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Where did all the operatives go?


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600 expertise here. Only way i can even get close to 5k down is popping an adrenal, relic, and grabbing the powerup.


My crits on the high end are more like 3.9k. Then its all down hill after that.


Yea i can stunlock newbs (luckily most sorcs ARE noobs) But the few good ones there are have no problem dispatching me.


Thing is once sorcs get better and figure us out we will be worthless.


Bounty hunters are cake, interrupt their 1 button noob spam and they get pwned.


Troopers now, what a joke. I can hit them max 2.2k and they can just stand and hell through all my dmg an interuppts. I dont even bother any more.


yea, don't you love the flashbang shield? That was even gg prior to nerf, now its like the gods are laughing at us.

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600 expertise here. Only way i can even get close to 5k down is popping an adrenal, relic, and grabbing the powerup.


My crits on the high end are more like 3.9k. Then its all down hill after that.


Yea i can stunlock newbs (luckily most sorcs ARE noobs) But the few good ones there are have no problem dispatching me.


Thing is once sorcs get better and figure us out we will be worthless.


Bounty hunters are cake, interrupt their 1 button noob spam and they get pwned.


Troopers now, what a joke. I can hit them max 2.2k and they can just stand and hell through all my dmg an interuppts. I dont even bother any more.


LOL I face roll op's all the time since the nerf and i play as a BH your logic is flawed you tool go ***** about something worthwhile."Boo hoo my class got nerfed" it needed nerfed when someone can 4 shot me in a matter of seconds thats overpowered

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So you got the half telling you we are better because we have a longer stun, and the other crying to high heaven that we cant kill tanks. Honestly both are what they wanted and theres no going back. Truth the extended stun build works in a perfect world, with premade where threres no chance any tom dick or jane hit you with a cc. The guy feeding you all the bs about being more overpowered is a joke. Sooner you see this the better. The not killing tanks, deep down we know that was a little insane. Fine thats fixed. Do i hate the changes on Dirty, sure i do, was it easy mode, no and anyone that was any good knew it wasnt a 3 button kill all. Real ops knew that, but again its fine. Hows that saying go adapt and overcome. Sure i could tell bio to suck a fat one and unsub. But really whats out there, my friends are here sluggin it out, so the least i can do is give the same effort. Healing tree, yeah not the best ever but not all that bad, if you got some good dps, and tanks backin your play. Dont be afraid to throw out your weak backblast, or firstshot. 8-10 medals is still pretty good. Have fun with it as best you can. Look at the bright side, sorcs are next. Silver lining and all that. Flames coming i know but since i post 1 time every 5 years or so, all water to this Duck. Edited by Madwilly
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LOL I face roll op's all the time since the nerf and i play as a BH your logic is flawed you tool go ***** about something worthwhile."Boo hoo my class got nerfed" it needed nerfed when someone can 4 shot me in a matter of seconds thats overpowered


Huh? Where did i whine. Im just telling it like it is.


I still intend to keep playing my operative, i just have to be selective about my targets now.

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The legit Operatives are still around. The 5-button FOTM monkeys have left the building...


tru dat.


Bunch of whiners....you all got balanced against the rest of us and I'm not so sure they went far enough. I meanI'm happier, now, that you got nerfed, but I'm pretty sure you still a bit OP.


Wait for the 2nd round of stats to prove out that your class still needs to be ratcheted back a notch.

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Don't worry all you who are telling the Operatives/Scoundrels boo hoo they got nerfed beware. The same devs will nerf you in time and I would guess sorc/sages are next on the chopping block. Vanguards and BH's will be in there sometime because people will QQ enough about them. Have fun when it comes your way.
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