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Marauder gear is FUGLY


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If I had known the kind of gear we were getting I would have rolled body type 3






just sayin =)


got to agree here, we are a MEDIUM armor class yet our gear is full out robo-cop style.


not to mention EVERY enhancement for Rakatta has accuracy on it, we do not need that much accuracy on the gear. There needs to be a way to make the gear worth having without having to downgrade stats. As it is i have said to the other SW in my raid that he can have all the pieces first for armor i'll take the weapons and then afterwards i will just poach mods out of the gear. Marauder set bonus suck like a new hoover, so bad that they are not worth having, the only reason you get the gear is because of the non removable stats.



I know they are supposedly "fixing" that later. But this crap of having all that decent looking modable gear in the game just for it to be worthless at endgame was beyond stupid. I would honestly rather them make it all commondation based and let you buy the enhancements and mods from a vendor like every planet instead of the crappy stated gear.

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One thing I always, always wish for in these games is to be able to craft my own personal style. I want to have my own palette of colors, to choose from a series of outfits on each area of my body, patterns for the clothes and whatnot. Just tons of options. I know these are tough to program sometimes, but a good character visual is important to a lot of players. The ability to express your own sense of style and appearance is helpful for creating a sense of belonging. By the definition of the way these games work you're already cloned into a relatively small number of ability configurations, providing a sense of persona helps alleviate the sense of 'sameness' that can pervade the game. If they wanted to make certain appearance items, styles and patterns only obtainable through questing, PvP rewards, ops and flashpoints that would be fine. Hell, another reason to play all modes of the game.
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No, marauder gear (which is basically just warrior gear, remember that) is not fugly. The pvp gear is okay, although the chest is rather poorly designed. the pve gear is fantastic looking.


you become cyborg death machines. huge metal spine on your back, cords and cybernetics and robotics everywhere. completely awesome.

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One thing I always, always wish for in these games is to be able to craft my own personal style. I want to have my own palette of colors, to choose from a series of outfits on each area of my body, patterns for the clothes and whatnot. Just tons of options. I know these are tough to program sometimes, but a good character visual is important to a lot of players. The ability to express your own sense of style and appearance is helpful for creating a sense of belonging. By the definition of the way these games work you're already cloned into a relatively small number of ability configurations, providing a sense of persona helps alleviate the sense of 'sameness' that can pervade the game. If they wanted to make certain appearance items, styles and patterns only obtainable through questing, PvP rewards, ops and flashpoints that would be fine. Hell, another reason to play all modes of the game.


I think the marauder armor is pretty cool, I hate the inquisitor Armor. I changed from using inquisitor assassin to marauder just cuz i think you look like a stupid clown, with a dress and a light saber. The marauder gear is actually really awesome looking.


As far as the individuality idea goes I agree 1000% It sucks that there's actually freaking mod-able gear available in a game but we are all forced to use the same damn gear at 50 just ruin's it really


I doubt bioware will even see this post though. I'm sure these opinions are getting spat into there faces all the time literally in there daily lives I just hope they soak it all in

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I doubt bioware will even see this post though. I'm sure these opinions are getting spat into there faces all the time literally in there daily lives I just hope they soak it all in


Really? How about you read the development tracker instead of raging like a little brat? Then you'd have seen that all purple endgame gear will be fully modable / all the mods will be removable, and on top of that we will be able to transfer set bonuses to gear of our choice.

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If I had known the kind of gear we were getting I would have rolled body type 3






just sayin =)


In my opinion medium armor gear is full-blown fashion compared to light armor endgame gear..


Really? How about you read the development tracker instead of raging like a little brat? Then you'd have seen that all purple endgame gear will be fully modable / all the mods will be removable, and on top of that we will be able to transfer set bonuses to gear of our choice.


Purple endgame gear isnt fully moddable, it only has 2 slots so you cant remove the armoring.


The difference is not big, but it is a difference. Im losing out on roughly 10 willpower per piece for using an orange gear instead of columni one myself atm.

Edited by Karkais
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Really? How about you read the development tracker instead of raging like a little brat? Then you'd have seen that all purple endgame gear will be fully modable / all the mods will be removable, and on top of that we will be able to transfer set bonuses to gear of our choice.


That's nice, until you realize that close to everyone will be wearing the black talon chest because that's the only decent marauder medium armor chestpiece.

Edited by Shikiru
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Yeah, its a cryin' shame. We have super fugly armor.


The PvP set is growing on me though I used to dislike it, and like all other marauders, I am now pushing to get a Xenotech... we're all gonna look the same, but at least we look like Sith for cryin out loud.


Its especially sad because the mod system SHOULD allow us all kinds of variety, items aren't locked to a level. And they've said that an update is coming so that you can mod high level gear.


EVERY marauder will wear the following: [black Talon Marauder's Tunic] -> [Marauder's Vest] -> [Xenotech Weaponmaster's Vest]


I switched to the Darth Vader armor for awhile, but it didn't seem appropriate to my character.


This is unacceptable. Almost every Marauder I see in PvP, even at level 40+, is wearing the Black Talon Marauder's Tunic. Even then, your choices are between the Marauder's Tunic (which is Red) and the Black Talon (which is purple with white trim). There's a nice model/skin out there for a proper BLACK robe with red trim, but the only one in medium isn't mod-able, so you can only wear it during your 20s. Meanwhile, the Juggernaut, yet again, gets everything. They get a black robe with red trim early on that is mod-able. And that look (a simple light robe hoodie) isn't appropriate for the Juggernaut at all. Some of the robes are a robe over armor, and I can accept that, but this one has no armor and should either be medium or light armor, not heavy!


Otherwise, you can look like a psychopathic robocop. If you like that, I'm glad, but I think that fits the JUGGERNAUT more than the marauder.


MOST of our gear makes us look like Emperor's Guard (The guys in Red). This seems to be the look they've chosen for Mara, and it seems highly inappropriate. Those guys weren't sith, didn't have lightsabers, and they were GUARDS, I.E. TANKS, I.E. that should be HEAVY armor, and all the robes that Juggs get that are currently heavy should REALLY be medium.


I'd be fine if Juggernauts got access to the vader look with the cape, and we didn't, but we got lots of robes.


But for some reason, its the other way around!!! Juggernauts get access to everything, tons of variety (They can do robes, robocop, emperor's guard, or vader looks) and we're stuck with just the robocop. (and Xenotech).

Edited by miliways
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Have you seen Bounty Hunter Battlemaster gear?




Now -THAT- is fugly gear.


Have you seen Jedi Guardian Battlemaster gear?




They went way overboard with the level 50 sets, they're super gaudy. Maybe the artist working on endgame armor thought that level 50 was some epic level nobody would get to for a long time? Seems he didn't understand MMOs. Everybody being forced to wear the same armor, which is the worst look in the game, is ridiculous.


Luckily, they've said that even high level armor is going to be mod-able soon in a patch, and we'll have a way to move the set bonus even!


So, when that comes out, everybody can go back to their leveling armor.


Jedi Guardian gets arguably the best armor in the game (pre 50). The brown robe over armor look the guy on the game box has is amazing, very iconic, and aesthetically pleasing.


So when that happens, JG will be able to pull out the high level mods, and put them in whatever they'd like.



But Marauders will still have only 3 armor pieces that look right to the class to pick from.


We shouldn't have to level all the way to 50 to look decent, and we should have more variety to pick from.



The biggest problem isn't that we don't have enough options; its that the armor choices we do have aren't appropriate at all. They look like what a Juggernaut should be wearing. And anything that should be for marauder is Heavy only. Its backwards, if anything.

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Agreed. I think most classes are in this boat to an extent, but Marauders definitely are one of the classes that have it the worst. I mean, when I play my Jedi Guardian, I don't have many options for gear, but at least he looks like a frickin' Jedi. My Marauder looks like an Imperial Agent with lightsabers, because all the Marauder looks suck.
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Have you seen Jedi Guardian Battlemaster gear?




They went way overboard with the level 50 sets, they're super gaudy. Maybe the artist working on endgame armor thought that level 50 was some epic level nobody would get to for a long time? Seems he didn't understand MMOs. Everybody being forced to wear the same armor, which is the worst look in the game, is ridiculous.


Luckily, they've said that even high level armor is going to be mod-able soon in a patch, and we'll have a way to move the set bonus even!


So, when that comes out, everybody can go back to their leveling armor.


Jedi Guardian gets arguably the best armor in the game (pre 50). The brown robe over armor look the guy on the game box has is amazing, very iconic, and aesthetically pleasing.


So when that happens, JG will be able to pull out the high level mods, and put them in whatever they'd like.



But Marauders will still have only 3 armor pieces that look right to the class to pick from.


We shouldn't have to level all the way to 50 to look decent, and we should have more variety to pick from.



The biggest problem isn't that we don't have enough options; its that the armor choices we do have aren't appropriate at all. They look like what a Juggernaut should be wearing. And anything that should be for marauder is Heavy only. Its backwards, if anything.


Didn't Marauders wear Heavy Armor until the last few rounds of Beta? Would make sense why our selection is so poor.


The Battlemaster set is the only one I really like. The spikes are pretty cool to me.

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Didn't Marauders wear Heavy Armor until the last few rounds of Beta? Would make sense why our selection is so poor.


The Battlemaster set is the only one I really like. The spikes are pretty cool to me.


I keep getting conflicting reports. Some people say we could wear heavy at first, others say it was just that more armor was medium that is now heavy. I don't know. At the time that I got in beta, we didn't have heavy.


I'm starting to think we should. No other class splits armor type based on AC.


Both BH get heavy. Both Agents get medium. Both SI get light.


So why not both SW get heavy?


We still couldn't tank without guard and taunt and tanking talents, so it wouldn't suddenly be broken.


And then we'd have access to things like the light side / dark side vendors, which for some reason FORGOT ABOUT US.

Edited by miliways
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I keep getting conflicting reports. Some people say we could wear heavy at first, others say it was just that more armor was medium that is now heavy. I don't know.


At the time that I got in beta, we didn't have heavy.


I'm starting to think we should. No other class splits armor type based on AC.


Both BH get heavy. Both OPS get medium. Both SI get light.


So why not both SW get heavy?


We still couldn't tank without guard and taunt and tanking talents, so it wouldn't suddenly be broken.


And then we'd have access to things like the light side / dark side vendors, which for some reason FORGOT ABOUT US.


I think the bigger problem would be - what do they do with all the Medium Armor we're already wearing, or that they've spent time "designing" (lol).


I'd sooner prefer they just change Defensive Forms to also give increased Armor (similar to Assassin's Dark Charge or Shadow's Combat Technique). Maybe not 150% like the others, but somewhere between our current number and the amount DPS Juggs are rocking.


There's just no way, in my opinion, that they'd completely remove the Medium Strength armor from the game.

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you can make a pretty cool looking smuggler-ish marauder with the orange medium gear that was designed for IA... :)


agree that it sucks we get no hoods... can't wait for the fully modable gear update so I can hit that cross-faction GTN and look like a dark jedi.

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Not only have they been lazy making 3 different colour sets for each tier which to me is damn lazy. The pvp Lightsaber hilts are the same as PVE now that pisses me off since i don't want to look similar to the pvpers. I really hope they start introducing different visuals for each tier peice not the same **** reskinned...
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you can make a pretty cool looking smuggler-ish marauder with the orange medium gear that was designed for IA... :)


agree that it sucks we get no hoods... can't wait for the fully modable gear update so I can hit that cross-faction GTN and look like a dark jedi.


Two things. One, yeah, lots of us are resorting to IA gear. It looks okay, you can get a black trenchcoat, but it doesn't feel sith. It feels imperial. Which is good, it means the artists did a good job on the models.


I am just wondering why, since there are plenty of good marauder models, they're all heavy armor? Its not an art problem, its an itemization problem.



Also, sorry to burst your bubble, but I've heard that if you get sentinel gear over the GTN it turns into marauder gear IE the hood goes away and robes turn into robot armor. Yeah.. Let that sink in.

Edited by miliways
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No, marauder gear (which is basically just warrior gear, remember that) is not fugly. The pvp gear is okay, although the chest is rather poorly designed. the pve gear is fantastic looking.


you become cyborg death machines. huge metal spine on your back, cords and cybernetics and robotics everywhere. completely awesome.


According to the sith progression vid, what you describe is juggernaut gear...

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I keep getting conflicting reports. Some people say we could wear heavy at first, others say it was just that more armor was medium that is now heavy. I don't know. At the time that I got in beta, we didn't have heavy.


I'm starting to think we should. No other class splits armor type based on AC.


Both BH get heavy. Both Agents get medium. Both SI get light.


So why not both SW get heavy?


We still couldn't tank without guard and taunt and tanking talents, so it wouldn't suddenly be broken.


And then we'd have access to things like the light side / dark side vendors, which for some reason FORGOT ABOUT US.


It would be nice to go back to Heavy Armor, then my skinny *** little char wouldnt look like such a weenie lol

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you can make a pretty cool looking smuggler-ish marauder with the orange medium gear that was designed for IA... :)


agree that it sucks we get no hoods... can't wait for the fully modable gear update so I can hit that cross-faction GTN and look like a dark jedi.



Won't work. The Jedi stuff turns into steel bikinis and imperial guard outfits when equipped on a marauder. I made a smuggler and leveled her up to 10 just to check out what was available on the republic GTN and it was all the same pieces that I despise (I don't want to play a stripper with a backpack and I don't like the way the capes look nor do I want a giant sharkfin on top of my head) just that they became hooded robes when I modeled them on the smuggler.


I'm wearing a cape now and hating it because I got lucky and picked up champion legs out of a bag and they look so awful that I needed the cape and funky thing that hangs in the front of the imperial guard chest piece just to hide as much of them as possible.

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