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To the SW:TOR Community


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Hello to everyone. First off, I'd like to say that I am having a great time playing SWTOR. I have characters on many realms and all of them are lvl 20 and up. I have a level 40 sorcerer on The Harbinger, a lvl 33 jedi guardian and a lvl 20 sage on Elysium, and I have a lvl 27 Maurader on Assassins of Scion. I am an east coast player, (yes I know The Harbinger is a west coast server), but I have a very important question for this community...


Why is it that NO ONE EVER whispers me back when I ask "Can anyone help me with (insert heroic quest name here)?". Same with Flashpoints. While I love the game, It is frustrating to make friends on this game, find a guild of people that will help out with heroic quests and flashpoints, because it seems like everyone just wants to do their own thing...This is not a single player game and most of the time I feel like this is a single player game where its hard to get the community to be friendly and helpful.


If anyone plays on the servers I listed, or if anyone knows of a server where people are constantly doing heroic quests and helping others out, please let me know. And if you are not on the servers I mentioned, put the Multiplayer back in MMORPG. I hope the community for this game can be more involved instead of sitting at the Fleets and on planets where general chat is dead.

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Your best bet is to go to a rest area and hope there would be nice players that would help you. In all honesty, I would help you on your quest if you requested just because I want to, but I don't have characters on the servers you mentioned.


Also, let me clarify that this does not only happen in SWTOR, it also occured to me in most MMOs that I've played (Megaten, Dragonica, etc) and that made me go solo on most of my quest. I personally didn't like it, therefore if someone asks, I'd help out. It made me think that it has nothing to do with the game, it has something to do with the community.

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Yeah, that's my point...lol. The community needs to be more involved. It's sad because I love the game, but its not like playing Mass Effect. I can do everything solo on that game and there is no need for or any way to have another player play with you. This game has that option. Its an MMO. I came from WoW and hated the grinding for gear. This game is less pressure on gearing and more on actually having fun. Sucks when you can't find a group of players to do stuff with on any given day and time. :(
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I know what you mean. But fortunately, I have some friends that play with me. I think it's because people are more focused on building their character than to make friends... but that takes away the community. I play the game because I want to explore the game and meet new people. It's enough for me that I could chat over general chat, but it's a plus for me if I can converse with them off the game (ie. forum).
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I leveled 2 50's without making much contact with the people I came across aside grouping for heroics and getting our objective outta the way.



Very rarely I gained friendships out of that, chances were...they weren't worthy of friendship...usually if a group DOES really well..ideally the right choice is to friend them for future reference. I know I do. Sounds like you need to re-consider where your playing.

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Yeah, I've seen this many people on a planet, but when it comes down to getting people in a group for a heroic group quest or flashpoint, no one responds in chat or in whisper. Very frustrating. :(


Yeah, if no one's responding at all ever, I'd say try finding another server. I know mine's pretty good with groups, I always see people looking for them.

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I know what you mean about getting help. Especially on a smaller server it's a bit hard if you are on one of those. It's nice to have friends if you can make some.


It's the first mmo that I don't have a duo partner to start, can't wait to get me a new female partner, at least she wouldn't leave before we turn in heroic quest to get social points lol.

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Its even high pop servers that I have issues with finding groups and such. Even when there's 50 or more people on a planet. The Harbinger is usually always Heavy...but all the east coast servers are Standard most of the time. Sometimes light. No point in re rolling on a different server where its just "Standard" for the same results...and with west coast server times....I'd be 3 hours ahead so if I would choose to go into end game Ops, I would not be able to because if they raid at 9 pm west coast time...that's 12 pm for me. It's not possible for me to get up at 12 noon and stay up all day then come night time, raid til 2 am. It sucks....the community just needs to get more involved.
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Instead of whispering try gchat. I've never had a problem finding a group when I've wanted, but it can sometimes take up to 30 minutes (and as soon as you get your group then you will see 3 other LFGs for the same quest! D'oh!


(Aside: ShiningRiver, could you please bump your font up a point or two? Its a little hard to read being so small and in that color my eyes kind of blur it all together. Thanks!)

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I always check the LFG tool. Nobody seems to ever use it, but rest assured you'd get a PM from me if I noticed you posted that you were looking for a group for a quest that I was willing and able to do.


Rereading this thread, if there aren't that many people on the server, the LFG tool probably won't help you much.


But two other options are joining the LFG chat channel. Type /cjoin LFG and then you'll be advertise to a broader range.


Also, another option is joining a guild of like minded individuals that play at the same hour as you. Great place to make friends.

Edited by RisCasse
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