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Getting sick of these 2AM system shutdowns.


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Freezing? What the hell? Are they nerfing graphics next so people with 8 year old systems can play at 30FPS? Those guys need to stick to Xbox and leave the heavy hitters to the big boys!


What makes you think they have 8 year old systems? They are doing a server side fix, mmmm, sounds to me like it's not the user's system.

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Hi peeps - my first post here.



I see what you mean, and I also hate the constant QQ, but this patches ARE becoming a major problem and annoyance for me.


I bought the game just a tad more than a week ago, and there has been down-time on 3 of the last 7 days (if you include the coming one). THREE. Jeebus!


Unfortunately us playing from Australia / EU are getting shafted quite hard.


Should have bought a jug of Vaseline to lubricate my ahrse and alleviate the pain of getting it from the behind ;-)


Oh well - lets hope this does not become a regular SWtoR "feature"...


You are aware, this is a new game, and is very likely to be down a lot for fixes. I just wished the fixes worked.

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What makes you think they have 8 year old systems? They are doing a server side fix, mmmm, sounds to me like it's not the user's system.


It could very well be something on their side that is not compatible with the user's system, ie older systems. I know I'm not having freezing issues. But yesterday's patch introduced other problems like the KO bug, which doesn't seem to be getting addressed tonight.

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You are aware, this is a new game, and is very likely to be down a lot for fixes. I just wished the fixes worked.


Except it's not a new game. It's a newly launched game, but not a new game. It was in development for 5 years. It was in beta most of last year. There is no reason it should have all the issue it is having now. And there are other MMO launches that prove this.

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What makes you think they have 8 year old systems? They are doing a server side fix, mmmm, sounds to me like it's not the user's system.


I wonder if they actually get anything fixed this time... Last time was kinda waisted since they urgently needed to take the servers down for 5+ hours in the middle of the weekend to apply a patch that didnt fix the one issue it was supposed to fix.


All the best for this new try though...

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My prime time for playing is from about 12 am to 4 am, so the 2 am maintenance times take away about half of my time available for play. Once a week, sure I understand but 3 times a week is a bit much. I may cancel after this month and give it some time to see if they can improve on their schedule, if not I won't be back. My schedule may be changing drastically this summer, so if that happens I'll be back. If not then no big loss.


To all those who aren't affected by the schedule, enjoy! :)

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It could very well be something on their side that is not compatible with the user's system, ie older systems.



Ding! Bob, we have a winner.


These are the same QQ'ers that made the "Medium" setting the new "High" setting rememeber.


At any rate, I'd expect BW to do updates when there is the least amount of people active....which happens to be 4am-6am.

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I posted a thread about this as well that they just closed down. Remember policy is to sweep complaints under the rug. Makes it easier to ignore them.



If they were sweeping them under the rug then why was your thread directed here and this one open?


Goodjob BioWare I want you on my hide and seek team...

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just glad I havent paid for a sub in advance.


Stead of bringing servers down ever few hours why not start implementing some much needed features?!

I can list a few...


1. fully customizable UI, and by fully customizable I mean unlock portraits from the freaking ability bar type deal not to mention make things bigger.

2. Turn off or somehowlimit how many times we have to watch a f**king cutscene in a flashpoint once we've already watched it.

3. No mobs that heal. Seriously...

4. Less linear progression through the mundane lower levels k thnx go

5. fix companions (random dissapearing after entering hangars from your ship etc)

6. Crappiness of Inquisitors at low levels

7. Dual spec and/or not being locked to one specialization.


but of course I'll either get flamed and/or ignored so yeah cool good job on bringing the game down again during Australian prime time.

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Except it's not a new game. It's a newly launched game, but not a new game. It was in development for 5 years. It was in beta most of last year. There is no reason it should have all the issue it is having now. And there are other MMO launches that prove this.


I love it you think there was 5 years of coding and testing don't you, not content planning, planning classes missions, getting OK from lucas's company etc. and your other thread was closed because it stopped being construction and ended up being back and forth between a few guys and you and another guy making unreasonable assumptions and conclusion. like i said in that other threat you can not just arbitrarily take the last 5 days as a sample of server down time, take the month and a bit from the time its been released, its new enough to do that.


then look at number of days it has down time, subtract weekly maintenance because that's posted and talked about heaps and o excuse for getting pissy at that. (altho i would still accept if you kept them in) then you will have a fair example to give others. don't just twist numbers to suit your own flawed stance.


am i happy about down time no, do i make a federal case about it no. im just glad they doing it now rather than having the issue stay around like a bad fart until next week.

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If they were sweeping them under the rug then why was your thread directed here and this one open?


Goodjob BioWare I want you on my hide and seek team...


Because one thread about a bad topic is more likely to be overlooked than 10 topics about it. If they direct to one thread, no one can accuse them of censorship. However, they cut down drastically the odds of someone encountering that topic as the closed down topics get pushed off the front page due to inactivity.

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What if the people impacted by the freezing are fewer than those impacted by the downtime. Should we just hold off on the fix until Tuesday then?


Numbers are fun.


You realize those people that play during this time are ALWAYS the ones that get shafted by their patch schedule? Numbers are one thing, fairness is another.

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I know the frequent patching is a pain; but they are way past the point of liesurely fixes.


The good numbers they have today could become bad numbers by next quarter. It's not just here on the forums that folks are talking about an imperfect game (Marketwatch articles last week).


At Launch their stock price was about $22/share... now it's around $18/share. A game that is supposedly healthy and has a great future... you'd think their stock would be going through the roof. Why isn't it?


It's time to gamble and start pumping out the fixes rapidly. When we are putting more time into our game-play and less time on the forums (complaining) then they can take a break.

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Because one thread about a bad topic is more likely to be overlooked than 10 topics about it. If they direct to one thread, no one can accuse them of censorship. However, they cut down drastically the odds of someone encountering that topic as the closed down topics get pushed off the front page due to inactivity.


Or that thread stays on the front pages because its the active one. The one everyone is posting in instead of posting across 10 threads.

Edited by Additc
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I work until 12am CST, and like to play at night before it shuts down. Why arent these updates done at 4am-6am? Dont give me that crap that it interrupts with the Europeans...make them their own servers then. This is BS and it needs to be addressed!




The Europeans have their own servers, they are in Europe funny enough, but their maintenance times are set to be the same as US servers :(

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How dare they fix their game in the middle of the night in your timezone instead of in the morning! The nerve of these people and their incessant patches and fixes of potential gamebreakers! Don't they know the universe will explode if king tut here has to wait a couple hours to play?! Who cares that people suffering from this issue have been waiting two days? :rolleyes:


PS: I'm a nocturnal gamer too. Same time zone as OP. I'm glad they're fixing issues even when it cuts into my game time.

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You realize those people that play during this time are ALWAYS the ones that get shafted by their patch schedule? Numbers are one thing, fairness is another.


And people will always be impacted. I was impacted by WoW's scheduled maintenance when I worked graves. That was life.


What BioWare has done wrong is keep the WHOLE world on the same maintenance schedule. So as they base their downtime around that. If it was just the Americas, we probably would see a later maintenance window. But whereas they want to attempt to appease the other half of the world, allbeit unsuccessfully, they have a much earlier window. This doesn't impact EST or CST players much, but the further west you go, the bigger the impact.


It all goes back to poor planning on BioWare's side. How do you not have separate servers for different regions of the world? Servers that come down at times convenient for that region rather than trying to base a time around every region?

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What if the people impacted by the freezing are fewer than those impacted by the downtime. Should we just hold off on the fix until Tuesday then?


Numbers are fun.


I never said they shouldnt take it down..you did..



i can accept a few hours downtime without crying.. you are the one upset they are taking it down..


i just pointed out that you are willing to screw over other people so you arent..



totally fair btw....



Im glad when they have downtime..it is useful time for them to fix the game.



you are the one who cant accept a few hours off of the game.

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