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Getting sick of these 2AM system shutdowns.


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meh for a globally played game let the company choose the time that suits them doesn't matter when you do it someones gonna whine.


THis is a solution.


A better solution would be to run maintenance on servers when the particular server is at lowest activity.


This is better because it inconveniences fewer customers and different server clusters would then have different downtime which.. your US player who normally plays at 2:am could go and play on them.


WHich solution they pick will be balanced between how many people they piss off to how many subs they retain.

Edited by corbanite
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I work until 12am CST, and like to play at night before it shuts down. Why arent these updates done at 4am-6am? Dont give me that crap that it interrupts with the Europeans...make them their own servers then. This is BS and it needs to be addressed!




The only people who should be complaining here are Europeans, the fact that there aren't different patch times is a disgrace.


Now if you ere like my friend who has about an hour free to play during the week all of which was unavailable due to emergency patches and then you get up really early Saturday morning to find they have dropped another 6-8 downtime with no notice meaning you'll see no playtime now for the next week... then you'd probably quit. He did and I don't blame him the shoddy way they are treating an enormous section of the customer base.


Fact is no consideration is made for Europeans whereas they are taking it down at the time that is most convenient for them and the majority US customers.

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The only people who should be complaining here are Europeans, the fact that there aren't different patch times is a disgrace.


Now if you ere like my friend who has about an hour free to play during the week all of which was unavailable due to emergency patches and then you get up really early Saturday morning to find they have dropped another 6-8 downtime with no notice meaning you'll see no playtime now for the next week... then you'd probably quit. He did and I don't blame him the shoddy way they are treating an enormous section of the customer base.


Fact is no consideration is made for Europeans whereas they are taking it down at the time that is most convenient for them and the majority US customers.


Do you have any stats that fit this? Can you list some stats that say how many players play during the maintenance times on a regular basis?


if 95% of the games population is sleeping, at work, or not playing on their maintenance times, I bet you BW/EA will NEVER create another maintenance shift and spend money for the other 5%.


It is all about stats. Do you have them?

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Is it just me or are there still 7 days in a week? And there are still 24 hours in each day, right?


So if Bioware takes the servers down twice a week for 10 hours, you still have 148 hours to play each week. There isn't a single person on this planet who can't find time to play within those 148 hours. Even if two days are completely wasted due to downtime you still have the other five to play.


They give notice every time they take the servers down, most of the time it's days ahead of time that they post they are taking it down. Either you guys are so addicted you gotta cry every time you can't get your fix or you are making a mountain out of a molehill.

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Is it just me or are there still 7 days in a week? And there are still 24 hours in each day, right?


So if Bioware takes the servers down twice a week for 10 hours, you still have 148 hours to play each week. There isn't a single person on this planet who can't find time to play within those 148 hours. Even if two days are completely wasted due to downtime you still have the other five to play.


They give notice every time they take the servers down, most of the time it's days ahead of time that they post they are taking it down. Either you guys are so addicted you gotta cry every time you can't get your fix or you are making a mountain out of a molehill.


yes but out of those 24hours a day your sleeping (on average) 8hrs and eating another 1hr so that your left with 15hours a day, take 9hours out for work(inc traveling to and from) and your left with 6hours.

so you now have 6hrsx7days=42hours a week free time, if downtime is during the "free time" most europeans have then you could be left with just 20hours a week to play.

so dont you think they have a right to get a tad upset?

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yes but out of those 24hours a day your sleeping (on average) 8hrs and eating another 1hr so that your left with 15hours a day, take 9hours out for work(inc traveling to and from) and your left with 6hours.

so you now have 6hrsx7days=42hours a week free time, if downtime is during the "free time" most europeans have then you could be left with just 20hours a week to play.

so dont you think they have a right to get a tad upset?


if downtime is during the "free time" most europeans have then you could be left


Again, are there any statistics that back this up?

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yes but out of those 24hours a day your sleeping (on average) 8hrs and eating another 1hr so that your left with 15hours a day, take 9hours out for work(inc traveling to and from) and your left with 6hours.

so you now have 6hrsx7days=42hours a week free time, if downtime is during the "free time" most europeans have then you could be left with just 20hours a week to play.

so dont you think they have a right to get a tad upset?


Horrible math.


If you can only play 6 hours a day then 10 hour downtime only effects 6 hours, which means you still have 30 hours a week to play.


And no, I don't think you have the right to be a tad upset you can "only" play 30 hours a week.

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Do you have any stats that fit this? Can you list some stats that say how many players play during the maintenance times on a regular basis?


if 95% of the games population is sleeping, at work, or not playing on their maintenance times, I bet you BW/EA will NEVER create another maintenance shift and spend money for the other 5%.


It is all about stats. Do you have them?


I'm sorry... do I have stats to support that many people will be playing during the day on Saturday and that more people play during the day than from 2am in the morning until 7am ish?


Hahahahahahahaahah :rolleyes: Good one.


Also I do... go check the server load at say ten, then at 1, then at 4 etc. Then check the server loads after about 2am So yes, server load is higher during the hours I mentioned, much higher.

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Is it just me or are there still 7 days in a week? And there are still 24 hours in each day, right?


So if Bioware takes the servers down twice a week for 10 hours, you still have 148 hours to play each week. There isn't a single person on this planet who can't find time to play within those 148 hours. Even if two days are completely wasted due to downtime you still have the other five to play.


They give notice every time they take the servers down, most of the time it's days ahead of time that they post they are taking it down. Either you guys are so addicted you gotta cry every time you can't get your fix or you are making a mountain out of a molehill.


For the last three weeks every time a friend of mine has had some free time (which is VERY little), there has been a "scheduled" (I use the term loosely, 2 days notice counts as an emergency patch let alone less) patch, maintenance, or an emergency patch.


The fact is you are wrong, when people have jobs, wives, kids etc it may well be that the only time they can play is for a couple of hours on a Saturday morning or one night/morning a week.

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I've played plenty of mmo's and yeah they need to be brough down for the occasionaly maint and patching, but 8 hours just for maint every week? seriously? You could at least do us the curtousy of having a rotation so if it happens to be during 1/2 of our available playing time (the boat i'm in) every week i could at least play on some other server.


While not ideal to not be able to play the server i WANT to play during my my weekend if i could at least have an alternate server that wasn't down at the same time i could at least play another character. Hopefully they'll be able to cut that 8 hour maint time down to 2 hours as that is at least managable but 8 hours on all servers every week at the same time......grrr


and why would you have servers down at all during the weekend? people have alot more time to play on weekends, go figure......

Edited by Jetnai
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Horrible math.


If you can only play 6 hours a day then 10 hour downtime only effects 6 hours, which means you still have 30 hours a week to play.


And no, I don't think you have the right to be a tad upset you can "only" play 30 hours a week.


Not as horrible as yours. The fact is we are paying to play this and they should be working around the schedule of your average player. Not the other way round.

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We need to take up their time and have everyone submit tickets expressing their displeasure in these ridiculous maintenance times. I suggest we do this daily both on the forum and via the in-game ticket system, this will cause Bioware's CSRs to be forced to read each ticket for the duration of our protest. It's already been shown that protesting on the forum does nothing. We've whined, cried, and acted like spoiled children for weeks now and the problem still persists.


on a side note the shutdowns for me at 12am even worse

Edited by Eylwen
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They are scrambling in a desperate bid to save the game, and they do this by taking the servers offline to attempt sorely needed repairs.


The only way they are getting my subscription back ANY time soon is if they stop fumbling around in the dark and fix things that have been in the game since BETA.


If that means server maintenance, I'm all for it.


I'm with this guy. If every shutdown means something gets fixed, I am all for it.


I lived through the rolling restarts during raid times in WoW. I lived through the server meltdowns on fortress sieges in WAR. I lived through the server hotfixes in GA, and I lived through the server hotfixes in DDO, amongst others.


If they are doing it to bring the game to a more functional level, all the more power to them.

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No matter when they shut down the servers is going to be SOMEONES prime time to play, if its so hard to understand that you have no buisness complaining.


**** happens, all these people that say this is so horrible and that wow is better obviously didnt play WoW at release because it was a complete clusterf*ck for a few months.


Starting a MMO day one you know what your getting into, and if you dont its your fault for not being well informed on how things work.

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Those shutdowns at 2am CST directly affect us Europeans. That's 8am GMT and they often last until 4PM GMT. Now on a workday that's bad enough but they did that to us last Saturday. So they certainly aren't arranging them to suit us as you claim.


Don't people usually have work/school from 8 am to 4 pm?

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Just another update...I logged in today around 9AM. There were 38 people on Imperial Fleet, and the average wait time to get into a warzone was 15 minutes.


Now compare that with last night at 2AM where there were 108 people on the Imperial Fleet and the average wait time to get into a warzone was 4-7 minutes.


Do you see why they need to delay the updates until 4am CST now? Just because you are sleeping during this time doesnt mean you need to make ignorant half witted statements like "its a dead time for the servers...deal with it".

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Just another update...I logged in today around 9AM. There were 38 people on Imperial Fleet, and the average wait time to get into a warzone was 15 minutes.


Now compare that with last night at 2AM where there were 108 people on the Imperial Fleet and the average wait time to get into a warzone was 4-7 minutes.


Do you see why they need to delay the updates until 4am CST now? Just because you are sleeping during this time doesnt mean you need to make ignorant half witted statements like "its a dead time for the servers...deal with it".

Let's see now ...

Delay it two hours, and you'll see 90% of the European players raging, as that'll delay the maintenance until ...


6 pm(GMT)

7 pm(GMT +1)

8 pm(GMT +2)

9 pm(GMT +3)


... I think you get the point.


Do you see why they need to delay the updates until 4am CST now? Just because you are sleeping during this time doesnt mean you need to make ignorant half witted statements like "its a dead time for the servers...deal with it".


Look who's talking.

You're blatantly saying "F*** you, Europe." -- If that's not ignorant, I'm not sure what ignorance is anymore.

Edited by _Strimell
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No matter when they shut down the servers is going to be SOMEONES prime time to play, if its so hard to understand that you have no buisness complaining.


**** happens, all these people that say this is so horrible and that wow is better obviously didnt play WoW at release because it was a complete clusterf*ck for a few months.


Starting a MMO day one you know what your getting into, and if you dont its your fault for not being well informed on how things work.


Guess what its 2012 not 2005, standards go up over time not down. If this was 2005 when wow just released or even 1999 with EQ it would be acceptable.


All I want is bioware to get with the rest of the industry and do their maintenance in the window of 4am PST to 12am PST, like the rest of the industry.


They can copy everything there is from that other mmo, except realistic maintenance down times.

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This is the reason why I'll cancel my account. I'm on PST and also work late, midnight is way to early to shut it down. I only have a limited time to play I and am not jobless living in my mom's basement so this 12am PST business is really annoying for me. :mad:
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Guess what its 2012 not 2005, standards go up over time not down. If this was 2005 when wow just released or even 1999 with EQ it would be acceptable.


All I want is bioware to get with the rest of the industry and do their maintenance in the window of 4am PST to 12am PST, like the rest of the industry.


They can copy everything there is from that other mmo, except realistic maintenance down times.


I like this the best.


When are we going to get an answer on this from BW?

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Midnight PST is way too early. They need to push it back to 3am PST.


agreed if its a 4 or 8 hours maintenance though i think 2 am PST is reasonable. this is honestly the most realistic though, because think of the european players. If it went 8 hour maintenance at 4 am. thats 12 -1 to 8 or 9pm for them


Thats terrible you would piss way more people off with that then 12 am pst which is only particularily bad for west coasters. Not a whole continent.


Your always gonna piss someone off with this downtime, but i think that 12 is resonable enough for most west coast players anyways, majority of people have 9-5 jobs or school.


Its unfortunate for us night owls, im on west coast and i usually stay up until 4-5 am playing but i can deal with 1-2 nights a week downtime for maintenance and fixes. As the game matures it will for sure only be 1 night a week far more often anyways.

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Wow, just stop, go away. This is the best time to do this stuff for the majority of players. Bioware knows it and isn't going to change anything because of childish forum tantrums. Time to get over it.


My regular play times range from 7am - Noon CST and I couldn't give a crap. Do what you have to do to make this game even better Bioware. I'm having a great time with the 95% up times.

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