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SWTOR uses 2.75GB out of my 4GB of RAM.


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Is this a client issue or do I need to do something with my laptop? If I run the game in windowed mode and try to surf the web at the same time, my laptop crashes from too much memory usage.


Edit: for clarification, I am running Windows 7 64bit on a Sony Vaio. 2 years old.

Edited by Tresan
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Again, it's a laptop, and unfortunately I'm not tech smart enough to rip it apart and see if I can install better RAM chips.


If you're running Win32 then you can only install 4g max. Need 64 bit to go any further.


You're multi tasking on something not even made for gaming... Can't really expect performance.

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Is this a client issue or do I need to do something with my laptop? If I run the game in windowed mode and try to surf the web at the same time, my laptop crashes from too much memory usage.


I went out and grabbed up 8 gigs of ram... I had 4 gigs before and with swtor running I was using 98% of all my ram. So through away those 4 gigs and bought a 8 gig pack. I don't trust mixing and matching ram.

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