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Anyone else come to a grinding halt around Tatooine?


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I loved tatooine. Open, I could go anywhere, could avoid getting dismounted most of the time, it felt warm and cozy. The one I hated was Hoth. I felt cold just seeing it, and the maps blew up for me and I couldn't find anything. The rest of the worlds were fine, just Hoth... don't like Hoth. I love the music there, but Hoth can go play with a black hole as far as I'm concerned.
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Enjoyed Tat but Taris was the one I hated. Not sure why but it felt very closed in and structured. Not a big fan of the "city" zones as they make me feel like I'm playing in a parking garage. None of them are so long that they really get to you.
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Can you believe I started to feel that way in the beginning of Nar shadda, (basically the third planet after imp Capital planet) only level 22.


I am/was a Juggernaut and my health no matter if using healing companion or a DPS compaion to help drop enemies faster was down to 50 and I times 30%.

It felt like the whole time I was hitting no harder than the default attack.


It became drudgery seeing mobs everywhere and knowing to stay at level or higher I have to just attack most of them, a TOTAL GRIND..


I love the story and VO, the game is awesome that way, but this just killed the mood to play this game for me.


Such an anti-climax having a story on how bad-*** I am and powerful Sith and then trash mobs on each corner is a grind.

I should just make a swing and they fall like dominoes.


The starting planet was fun that way, you felt powerful at level 5 cause you killed the mobs in 1-2 hits.

I know it's a tutorial planet, but they kept saying "how heroic you feel in SWTOR" yet you don't.

Not as a Jedi or Sith warrior/knight.


With so many enemies EVERYWHERE why can't they make it so they are all easy to kill, EXCEPT the elites and bosses etc.

Having ever single mob being 3-4 and take so long to kill is extremely boring.


So, I cancelled my Sub after my free month yesterday, I just lost the feeling to grind.

Now before people rant, I still like the game and I will re-sub later on when I get that urge again, and hopefully they have boosted the damage output.

Cause I WANT to play the game, but a game is entertainment for me, not a chore.


I just wish they took note of this.


It's not like you run out of enemies or something killing fast.


You obviously need to learn to play the class.


I have a Juggernaut at level 42 currently and I have no problem dropping packs of mobs with Jaesa as my companion. Haven't used Malavai Quinn since I got her. I make sure my armor is the best i can get for my level , same for Jaesa. I channel after every 2 packs. Elites are no problem either as long as they are solo (which they typically are). I am Immortal specced.


Gotta be the player, not the game.

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What you guys are describing is NOT a grind. 25 Rakghouls takes about 1-2 minutes because they come in huge packs.


A grind is either where you have to kill mobs endless for EXP because you don't have any other means to get experience or farming reputations for weeks.


Everything in this game is super quick. There are absolutely no grinds whatsoever.


edit: And I happen to LOVE tatooine. It's probably the coolest looking planet there is because it's so big and there are jawas. The quests were good, too. People overreact about the travel times in Tatooine, when in fact there hardly is any besides the section in the dune sea. Even there it doesn't take long to travel at all.

Edited by Norbix
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What you guys are describing is NOT a grind. 25 Rakghouls takes about 1-2 minutes because they come in huge packs.


A grind is either where you have to kill mobs endless for EXP because you don't have any other means to get experience or farming reputations for weeks.


Everything in this game is super quick. There are absolutely no grinds whatsoever.


um no. You are wrong on many levels and here's why.


Go ask people trying to get battlemaster doing the pvp GRIND and have done it for weeks.


Go ask pve people running the same instance and havent gotten the gear they need. Hmm sounds like a GRIND to me.

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Tatooine is a snap. I will say this, it is a turning point in the game where you really have to build your character and companion to take down the NPCs efficiently. You either need a couple lvls ahead or you need to max out your gear & spec and learn which abilities are most effective, because the Sand People/Mercs on Tat are tougher than the MOBs on previous planets. You can't slack off on Tatooine or for the rest of the game after that point for that matter. Edited by MorgonKara
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um no. You are wrong on many levels and here's why.


Go ask people trying to get battlemaster doing the pvp GRIND and have done it for weeks.


Go ask pve people running the same instance and havent gotten the gear they need. Hmm sounds like a GRIND to me.


End game has grinding. The leveling game doesn't really have much.

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Honestly I don't think its that bad, but I think I can relate to the halt your are hitting, I run through it on my BH and it was a little like pulling teeth, but couple this as playing a tank and not gearing enough and well you get a grinding halt.


Geared up Make and myself and the last half that plan was fine. Now I make sure I do a gear check every 5-10 levels.

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linear worlds, linear questing (ie point a to point b, back to point A then back to point B and hit maybe point C before returning to point A again) Dreadful heroic zones to hide the fact there's been no real creativity put into the creatures and the worlds and lets not forget to mention mobs that can self heal...


I'm getting sick of the 'grind', i know its to be expected in any mmo, without it there'd not be much left to do but it's just damned obvious it's not funny.

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um no. You are wrong on many levels and here's why.


Go ask people trying to get battlemaster doing the pvp GRIND and have done it for weeks.


Go ask pve people running the same instance and havent gotten the gear they need. Hmm sounds like a GRIND to me.


It's exactly that mentality that's ruining MMO's. End game is end game, you do it to enjoy it and the gear is a perk. If you go to the end game purely for the gear and you'll see it as a grind, but it shouldn't be.


It's probably why WoW and this game are so easy now, because everyone is motivated by gear and it needs to be easy to get.

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I found that Tatooine is extremely boring and Hoth isn't that much of an improvement, I'm about halfway through Hoth, and I went form like 38 to 41 doing PvP and running flashpoints because I refused to go back to that snowy desert.


If I wanted to play in the snow I'd go outside. WHERE IT IS ALWAYS SNOWING

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Honestly I don't think its that bad, but I think I can relate to the halt your are hitting, I run through it on my BH and it was a little like pulling teeth, but couple this as playing a tank and not gearing enough and well you get a grinding halt.


Geared up Make and myself and the last half that plan was fine. Now I make sure I do a gear check every 5-10 levels.


Yeah Tatooine is kind of like a test. Your character progression has to be on-point otherwise it's going to seem really hard.

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It's exactly that mentality that's ruining MMO's. End game is end game, you do it to enjoy it and the gear is a perk. If you go to the end game purely for the gear and you'll see it as a grind, but it shouldn't be.


It's probably why WoW and this game are so easy now, because everyone is motivated by gear and it needs to be easy to get.


The mentality is based on how you are forced to play the game. Do action A for reward B. Thats not group mentality thats GAME DESIGN. They want you grinding because it keeps you playing longer.


If people werent motivated by carrot on a stick gear what motivation is there to do pve or pvp? Just for the pure fun of it? I guess thats what you could argue but people in mmo's do the grind for shiney things because contrary to popular belief its not skill that wins its usually gear.

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The mentality is based on how you are forced to play the game. Do action A for reward B. Thats not group mentality thats GAME DESIGN. They want you grinding because it keeps you playing longer.


If people werent motivated by carrot on a stick gear what motivation is there to do pve or pvp? Just for the pure fun of it? I guess thats what you could argue but people in mmo's do the grind for shiney things because contrary to popular belief its not skill that wins its usually gear.


It's supposed to be to clear all of the content and get geared along the way. TOR's execution is terrible, admittedly. Currently the normal mode operations are cakewalk and people are expected to set the hard modes as their goal. It's that mentality I'm talking about that made normal modes so easy, because people just want without trying. Raiding (in all of MMO's) climaxed at Ulduar, where even the normal mode would take about a month or two for the average guild to clear and during that time people would get geared.


I still hesitate calling endgame a grind here, though. Operations are so laughably easy that it takes literally about an hour to clear an operation. Each operation drops tons of gear, also.


I can't really comment on PVP. It's random, anyway. I still believe that even in PVP gear isn't exactly the goal unless you make it so. Do you think people will suddenly stop PVP'ing as soon as their gear set is complete?

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It's exactly that mentality that's ruining MMO's. End game is end game, you do it to enjoy it and the gear is a perk. If you go to the end game purely for the gear and you'll see it as a grind, but it shouldn't be.


It's probably why WoW and this game are so easy now, because everyone is motivated by gear and it needs to be easy to get.


Ehh not really. This game follows WOW's gear progression style. You have to get better gear to progress to harder content. Most of character strength/ability comes from gear. Try stripping all the gear off your character and look at their stats and you'll see what I mean.

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It's supposed to be to clear all of the content and get geared along the way. TOR's execution is terrible, admittedly. Currently the normal mode operations are cakewalk and people are expected to set the hard modes as their goal. It's that mentality I'm talking about that made normal modes so easy, because people just want without trying. Raiding (in all of MMO's) climaxed at Ulduar, where even the normal mode would take about a month or two for the average guild to clear and during that time people would get geared.


I still hesitate calling endgame a grind here, though. Operations are so laughably easy that it takes literally about an hour to clear an operation. Each operation drops tons of gear, also.


I can't really comment on PVP. It's random, anyway. I still believe that even in PVP gear isn't exactly the goal unless you make it so. Do you think people will suddenly stop PVP'ing as soon as their gear set is complete?


No people will continue to pvp but it will be for different reasons and without the motivation for newer gear i doubt it has any staying power.

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Ehh not really. This game follows WOW's gear progression style. You have to get better gear to progress to harder content. Most of character strength/ability comes from gear. Try stripping all the gear off your character and look at their stats and you'll see what I mean.


That isn't exactly true. In WoW you would do normal dungeons > heroic dungeons > normal raids > heroic raids. In TOR is normal raids > heroic raids. The flashpoints drop the same loot as normal operations so you can include that in the first step. So WoW had 4 steps whereas TOR has 2, and anticipate most people won't even do the second.


edit: also there's far less gear in TOR and it's MUCH easier to obtain here since each boss drops so much loot.

Edited by Norbix
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