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Arsenal/Bodyguard PvP Gameplay videos and guides


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Hey guys, it is Grocery from the server Warriors of the Shadow. I fraps most of my games and upload the good ones with commentary. I posted a guide for Mercenary, but left out the bit on unload, which is in the description. i have also posted a guide for Bodyguard. I got a new mic a couple of days ago so the recent videos are much higher quality.


Generally, I just say whats going through my head and why I make the decisions I make to increase my efficiency and maximize damage done while playing the objective. Obviously my newer videos are better since I have had more time with the game.


I hope you guys enjoy the videos. Let me know if you have any feedback.


Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/andypistone


Arsenal guide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLypy64SXRQ


Bodyguard Guide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6ludUf4_mY


Pyrotech Guide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPybeBVkr6M


Powertech Guide:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odN25DqrZjk


NEW 570K DAMAGE VOIDSTAR: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Xc9WVvu3x8

Edited by grocery
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there is no way they would let me stand there and heal. and i'm as good as dead if agent/scoundrel knockdown while no ally around. even if i manage to stun or punt them.


Which is why you heal by a pillar, like a holy paladin does. I personally don't die to scoundrels/agents if no one is around, it can be difficult though. Healing is alright though, it is just a lot of hard casting.

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Should blow up the health bar on the operations tab, really helps, find that the default size is way too small, but that just me. Awesome healing videos, have focused only on healing on my BH in pvp/pve and i have nearly the same playstyle as you.


Always an awesome moment when you use supercharge + kolto bomb, then spam healing scan and rapid scan over and over again, can keep ppl up even though more than 5 are hitting on them.

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Should blow up the health bar on the operations tab, really helps, find that the default size is way too small, but that just me. Awesome healing videos, have focused only on healing on my BH in pvp/pve and i have nearly the same playstyle as you.


Always an awesome moment when you use supercharge + kolto bomb, then spam healing scan and rapid scan over and over again, can keep ppl up even though more than 5 are hitting on them.


Yea, you can get through some crazy damage with that combo. How do I blow up the HP on operations tab? I am fine with the size as is, but it couldn't hurt to try it out.


I really like healing, but we have a bit too many healers as is in guild :(

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Grocery, thanks so much for these videos. I have watched many of them and have learned a lot. You guys are obviously pretty pro and I look forward to seeing how you do in rated wz's once they come along. I really like your commentary style. You talk fast but clear and articulate not only what you are doing, but also why. I think your videos are a great contribution to the BH community. Continued success and best of luck to you.
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I find the Premade v. Premade Huttball video to be really useful; thank you! I have a hard time sometimes, since we mercs can fall prey to everyone else's ability to either move themselves or us around the board and between scaffolding levels. I clearly need to work on my Jet Boost timing.
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Videos are bein slow on my phone, but ill watch them when I get home. I recently specd Bodyguard when I hit 50 to help more in crap gear in PvP, but now that I'm getting gear I kind of like it, but I've never healed in an mmo. While I hold my own and do pretty well at healing in PvP I'm looking forward to picking up some tips from these vids.
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Very informative video, I think you improved my combat efficiency drastically already just by watching. Please keep them coming.


Question: I've spent my first 28 levels in Armormech, do you think it's too late to swap out everything for Biochem? The three re-usable boosts mentioned in the video seem very useful.

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Grocery, thanks so much for these videos. I have watched many of them and have learned a lot. You guys are obviously pretty pro and I look forward to seeing how you do in rated wz's once they come along. I really like your commentary style. You talk fast but clear and articulate not only what you are doing, but also why. I think your videos are a great contribution to the BH community. Continued success and best of luck to you.


What he said ^

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just got back, posted a few more videos, check them out! I will be doing an updates guide soon.


Hey I noticed on your vid, why did you choose to take slicing with biochem and bioanalysis?


I chose slicing because I had it pre-nerf. I never changed it because I already bought the diplomacy mats and have diplomacy on an alt.

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I'll have to try using fusion missile more often, I took it off my toolbar because of the heat cost but it looks like it can be a finisher on <30% health.


Good guide nonetheless.


It can be great to use if you use the CD that makes it cost 0 heat to cast. That is the best tiem to use it imo.

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It can be great to use if you use the CD that makes it cost 0 heat to cast. That is the best tiem to use it imo.




I pretty much ONLY use it with the no heat cost talent. Its a really nice PvP AOE for when DFA is down.

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