is more in line with a real BH -- being sadisctic and reckless killing everything can limit your career moves later on down the road. I'm not touchy feely for the most part, I care about money and rep.


Do the job, do it right -- don't have to kill everyone in the fight.

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When I have been playing my Bounty Hunter, I'm playing him as sticking to the original contract I was given. It seems that it leads me down the dark path more than anything with a few times I have to pick the light side option.


It just doesn't seem right to really play a good Bounty Hunter. You're really a gun for hire to kill people. What's good about that?

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I'm having this same "problem" as well. I don't want to be one side or the other, just make my decisions on the fly, based on what my character would do in that situation. I've had to give in and go dark side for now though Mako hates me for it :mad:


Mako dosent make sense, she likes the bountys, but she dosent like getting her hands dirty, she is really annoying.

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Mako dosent make sense, she likes the bountys, but she dosent like getting her hands dirty, she is really annoying.


She's gotten mad at me a few times for taking the light side. But I really don't care. I get enough + 15s with her for random stuff that a -1 here and there doesn't matter. Shes a nice companion and all, but what I really want/need is a tank (I am leveling as a healer).

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She's gotten mad at me a few times for taking the light side. But I really don't care. I get enough + 15s with her for random stuff that a -1 here and there doesn't matter. Shes a nice companion and all, but what I really want/need is a tank (I am leveling as a healer).


tell me about it,I most definitely need a tank or dps companion

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I wanted to do the job whether it was good or light side, and not shed blood unless it is necessary to get the job done. This leads to a neutral character. I found a way to get late game full dark/full light. However you still can't get light/dark while leveling, but that isn't the end of the world. Remember that you get light/dark side points for flashpoints, and they are repeatable. When you hit the endgame you can start choosing all light/all dark options in flashpoints, and then the next time you do it pick the same. Eventually you will be able to go through the game as neutral and still use light or dark side gear in end game.
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I look at it in terms of efficiency and credits. If I can satisfy the customer by letting a guy go, then I feel I am good with the contract. I am not an empire fanboi either, in fact I am trnding light right now and leaving a trail of satisfied customers in my past. I guess if you wanted to for the old guys here, I would be Chaotic Neutral!


At level 31 I am Light II

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I like Darkside.


Somebody talking down to me, telling me they aren't going to give up the info unless I do such and such for them? Ah hell no! How I bought I beat your *** and you give me the info, and then I beat you again for good measure.


Thats how a Bounty Hunter does it!

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I'm in total agreement with most I make choices based on what I would do in those situations. This has led me to be just under light 3 at lvl 32 but I'm ok with that. I find that occasionally I make dark side choices but only when I feel that it was warranted. If this makes me a bad bounty hunter so be it but I really enjoy how my character is developing and will continue to play this way through all content.
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I play with my rl best friend, i am going light, he is going dark. he's a power tech, i am a merc. When we come to decisions light or dark but i feel the "dark" answer is correct, I'll just let it time out while he picks it. So he gets the hit and we see it go that way and I don't take any dark hits (but we can farm instances for rep). Thats how we got through it.
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I turned off the option of showing light/dark side alignment on responses and merely respond and do what my character would do on each individual decision and situation.


It's a lot of fun and is surprising at times to see what will happen because what you migth consider would be the 'bad' dark sided thing to do turns around to give light side points.


I am almost level 40 on my BH now and he is almost up to light 3 by chance.


Doesn't mean he's all happy go lucky. He's beaten people to get the info he's wanted and killed people. Makes for a more interesting experience.

Edited by Wind_Chaser
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  • 1 month later...
Honestly, I think that the light side decisions are much more rewarding. There is a mission to get the recommendation from Nem'ro the Hutt, where you need to kill his enemy's accountant. If you choose the light side decision he crashes Nem'ro's enemy's bank accounts. From doing this, Nem'ro gives you more money in return. I think that the light side, dark side decisions for Bounty Hunter/Smuggler classes are stupid. I also think the idea of basing your side on whether you did the job or not is stupid too. I think that it should be based on whether or not your contractor THINKS you did the job. The only three people who know what you did on the mission are you, your companion, and the person your hunting. That's it. Whether you did the job the right way or not, it's a matter of personal morale. Not public opinion. As long as people THINK you did the job, you did. I do good deeds because that's what I would actually do in these situations. Remember, Bounty Hunters hunt money, not people. The other reason is because of Mako. I worked REALLY hard doing all the stuff I had to do to get her to like me. Bottom line, I'm getting my works worth, if you know what I mean. I like the Bounty Hunter class, but it still needs work.
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Many BH's run into the same issues. Myself included. I think it's one of the things that make this game really fun.


As far as companions, yes your choices affect them. Mako generally prefers light sided choices. But, you can buy their affections.


It's a frustration to me, without a lot of up-side. Part of me just wants to enjoy the game and let chat/decisions go by as whatever I chose in the moment. The other part of me is annoyed that if I don't choose the "right" decision, I create future grinding in order to max my character with my choice of light or dark.


I want to be free to go light or dark without impacting how fast I gain favor with my companions. The two goals often work against each other - you make a decision that you know will give you the dark or light favor you want but sacrifice companion favor or vsv.


Anyways, minor frustration with the design. It's 1 of the limitless ways they've figured out to keep my *** glued to the chair playing star wars a few more hours.

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My Bounty Hunter is Level 24 and last time I checked had 1700 DS and 1700 LS points. I'm not really that concerned about the lack of Neutral gear, it'll come.


I've just made all my choices by deciding that she gets the job done. If they want someone dead, then they're dead. If they want them alive, so much the better. A mark is no longer a person, they are an acquisition. Other than that though, she's more or less easy going and nice and doesn't kill people she doesn't need to. The only people that die are the ones that she's been paid to kill, or that seriously try to hinder her goals.


Mako seems to love me -- lots of asking for money and reminding people I'm not Imperial. And she's not against all the DS choices either. There's a quest on Balmorra where an Imperial Officer's wife has been messing around on him and you have to go confront the bartender. The job wants the bartender killed, so I killed him. DS points and +15 Mako affection.


The most annoying part is the default dialogue for non BH specific quests, as keeping to this 'do what you're paid to do' often ends up with the BH spouting out 'For the Empire' nonsense.


EG: The quest on Drummon Kaas to poison the water supply with the painful toxin is the job as written. The other guy wants it switched to a less painful, more lethal toxin to put the revolt down quickly. I declined this even though it's the better option for putting down a revolt -- it's not what I am being paid to do. But by declining my BH said 'I want to show these people what happens when they disobey the Empire!' ... lol, no, that's not why I'm saying this.


So by being nice but sticking to my contracts as written I seem to have Mako liking me and am quite firmly neutral, which is fine by me. I'm leveling as a healer though so I probably won't be sticking with Mako unfortunately.

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