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Loot Disputes, Medic vs Gunnery


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Hey folks, just looking for some input after-the-fact. I was in a group earlier today for Colicoid War Games. We had two commandos, one Medic-spec'ed, the other Gunnery. Needless to say, at the end of the run, the two weren't exactly on good terms.


Early in the run, the Gunnery rolled on, and won Medic Soldier's Colicoid Chestplate

55 Aim / 63 End / 18 Crit / 21 Alac


The Medic made a comment along the lines of "Because you're a medic, right?", to which the Gunnery replied that the stats they used were 3/4 the same, and he could just swap the alacrity mod out.


Later, Legionnaire's Colicoid Helmet dropped.

60 Aim / 53 End / 26 Crit / 17 Acc


The Gunnery said the Medic could have it if he wanted, which he did, so the Gunnery passed.


Now, at this point, it seemed to me like each had taken a drop that was better suited for the other spec. Alacrity for the Medic, accuracy for the Gunnery. Not much else was said then. Until after the arena, the following dropped:


Colicoid Battle Cannon

55 Aim / 63 End / 38 Pow / 21 Surge


Resilient Crusader's Colicoid Generator

52 Aim / 46 End / 15 Acc / 41 Pow


The Medic rolled first, needing on both, and the Gunnery followed suit. The Gunnery ended up winning both items, after which the Medic again suggested that the stats on the gun were better suited for a Medic than a Gunnery, to which the Gunnery again replied that the stats were still largely useful for both specs.




Now, it's over and done with, but I'm curious, who was in the right? Granted, it was a pick-up group, and when in such a situation, you should look out for your own interests first, since you can't guarantee you'll see those drops again, nor can you guarantee that the other person would do the same, etc.


That aside, from a purely stats point of view, who should those items have gone to? Assume that they would have been a reasonable upgrade for either player.

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The Medic rolled first, needing on both, and the Gunnery followed suit. The Gunnery ended up winning both items, after which the Medic again suggested that the stats on the gun were better suited for a Medic than a Gunnery, to which the Gunnery again replied that the stats were still largely useful for both specs.

Low level loot drama is funny. Wrong medic is wrong.

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Heh, I figured as much, especially for pre-50 gear (I've had my fair share of endgame experience in other games, and know that some stats are far more crucial at end-game as opposed to leveling, like Accuracy). But I've got a trooper of my own, and, when I get him up to 50, I'd hate to build a bad rep for myself (speaking of PUGs, of course).


It's really hard to say, though, what with all specs of trooper using Aim/End. And that's why I came here, hoping to get clarification, heh.

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While Alacrity isnt a good stat for gunnery in any shape or form, im guessing all pieces that dropped were upgrades for both of them even if they dont switch out mods.

So ofc both should roll on loot that is an upgrade for them..

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Thanks for the replies, folks. It's good to know that, aside from the Alacrity, both specs make good use of all the stats, as I'd thought at first. I know it isn't really a huge deal in leveling, since stuff gets outgrown so quick (especially slotted mods), but again, I'm looking to the future, and hoping not to step on too many toes as I gear up at 50.



As far as trooper-heavy groups go, I don't see it as that big of an issue. There's no guarantee that everyone is going to get loot from a given run--two of us didn't get anything at all (nothing but unanimously greeded items dropped the entire run, aside from the 4 I mentioned). If anything, having the stats be almost identical for differing specs seems to sidestep the entire "That's better for MY spec!" argument, as it gives both specs an equal claim to the gear, and it is left to the dice to decide. None of that "Well sure, the primary stats are good for you, but look at the secondaries!", except for the Alacrity, that is.


Anywho, thanks for the comments, folks. I'll keep it in mind as I'm leveling my own trooper.

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That's what you run into with modable gear. Unless there's a set bonus, then the gear is just for looks. I don't care if the piece is named War Medic, and I'm Gunnery. The generator was DPS spec though, because of the accuracy without a way to change the stats on it. In the end, I wouldn't care because it's leveling gear. I've lost rolls on a Double Bladed lightsaber on my Shadow to people rolling for their companion. It's just not worth the effort to qq about it.
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Don't pug?


Pug but don't group with other commando troopers?


Don't worry about gear you will not have after another 2-3 hours of game play?



Thanks for totally missing the point. Pretty sure I emphasized in the OP, and if I didn't, then I did in later posts, that my concern was for such gear disputes while leveling my own trooper, and especially upon hitting 50, as you do outlevel gear rather quickly in this game.


I also specifically commented on the issue of PUGing, so there's another point docked for you.


Try harder next time.

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Thanks for totally missing the point. Pretty sure I emphasized in the OP, and if I didn't, then I did in later posts, that my concern was for such gear disputes while leveling my own trooper, and especially upon hitting 50, as you do outlevel gear rather quickly in this game.


I also specifically commented on the issue of PUGing, so there's another point docked for you.


Try harder next time.


When leveling up, Aim is everything. If it increases Aim then it is an upgrade whether or not it has alacrity. At 50, that is an entirely different story. Gunnery should NOT be rolling on alacrity gear if there is a Medic in the group. Period.

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When leveling up, Aim is everything. If it increases Aim then it is an upgrade whether or not it has alacrity. At 50, that is an entirely different story. Gunnery should NOT be rolling on alacrity gear if there is a Medic in the group. Period.


That's the vibe I've been getting in-game/reading around the forums so far. Thanks :)




It's a pug. Roll on everything.


**** that '1 item per instance' **** people try to enforce. If you'll use it, roll on it.


Now, it's over and done with, but I'm curious, who was in the right? Granted, it was a pick-up group, and when in such a situation, you should look out for your own interests first, since you can't guarantee you'll see those drops again, nor can you guarantee that the other person would do the same, etc.


Thanks for reading.

Edited by swils
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I did read it. There is no alacrity involved which means it's fair game for any DPS, therefore default back to "Will I equip this? Yes? Roll on it".


As for swapping out the alacrity mod, that was a pretty scumbag thing to do since it is a healer item. Just so happened it could be changed but again, defaults back to PUG rules.


Unless you establish before the run some sort of rule set for loot like don't roll for companions unless no one needs it or obvious healer (alacrity) should go to healer then there is no argument.


(This is coming from someone that will pass on items even if they're an upgrade because I don't want to be a jerk to this random stranger I will never see again).

Edited by LordKivlov
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...I find it difficult to take you seriously, given that your previous post pretty much negates your attitude/conduct as you describe it in your latter post.


That said, if it were 50, I'd agree that taking the chest with plans to swap out the alacrity would be low, but given that its just leveling gear, I'm leaning towards the side that, basically, is summed up with "Leveling? <50? More Aim than you have? Roll", heh.

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I have how I behave which is by an entirely different set of rules to what the general rules are (general being average of what I observe people doing since I started MMOs in 1999). I try not to be a dick and am not surprised or upset when people are. If someone asks something like what you did, I describe what people do in general and why it's justified.


Taking the alacrity, though is a dirtbag move, is fine in a PUG because he could use the aim upgrade and there were no pre-determined rules on loot so it falls back to "It's a pug, roll on everything you can and will use".

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Expect the unexpected :) Especially in a PUG.

Like one of the above posters, I'm not surprised or upset about the weird stuff happening around me, like Smugglers rolling NEED on blue (AIM) Heavy Armor etc.

I'd like a grace period on BoP items for that reason, but thats another matter.


Looking at myself (being a Combat Medic) I would roll Need for the Alacrity gear if its an upgrade. I would appreciate the Gunnery Trooper passing on the item, even if the rest of the stats are an upgrade for them.

But I'll wait what the other trooper does before even rolling on the Accuracy gear. If they roll need, I'll pass, if they roll greed, THEN I'll decide if its a big enough upgrade worth needing on Accuracy gear for.


Power and Surge, fair game for both I'd say.


Then again, Assault Specialist has a talent/skill for increasing their alactrity, So I imagine them needing on said gear aswell.


I'm no expert on stats whatsoever, just my personal opinion.

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Both specs gain almost identical benefit from all those peices, this is why I try to avoid trooper heavy groups.


It's even worse sometimes, since the medic stuff have usually better stats for dps (crit + surge), than the dps one (power + either crit or surge). I'm wearing a purple "medic" armor belt from a HM, which is totally perfect for dps (aim + endurance + crit + surge). I was the only trooper, but if there were a medic one, I would have need the item.


For an unknown reason, BW think DPS trooper looks for power first. I don't care about power. I love crit.

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