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TALLON ZEK - Shout Out


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Mjuk/Softfist(before the account got sold around like crazy), human Monk of Vallon Zek with Ancient Dawn. Also way back in the day Ghwargh a troll SK with Draconic tribe and Brotherhood of the Doomed.


Man this thread got me all nostalgic. A shoutout to Defiant on vallon, epic fights. =)


Damn I know you. I used to group with Khree, Brobb, Ratatosk, Bregott, Catrak to name a few.

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Nbkan does ring a bell. You surname, fizzlespell, even more so. Had a guild on the shadow runner(called Zek) with some Aerist dudes as well as some AD people but sadly, the server now compeletely dead. Currently on Bloodworthy as an imperial.


I also had a DE wizard named Shadowporter. I left the server for a bit when Legends opened up and then a bunch of Vzers came over and we had a chat channel called Exodus. At that point in time in the game 12 Prophets were no longer, Xanit was waning and Defiant pretty much controlled the server from my point of view.


I did like my share of Aerist guys. I remember when I was in Draconic I pissed Fasol off in Kaesora by training his butt with Nbkan and then feigning off the whole zone on him. I then got admonished for a Blizzy move by Bregott and apologized to Fasol and we actually became 'friends' so to speak. Who would have figured months down the line they make a server Sullon Zek where that type of behavior was encouraged.


So nice to see some old friends on here. I just wish I came into the game early enough so that maybe we could have coordinated getting on the same SWTOR server.


I was never the best pvper but the dialed up warzones in SWTOR ain't pvp. PVP is when you are sucking the xp ****** and you get hit hit with a broadsword upside your head mid pull and half health and not ready for it. How do you respond then? That's pvp...warzones and instances are all make believe, Fantasy Island.


Hell I remember fighting for your xp area, Raptor Island in Timorous Deep. Constantly doing /who to see who is in zone. Naked Wizards and Druids pretending to be on corpse runs only to have them moments later drop a nuke on your head and loot your corpse. Keeping stinging wort on your person so you can't get mezzed. And the tremendous skill prior to item loot being removed of being able to bag all your stuff while darked and the screen was black. These youngsters don't understand true pvp. As someone in this thread said Velious was the height of PVP and fighting for spawns and xp zones were the norm.


Memories would be nice to ressurect them but I doubt we ever shall.

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Wow this thread is bringing back memories!





Haze - Tallon Zek Pandemonium


I heard when the servers merged Pandemonium controlled the Zek server. I haven't logged in the game in years to even poke around. I believe last time I did I saw Ryziggy, the Mastah Blastah.

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Onersadvukit, rallos zek - transcendency, zek - pandemonium. I remember sppeed oh goodness and some of the guys in this thread as well as geeton, Ulaquay, ungrum who has a swtor account and darlana and haze as well.
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Memories would be nice to ressurect them but I doubt we ever shall.


Today is all about appealing to the maximum number of people. The very idea of consequences to anything in MMOs today is taboo. It's all about instant gratification, which can be seen in 1.2(even though I like much of what is being done). On the other hand, in a game where the PVP is like E-sports and all about teamwork a smaller geargap is a good thing. It is fun for now but I doubt I will be in this game for the long time. Levelling is too fast which in turn does not make you appreciate the content in the same way.


But yeah, the instant gratification generation and casual gamers pretty much own the market these days.

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Today is all about appealing to the maximum number of people. The very idea of consequences to anything in MMOs today is taboo. It's all about instant gratification, which can be seen in 1.2(even though I like much of what is being done). On the other hand, in a game where the PVP is like E-sports and all about teamwork a smaller geargap is a good thing. It is fun for now but I doubt I will be in this game for the long time. Levelling is too fast which in turn does not make you appreciate the content in the same way.


But yeah, the instant gratification generation and casual gamers pretty much own the market these days.


Well said. And one for the memories from Vallon Zek. I am looting and scooting. When you got killed you lost your zone priveleges that is all.

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And one for the memories from Vallon Zek. I am looting and scooting. When you got killed you lost your zone priveleges that is all.


Ah yes. Makes me think of all the nights where we had to fight, for example, Defiant for the raid zone. It would be interesting if some developer made a hardcoded loot and scoot as I doubt today's kiddies and sore losers would be able to resist turning PvP into a zergfest.


Though the reason it worked for EQ1 is that the game didn't focus so heavily on a quest system. Grinding and exploration gave you rewards as well, pushing that extra mile in a dungeon(these were not instanced, for those that didn't play EQ1). Also, EQ1 had multiple zones viable for levelling, which also is a product of the above. You were not forced down a linear path, you had options. Curiously, the MMO genre seem to have regressed in this aspect. If you have more open-dungeons and points of interest you will have more people around and thus people will meet each other. As a nice side effect, on a pvp server PvP will actually matter because it isn't just a gankfest or a PVP area. It is just natural PvP. I mean, I still remember Crushbone, Unrest, Mistmoore, Lguk, Chardok, Cabilis, etc etc, because I spent time there and explored it. Not just blew through it in a few hours to get to the "end-game".


Having arbitrary rewards like valor, isn't the way to go. Just look at Ilum. :D

Edited by nikthebeast
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Vallon Zek here (it's actually my Legacy name here). Was in Xanit K'ven. Was RL friends with Smackz and Slamz as well as a few others.


Moved on to DAoC with all of them (also Xanit) with Tipp and the rest of the crew.


Also played Sullon Zek for quite a while. Ahh, nothing like quad kiting Ulthorks. ;)



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Vallon Zek here (it's actually my Legacy name here). Was in Xanit K'ven. Was RL friends with Smackz and Slamz as well as a few others.


Moved on to DAoC with all of them (also Xanit) with Tipp and the rest of the crew.


Also played Sullon Zek for quite a while. Ahh, nothing like quad kiting Ulthorks. ;)




Shouts to Xanit for sure my favorite guild then second Draconic Tribe. I came into Xanit during their rebirth. They are still kicking just not in EQ. I think they are in rift now.



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Oh gawd, FeF....I STILL say that to this day, and then feel old when no one in gchat has a clue what I'm talking about.


I thought about making a toon on Star Wars with the name FEF and then I realized only a small few would know the name. Blizzy is the biggest Fef on Vallon. So many endearing terms we had... i.e. fef, peck, eq (well could mean a lot of things~in conversation equipment), LnS, tonk (i forget which monk proclaimed himself a tonk not a twink.), cc (camp check not crowd control).


Hell if they ever have server transfers we should all move to the same server under one Guild Tag, ZEK.

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Hello Old Schoolers. Recognized a few SZers on here. Good to hear from ya. Ulster of the Shanks, Grimshade Gloomwarden of Honorbound here.


I soooooo miss SZ. Have yet to find a pvp environment that has been close. PvP caters to whiners now. Griefing is a lost artform. Want to beat someone? Report em for killing you. That is what pvp has come down to. Whiney kids.


I long for a world where you can cuss at the other team. Where death had actual consequences. Where players would screw other players girlfriends then brag about it in game and post pictures. Where one of the main players was a guy who showed pictures of the whores he slept with while playing on his multitoon/supercontraption.


Guilds would camp whole other guilds for days. It would get so bad that a guild would have to ask for help from the entire faction to break them out. Everyone with a toon that could swing a sword would come to try and stem the tide. Whole cities would be wiped out, just to try and make sure no low levels would even think about leveling there. When you died, you could lose days worth of exp if you didn't know someone with a rez stick.


When you got to max level on SZ. It meant something. You survived hell. You used your wits, resources and creativity to make it in the nastiest pool of hell ever created. I will always miss it. Pvp ever since has been a farce.


Stay Frosty-

Edited by Bloodguard
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Where players would screw other players girlfriends then brag about it in game and post pictures. Where one of the main players was a guy who showed pictures of the whores he slept with while playing on his multitoon/supercontraption.


I'm with you on the rest but what the..? :confused:


Hell if they ever have server transfers we should all move to the same server under one Guild Tag, ZEK.


Would be nice but the different factions might pose a problem.

Edited by nikthebeast
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I'm with you on the rest but what the..? :confused:




Would be nice but the different factions might pose a problem.


We run two Zek teams...and put the names to a Vote Rallos Zek, Tallon Zek or Vallon Zek. Or hell resurrect some old school names voted on by the consensus. Maybe the Iggles will rise again.

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