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Only recently BW released a bull-sh*t video from a dev saying that they listen to us, and now they release these nerfs to Assassin/Shadow!?!?!?




You all got dyslexia? Mixed up Sorcs/Sages with Assassins/Shjadows?




Definitely someone mixed something into their drinks!

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Thats our role shadow tanks are suppose to be all over the healers/ranged dpsers, its up to the group to support you( the healer or dps) Take that away and we have no role, expcept to be cannon fodder!!

Bravo BW. :/


You can come and play with us Operatives then my friend, we have no burst any more and your sustained DPS is 100 times better than ours.

Are people realy so stupid they believe they can scream nerf for other classes and it wont come back and bite them some day? sheeesh the mind boggles, it truly does.

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You can come and play with us Operatives then my friend, we have no burst any more and your sustained DPS is 100 times better than ours.

Are people realy so stupid they believe they can scream nerf for other classes and it wont come back and bite them some day? sheeesh the mind boggles, it truly does.


What was it that many said about the the Operative/Scoundrel nerfs? ohh yeah "L2P" and "Adapt" and "Quit being a whiner" shoe fits now wear it.

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Everyone was calling for OP nerf, and for a good reason.


Remind me what exactly was a complaint about assassins?...


Uneducated people where calling for Op nerf because as a burst class they could destry people with worse gear than them. People of equal gear only died in the opener because of Biochem abuse. Its biochem that should have been fixed first.


And no, they wherent QQing about assassins, but guess what happens when you remove one "perceived" overpowered class from the game... another class becomes perceived to be Op and no amount of reasoning with the vocal forum minority will stop them from demanding nerfs to any class that beats their green armor wearing fresh lvl50.

Edited by triangulate
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All they've done is put you in line with the same mechanics that Jedi Knights have. Nothing more. We lose all focus when switching stances.


Actually, it's much worse than what Knights have to deal with. The stances of a Knight don't actually cost anything to switch, you just lose all the focus you happen to have when you do it. This is important because it means you can switch stances regardless of whether you have 10 focus, 4 focus, 1 focus or no focus at all. You can potentially lose nothing if you time it when you're already low or out of focus.


On the other hand, it will cost a Shadow 100 force to switch stances. That means a Shadow cannot switch stances at all unless they let their force regenerate all the way up to 100, then they lose all that and have to regenerate more again just to be able to do anything useful.


Now you tell me how that's 'in line'.

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Im thinking Bioware is doing something like this.


They already had some adjustment issues planned but wanted to see how the numbers came out after a month of people playing.

Im sure that the crys for nerf bumped the Operatives up sooner and the reasoning is because they obviuosly did not see the stacking issue.


Now that they are done with that they are watching the numbers and maybe even select players of all classes in Wz's to measure a norm or baseline,not the best players and not the worst a happy medium if you will.


Now they are going back to the timetable that was planned and adjust some along the way if something odd crops up,so in essence every class will see some changes over the course of the next two months,i have no doubt in that,people should give this some time and let the chips fall where they may and when all is said and done (That never happens in mmo's) then we can debate the class roles etc.

Edited by Sathid
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erm.... let me see

Assassin vs Concealment Op



Sin - yes

Op - yes


high burst from stealth

Sin - NO

Operative - NO


high sustained DPS

Sin - YES

Op - NO



Sin - Yes

Op - NO


Gap closer

Sin - YES

Op - NO


30M stun

Sin - YES

Op - NO


30m Slow

Sin - YES

Op - NO



Sin - NO

Op - YES


And people should feel sorry for you why exactly?

Operatives could only do burst, that is all they had and it was taken away in one patch.

You guys can still run the ball, DPS, ranged CC, knock back.



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I wonder if that might cause a small flashlight to go on that baseless complaints are completely ignored regardless of their numbers?


E.g. is you think static barrier is overpowered, then you're way undergeared (which is being addressed elsewhere), it goes down in 1 (decent hitting skill) crit or 2 hits from the people i play with including myself, yet there are pages on it.


And yet a non-Kinetic Shadow has the same armor as a Sage, doesn't get the bubble and has to be in melee range of their target. The reason why there are so many Kinetic/X hybrids and why nearly ever spec of Shadow stays in combat technique in pvp is because they have the survivability of wet tissue paper. This patch does nothing to address the survivability problem; it only forces people to either spec tank or endure the least survivable specs in the game.

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Personally I don't play an Assassin so I can't speak to the changes, but I find it interesting that out of every class, Sorcerer / Sage is complained about more than anything else, and it's basically the only class that didn't recieve any changes.


Because, if every class was changed based upon forum qq then every mmo that comes out will bomb completely. Although, we all know every class is going to get nerfed and buffed over and over again. True balance is hard to come by. Oh well, best we can do is see what hand they'll deal next because all this crying and over exaggerating makes us as a community look like little babies....

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erm.... let me see

Assassin vs Concealment Op



Sin - yes

Op - yes


high burst from stealth

Sin - NO

Operative - NO


high sustained DPS

Sin - YES

Op - NO



Sin - Yes

Op - NO


Gap closer

Sin - YES

Op - NO


30M stun

Sin - YES

Op - NO


30m Slow

Sin - YES

Op - NO



Sin - NO

Op - YES


And people should feel sorry for you why exactly?

Operatives could only do burst, that is all they had and it was taken away in one patch.

You guys can still run the ball, DPS, ranged CC, knock back.




We don't have a 30m slow, it's 10m. Unless you count using recklesness in conjuction with force lightning which has a 90s CD and shouldn't really be used for the slow effect.

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Because, if every class was changed based upon forum qq then every mmo that comes out will bomb completely. Although, we all know every class is going to get nerfed and buffed over and over again. True balance is hard to come by. Oh well, best we can do is see what hand they'll deal next because all this crying and over exaggerating makes us as a community look like little babies....


Five star friend,five star,people here should be discussing strat and zones and class counters not asking which class to nerf next,noone complaining on this forum has any power to change the course of the changes in this game,if something is so unbalanced it can be discussed in a mature well reasoned fashion.


I have already started putting the "L2P" one liner posters here on ignore,i suggest the rest of the community do so too,make those that troll speechless.

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Definitely a nerf to one of the three most lack luster ACs on everyone's list. It's a big nerf to hybrid specs. We will be penalized 100 force for switching stances.


Actually I think it is right for Bioware to put a force charge onto saber charge. Assassin is a bit OP in melee PvP at the moment and it isn't that skilful to play, this forces you to make decisions in play style since you don't get the free saber charge anymore. A progressive step.

Edited by Ewgal
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I apologize for being so good that I made the class look OP on Biowares awesome metric system.


You know first I stop playing my Sith Assassin because of ability delay and how it affected "Maul" (backstab) ability. The sort of fix that so now I find the class playable again.


Then they go and do this, I'm not completely sure how this would effect my build or anything but the odd part is I don't believe I saw/heard many complaints about the Assassins/Shadows.


That's why I have to leave the blame on myself and the other well played Assassins and Shadows out there.


Way to go guys, you had to get so good at your class to compete that you made them look overpowered.


My only explanation for this and how Sorc/Sages and Merc/Troopers weren't looked at before hand. Bioware took the easy way out on this nerf. I'm sure it was coming but was it a higher priority than some other classes that need to be looked at?


Doubt it...


I think March is going to get here very soon, and I'll be gone just as quickly..

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Sith Inquisitor

Energize: This skill now also triggers from Assassinate. It now triggers from damage dealt (rather than ability use) such that each hit of Assassinate, Thrash, and Lacerate have an individual chance to yield the Energize buff. The chance to trigger has been reduced to 30% per hit.



This is a nerf imo and completely messes the hybrid spec. Trash and shock are my bread and butter. and now instead of 50% chance we got 30% chance, not mention you can't use assassinate till the target is at it's 30% health and the lacerate is useless skill (low dmg comparing with the cost to use it) death field is far more viable and costs half as much with right points invested.


I honestly don't see why this was needed as i think that assassins were pretty well balanced if you know how to play the class, this just complicates things and not balance anything.

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Actually I think it is right for Bioware to put a force charge onto saber charge. Assassin is a bit OP in melee PvP at the moment and it isn't that skilful to play, this forces you to make decisions in play style since you don't get the free saber charge anymore. A progressive step.


Free saber charge? It costed like a good amount to switch stances already. And if you did it during combat it sometimes left you in an force whole thats hard to get out of in a tight situation that your trying to keep your damage up.


We can spec for an extra 10 force and we do have an ability to regens force for like 3-5 secs by something and also getting a small buff to regen for after leaving stealth.


This class was very fun to play, I never really topped any damage charts and I dont have any real heals. Except when in Dark Charge you get some sort of heal that was crap anyhow.

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This is a nerf imo and completely messes the hybrid spec. Trash and shock are my bread and butter. and now instead of 50% chance we got 30% chance, not mention you can't use assassinate till the target is at it's 30% health and the lacerate is useless skill (low dmg comparing with the cost to use it) death field is far more viable and costs half as much with right points invested.


I honestly don't see why this was needed as i think that assassins were pretty well balanced if you know how to play the class, this just complicates things and not balance anything.


30% chance but per hit no on use of the ability

which means if u use lacerate and u hit 5 targers u have 30% for each of the 5 hits to trigger it also trash does 2 hits x30% chance which is not that bad imo

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30% chance but per hit no on use of the ability

which means if u use lacerate and u hit 5 targers u have 30% for each of the 5 hits to trigger it also trash does 2 hits x30% chance which is not that bad imo


I agree, it isn't bad, but was it needed?

Also using lacerate to get energized buff just isn't worth it. I don't know if you play assassin, but lacerate costs 50 force (half your force) and deals very low dmg.


I just fail to see why this was needed. Its obvious they see it as some kind of high priority issue, since they said they will fix issues according to their priority, i just don't see what the deal with this skill was.

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