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Getting sick of these 2AM system shutdowns.


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Apparently the PR dept are very proud





Don't calculate this % based on a 24hour period that excludes emergency maintenance. :rolleyes:


I get about 71.4%


7 days Minus 2 days a week = 5 days for me.


except its not down for 2 days a week. Its down 10-16 hours a week. Less than a day.


Even when you are sleeping, or at work, the game is still up so thats going to count. You can Technically still play it. Its just your responsibilities wont let you.


edit: Just did the math, and it came out to around a 90% uptime for this week if i include saterday as part of this week instead of starting at tuesday.

Edited by Clova
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Well unfortunately for me 2am CST is 6pm here in Queensland and 7pm in other states of Australia. I do agree with the OP that possibly changing it to 4am CST or even 5am CST would be far better. I know SOE does their patching around that time and maintenance, and I never used to bat an eyelid in over 10 years of Gaming with them. This 2am CST downtime is not well thought out though.

To assist the devs with their downtime choices I am providing this http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/

Edited by namoni
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I'm guessing that their logs show that at that time the server populations are lowest and thus it is most efficient for them to do maintenance then. You are part of maybe a 2% fringe of late night players and Bioware is obviously going to choose to interrupt service when there are (completely making up numbers here) 5000 players logged on as opposed to when there are 50000 players logged on. This sucks for you and I agree that it can be unpleasant, but you've really got no choice but to deal with it or play some other time.
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Well unfortunately for me 2am CST is 6pm here in Queensland and 7pm in other states of Australia. I do agree with the OP that possibly changing it to 4am CST or even 5am CST would be far better. I know SOE does their patching around that time and maintenance, and I never used to bat an eyelid in over 10 years of Gaming with them. This 2am CST downtime is not well thought out though.

To assist the devs with their downtime choices I am providing this http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/


Isnt that why they're releasing Oceanics their own client? So they dont get messed over with NA times?

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POTBS released Oceanic servers they died shortly after. Folks have been associating with people in guilds from all over the world. Im not going to abandon over 11 years of friendship with my guildies because they launch an Oceanic server. As a guild and friends we choose to play together and that is on an East Coast Server like every other MMO we have played.

All they need to do is change the time to say 4am CST or 5am CST and we would be happy enough.

Edited by namoni
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Im unemployed and play at any time of the day (or night for that matter) and since the OP doesnt care about anyone else, i wont either... i say NO SERVER DOWNTIME EVER, i dont care if other people are having major problems in the game, i dont so i dont want any downtime!

(unless the game starts getting bugs i am affected by, in that case, fix it immediately with no regards to other peoples prime time.)




isnt that how the OP thinks?

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POTBS released Oceanic servers they died shortly after. Folks have been associating with people in guilds from all over the world. Im not going to abandon over 11 years of friendship with my guildies because they launch an Oceanic server. As a guild and friends we choose to play together and that is on an East Coast Server like every other MMO we have played.


That is perfectly understandable, but you have to realize on a NA server, the mait times will be NA centric then. I have no idea why they chose cst over pst, maybe because of Bioware Austin?

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i need help every time I log into the game it boots up and then when i get to the server listing it is completlly blank there are no servers listed at all is this because of down time or is something wrong with my game i am going on 3 hours now waiing, i have yet to play the game yet and spent 160 dollars on collectors edition and, the last 48 hours have been nothing but problem after problem never have i seen a game riddled with so many flaws *** are the devs doing can any one help me out
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Im unemployed and play at any time of the day (or night for that matter) and since the OP doesnt care about anyone else, i wont either... i say NO SERVER DOWNTIME EVER, i dont care if other people are having major problems in the game, i dont so i dont want any downtime!

(unless the game starts getting bugs i am affected by, in that case, fix it immediately with no regards to other peoples prime time.)




isnt that how the OP thinks?


Then why is it this thread is 25 pages long, and there are others who agree that a 4am CST would be more optimal.

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That is perfectly understandable, but you have to realize on a NA server, the mait times will be NA centric then. I have no idea why they chose cst over pst, maybe because of Bioware Austin?


Yup its because they are in Austin, however again there is no reason as to why they cant do it at 4am or 5am. Technically speaking even if it was 8 hours of downtime then wouldnt folks in the USA still be either at work or school during this 8 hours? It would still give everyone over there an entire evenings play, whereas we might only lose a couple of hours in the parts of the world outside the Continental USA. As I say poor choice of times. Im not angry at all, hell I can fire up STO and go do that, but Id rather be SWTOR'ing.

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Yup its because they are in Austin, however again there is no reason as to why they cant do it at 4am or 5am. Technically speaking even if it was 8 hours of downtime then wouldnt folks in the USA still be either at work or school during this 8 hours? It would still give everyone over there an entire evenings play, whereas we might only lose a couple of hours in the parts of the world outside the Continental USA. As I say poor choice of times. Im not angry at all, hell I can fire up STO and go do that, but Id rather be SWTOR'ing.


Unless its extended, which hopefully will be very very rare. I would be afected by it this semester but I'd get used to it if they changed. However, i dont think they can change the hours until they get EU their own hours, because if they moved it up 2-3 hours thats getting into prime time for EU, or at least mighty close, so then you'd have that uproar.

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Then why is it this thread is 25 pages long, and there are others who agree that a 4am CST would be more optimal.


Getting the bug's fixed would be more optimal, Get over yourself and deal. Or unsub, either way stop crying like a little kid.

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It hits us in the middle of our prime time being oceanic. Its a pain the the backside sure, but it has to be done. Eve does it every night, so we ahve something to be thankful for there.


Would love it to be a rolling downtime, this means that I could roll an alt on a PVP server when the downtime that is supposed to be for 2 hours goes for longer than 6 as pr usual...

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No matter what time they do maintenance it is gonna anger someone. Just gotta deal with it.


pretty much, its perfectly reasonable to be somewhat miffed about the maintenance time but understand that if you move the time again your just going to make other people complain just as much as you are.

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POTBS released Oceanic servers they died shortly after. Folks have been associating with people in guilds from all over the world. Im not going to abandon over 11 years of friendship with my guildies because they launch an Oceanic server. As a guild and friends we choose to play together and that is on an East Coast Server like every other MMO we have played.

All they need to do is change the time to say 4am CST or 5am CST and we would be happy enough.


The PotBS servers in Australia died quickly because of the poor relations between certain community groups and overall lack of people playing the game. Even if you went to the other servers at the time and even now for that game, large amounts of people playing just doesn't happen. Which for its endgame, was a requirement.


I do still have fond memories however though of the Aussie servers for PotBS, the fleet battles where effing awesome!


If they where to have downtime at 4am or 5am CST then yes i would be alot happier, could get in some gaming, then do something else...it's all about getting your fix!

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i never judged you for wanting to spend your time on the game.. I simply said the patches are needed and everyone has to deal with the downtime.


i dont think its to much.. you do..there is a disagreement there..it isnt over if you deserve to play it is over the extent of patches..which i think are needed you dont.



dont get your underwear in a knot....


The need to argue in this group is strong. I bolded the error in your post. Everyone does not have to deal with the down-time, at least not the majority of the time. There are those of us who for whatever reason typically play right in the middle of Bioware's time-frame for doing things like this. Personally, due to a variety of personal and professional reasons I live on a funky schedule and I usually play after midnight EST most nights of the week. I've been in-game probably every time they've done these server shut-downs and can agree that it's very annoying.


My point and the point of several others isn't that maintenance doesn't need to happen, it's the frequency of it occurring outside of the "regularly scheduled" maintenance. Regular maintenance is a normal part of MMOs and happens basically the same day and time every week, no big deal. The problem is that SWTOR has a lot of bugs that need fixing and a team of people working to fix those bugs and when they deem it necessary to take down the servers outside of normal maintenance to fix an issue they insist on doing it in the exact same time window as normal maintenance. What this leads to is those of us who have no other choice but to play during these times being the ones getting locked out of the game that we, like you, are paying for. I read in this post that one side says it's not right to inconvenience them since they aren't really affected by this and what they are implying is that it is fair for us to be inconvenienced so that they don't have to be. A logical argument....


Anyway the TL: DR. Scheduled maintenance is scheduled, not a problem. But there's no reason to insist on performing maintenance/fixes outside of regular maintenance during the exact same time period. When the fix is ready implement the thing, don't sit on it for 12 hours waiting for that magical 2A.M. to roll around. This spreads out the inconvenience of this down-time amongst the player-base and doesn't continuously screw one section of it.

Edited by dstossm
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Unless its extended, which hopefully will be very very rare. I would be afected by it this semester but I'd get used to it if they changed. However, i dont think they can change the hours until they get EU their own hours, because if they moved it up 2-3 hours thats getting into prime time for EU, or at least mighty close, so then you'd have that uproar.


I'm not entirely sure why they have both US and UK servers on the same shards... if they do, then I can see why they wouldn't want to stagger the jobs.

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Boy, some people don't get this.


You don't need 4 patches a week to get things done. It isn't even the specific time that the patches are applied, it's this "Let's patch every issue as soon as we fix it". We have dealt with just about all these problems since the 20th of December. We can deal with them for another week. One patch a week is ALL WE NEED. If you find the solution to a problem on Thursday, wait until next Tuesday to apply. Please???


Stop the madness of micro-patching. This is nonsense, period.

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