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Planets = huge or something else entirely . . .


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I'm having a bit of difficulty wrapping my mind around the size of the planets; my feeling is that all of them I have played so far are rather small (through Hoth on Republic, through Tatooine on Empire). I admit that from time to time they can seem large, especially when one has to walk across a planet's entirety, but in retrospect, even those journeys take no more than five minutes of actual travel time. Linearity? Too much cut off from player exploration? The vistas are great, but rarely can one get to the points he sees in them.


Anyhow, if someone has done some calculations, let's say approximate square kilometers or something, I'd be really interested to know what they came up with. Likewise, if I am simply failing to find this information, might someone point it out?


In closing, do the worlds feel large or otherwise to you?

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If you stacked up every planet and laid all their zones out next to each other, the SWTOR world is huge. But that's not the case. Everything is instanced into its own. We have 1 planet for every 3 or so levels. Even the starter planet is divvied up to 4 different ones. This leads to the feel of being isolated and alone because...well you are for the most part. The world feels smaller since all you interact with are the individual planets. Secondary issue is you are VERY limited in the direction you can travel. There are many boundaries within a planet, so you are only going a predetermined path.


Each planets can be pretty big. Belsavis, for example, takes me 5 min to get from one subzone to the next. But since there are boundaries I can't go over, big block of walls I'll never see, all the bigness is but a maze.

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The area's you can go into aren't the whole planet.


They're the areas worth going into for story and leveling purposes. Making all the planets full scale would be a ridiculous amount of work, and would result in a game that doesn't come out for another several years.


It would also result in tons of space that isn't used. Either with tons of Mobs way to low of a level for you to bother dealing with if the planet is all the same respective level. Or it'd leave you leveling entirely on one planet, and leaving all the other planets worthless.


The leveling transition between planets works fine, and the non starter planets are quite expansive.

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I remember when I first started playing WoW in Vanilla, that it felt really big. Bigger than how it feels in this game. I think that's because there wasn't multiple worlds you'd travel to, but you'd just be on one continent or the other. You felt like you could travel endlessly from top to bottom going through multiple zones. There was more continent scattered around instead of just mobs and empty terrain with distant scenery.


The game feels big when I'm on a bridge looking out into space, or when I bug and die and res back ontop of the Imperial Fleet, looking at the huge planets that can't even fit onto my screen. But jumping from world to world doesn't help me keep that sense of largeness and openness, I just feel like I'm logging into a different mini-world.

Edited by EscVelocity
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The area's you can go into aren't the whole planet.


They're the areas worth going into for story and leveling purposes. Making all the planets full scale would be a ridiculous amount of work, and would result in a game that doesn't come out for another several years.


It would also result in tons of space that isn't used. Either with tons of Mobs way to low of a level for you to bother dealing with if the planet is all the same respective level. Or it'd leave you leveling entirely on one planet, and leaving all the other planets worthless.


The leveling transition between planets works fine, and the non starter planets are quite expansive.


I don't know that anyone is asking for full scale planets. However, each of the planets I have been do lack an open-ness one would expect from an MMO, even a themepark one. Thought Tattooine was going to be great; there was a big, wide expanse of clear sand right outside town that was ready for exploration . . . and a couple hundred feet into it you hit an exhaustion zone. Please stay on the path . . .


I guess I just feel hemmed in; kind of like Jimmy Carey in the Truman show sailing into a painted background.

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