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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold


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Hmm lets see, Warhammer Online just over 3 years old, lost most of it subscriber base in a couple of months, nearly half of their subscriber base in the first month, a MYTHIC ENTERTAINMENT MMO, yet it is not Free To Play. Yet you think that this game will go Free to Play in 12 months?


Fixed that for you.

Edited by Tortoises
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What facts would they be then?


Not any other than those reported by EA - who have a very strong vested interest in keeping their shareholders quiet.


Still - you know best.


I'll be back when it's F2P....in about 12 months.




oh also, lol at the graph. It justs a graph with absolutley nothing to show what backs it up. So lets see, either believe something that is stated in an Investor conference call, which is bound by law with consequences for lying, or believe a graph that shows nothing about how it got its information.

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Hmm lets see, Warhammer Online just over 3 years old, lost most of it subscriber base in a couple of months, nearly half of their subscriber base in the first month, an EA/Bioware MMO, yet it is not Free To Play. Yet you think that this game will go Free to Play in 12 months?


If you believe his sig, then he's paid up to April 20th and yet still says that he's not going to be playing. 4 months total? That means he must have bought an additional 3 month sub either without info (which is bad) or worse--WITH some info.


If he paid that much upfront and then stopped playing so fast, then I don't think I'd put much stock in his powers of prognostication.

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/facepalm, watch the video again, he uses NCsoft and Blizzard in his examples for costs.


/facepalm no amount of youtube videos made by a person talking is going to undo over 5 years worth of company costs listed for investors.


if you think they cooked the books for that long and listed company costs incorrectly without being caught, and on top of it to hurt their own profit margins, let me tell you about some wonderful beach front property for sale in Colorado.


Hey, I heard it on the internet, it must be true!


I'll be back when it's F2P....in about 12 months.


Not going to happen. Worst case I forsee is that this game loses half its playerbase by then and ONLY if Bioware cannot create new content fast enough and add the things the game is missing...and even then it will have more than enough players to get profitable and stay that way for a long time.

Edited by gregordunbar
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What facts would they be then?


Not any other than those reported by EA - who have a very strong vested interest in keeping their shareholders quiet.


Still - you know best.


I'll be back when it's F2P....in about 12 months.




I really wish people would stop referencing these charts. Read the fracking FAQ about it.


They take the server status list, assign numbers from 5-0 to the "population" status which ranges from Full to Offline. And then they add those humbers up. THAT IS ALL IT IS.


It only shows relative server load. Many servers were rated as Full with queues in the first few weeks but they slowly increased the pop caps which lowered the server status.

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Hmm lets see, Warhammer Online just over 3 years old, lost most of it subscriber base in a couple of months, nearly half of their subscriber base in the first month, an EA/Bioware MMO, yet it is not Free To Play. Yet you think that this game will go Free to Play in 12 months?


Don't listen to this tool...Scritty simply delights in spreading misinformation in order to try and put people of enjoying the game.


He makes wild claims like Metacritic is the industry standard review site for the gaming industry....and mmojunkies really DO factor in server cap increases, even though they dont know what the increase is by way of hard data....


Check back in this thread for some of his/her very best pearls of wisdom...


They are just getting really desperate now to point to any sign of this games failure...I feel sorry for them I really do.


I think THE most sad and desperate clutch for straws however was the guy earlier in this threads that was claiming Xfire was the industry standard and recognised way of ascertaining active player numbers in any game and pointed to a massive downward trend in the xfire graphs....just lawl.....:)



Edited by ImperialSun
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/facepalm no amount of youtube videos made by a person talking is going to undo over 5 years worth of company costs listed for investors.


if you think they cooked the books for that long and listed company costs incorrectly without being caught, and on top of it to hurt their own profit margins, let me tell you about some wonderful beach front property for sale in Colorado.


Hey, I heard it on the internet, it must be true!


he shows the actual reports in the video. So try again.




Oh hey, look the same exact number as he shows in his video

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What facts would they be then?


Not any other than those reported by EA - who have a very strong vested interest in keeping their shareholders quiet.


Still - you know best.


I'll be back when it's F2P....in about 12 months.




Still waving the "EA's willing to lie to it's investors and thus break the law" flag I see. I doubt there are many that take you seriously at this point.

Edited by Runeshard
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Still waving the "EA's willing to lie to it's investors and thus break the law" flag


It would be better if Blizzard left Activision and joined EA.


It might make the gaming market one sided though since Activision has a bunch of really crappy titles and I think Blizzard is the only thing they have going for them.

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to all you tools telling about GW2 and "innovation" i will say this: B00bs are one of the oldest things on Earth and still makes a lot of success :cool:


Ah yes, the innovation...like replacing the trinity (Tank / Healer / DPS) with....just another type of trinity (Damage / Defense / Support) or whatever they have tweaked and renamed them as....innovation indeed.


Or how about the fac that in GW they have innovative dodging mechanics...yes because I have never played an MMORPG where I have had to move out out the way myself??


Like I said innovation indeed...makes me laugh the same whiners who come on here and flame people for buying into this game.....also buy into the marketing crap for GW2 lock, stcok and barrel..



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to all you tools telling about GW2 and "innovation" i will say this: B00bs are one of the oldest things on Earth and still makes a lot of success :cool:


Not sure what this has anything to do with the subject at hand. The video I was posted I was only talking about the first 2.5 minutes specifically stating the costs of running an MMO. Nothing about the the innovation that GW2 may or may not have. /shrug

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The problem with that line of reasoning is this: eventually--and likely not far off--spinning numbers will catch up to you. The financial statements will not match the other info you give, and then management/investors will come back and ask what's up and may even perform an audit. At that point you're in for some serious professional trouble--that's the kind of thing that lose people their jobs over.


And when those corrections are made, it can make a not-so-bad situation look much worse than it is simply because the bad news is being compounded.


Companies DO sometimes lie or spin their numbers, but usually only out of need/greed. For example, moving expenses to another year and realizing revenues early in order to hit performance bonuses. The time that misrepresentation is most likely is when you're looking for additional funding and need to sell the idea. That isn't what is happening here. The investment has been made, and will be continued to be made for some time. I don't see what they have to gain by fudging the subs numbers at this point.


They are not spinning any numbers. The numbers they give are correct. Its the way they say the numbers that is deceiving. As of feb 1 they had 1.7 million current subs. The subs included all the players that are allowed to log into the game because they have bought the game and activated it (that is the trial period players that are in their first month of play) and the players that have extended their subs by going over the first month and paying the 15 dollars for the next month.


The thing is that the 1.7 million does not show the players that have cancelled their subs but still have active time remaining. This to me is a large number of players. Thinking probable around 250,000-500,000. I have nothing to prove it but looking at server populations etc.


So of the 1.7 million players that includes the following


1. players who bought the game and are in the first week and may or may not continue playing

2. players that have paid a sub after the first month and have cancelled their accounts and will not be active on mar 1.

3. players that have not cancelled their accounts yet but will and will not have an active acount on mar 1.

4. players that will continue to sub and will have an active account on mar 1.


those 4 types of players are all listed in that 1.7 million players they talk about. All the 1.7 million players are not players that are happy with the game and are continuing to sub.


No one knows what the number of 1,3 and 4 are but Bioware does know what the number of the #2 group is but they did not give that information out but instead included them into the active subs (which they are) only to mislead everyone into thinking that they are actually going to be active on mar 1.


Again no one lied or forged the numbers. They just placed and worded the types of players into catagories that would make the game look better.

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Ah yes, the innovation...like replacing the trinity (Tank / Healer / DPS) with....just another type of trinity (Damage / Defense / Support) or whatever they have tweaked and renamed them as....innovation indeed.


Or how about the fac that in GW they have innovative dodging mechanics...yes because I have never played an MMORPG where I have had to move out out the way myself??


Like I said innovation indeed...makes me laugh the same whiners who come on here and flame people for buying into this game.....also buy into the marketing crap for GW2 lock, stcok and barrel..




I just hope they innovated form GW1 and added jump. :D

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lol, they did. They even added swimming (not to mention character skills are different in under water combat then they are for on land) :D


If swimming doesn't help then nothing will...

Edited by Vlacke
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Heck, for all we know, Bioware may not actually count a sub as cancelled until 30 days after they have actually cancelled.


People, I hope you do realize that companies can use whatever form of numbers crunching they want to make a certain number look good.


If there were actually 1.7 million people subbed to this game, it would be noticeable as walk the planets. They are mostly ghost towns, so take the '1.7 million" with a grain of salt.

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They are not spinning any numbers. The numbers they give are correct. Its the way they say the numbers that is deceiving. As of feb 1 they had 1.7 million current subs. The subs included all the players that are allowed to log into the game because they have bought the game and activated it (that is the trial period players that are in their first month of play) and the players that have extended their subs by going over the first month and paying the 15 dollars for the next month.


The thing is that the 1.7 million does not show the players that have cancelled their subs but still have active time remaining. This to me is a large number of players. Thinking probable around 250,000-500,000. I have nothing to prove it but looking at server populations etc.


So of the 1.7 million players that includes the following


1. players who bought the game and are in the first week and may or may not continue playing

2. players that have paid a sub after the first month and have cancelled their accounts and will not be active on mar 1.

3. players that have not cancelled their accounts yet but will and will not have an active acount on mar 1.

4. players that will continue to sub and will have an active account on mar 1.


those 4 types of players are all listed in that 1.7 million players they talk about. All the 1.7 million players are not players that are happy with the game and are continuing to sub.


No one knows what the number of 1,3 and 4 are but Bioware does know what the number of the #2 group is but they did not give that information out but instead included them into the active subs (which they are) only to mislead everyone into thinking that they are actually going to be active on mar 1.


Again no one lied or forged the numbers. They just placed and worded the types of players into catagories that would make the game look better.


you are just talking about norms here. What you said is not any different then any other MMO, there will always be those 4 groups, its basically a given. here is the thing though, industry standard is 30% drop rate by the end of the first month, they lost about 15%, so they are already doing better then the industry standard, and the investors will like that.


I remember when Bioware stated that that the number of people wanting to sub past the first month was more then they have expected, and people on this very forum was say "Yeah right, you are wrong, it will be lucky to have 500,000" or something like that, and now here we are after the first month and Bioware was right, and the forum people were wrong. Now these forum people are scrambling to make more excuses to show the numbers to be wrong :rolleyes:

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Heck, for all we know, Bioware may not actually count a sub as cancelled until 30 days after they have actually cancelled.


People, I hope you do realize that companies can use whatever form of numbers crunching they want to make a certain number look good.


If there were actually 1.7 million people subbed to this game, it would be noticeable as walk the planets. They are mostly ghost towns, so take the '1.7 million" with a grain of salt.


Caught up to you again Troll, you can be found in various threads repeating your malicious story.

Blizzard forbids you to rest after they heard the news of SWTOR's current success?

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No one knows what the number of 1,3 and 4 are but Bioware does know what the number of the #2 group is but they did not give that information out but instead included them into the active subs (which they are) only to mislead everyone into thinking that they are actually going to be active on mar 1.


And you know for a fact that all of group 2 will not renew their subs by march 1st? Who's doing the misleading now?

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