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Bioware Im very Pleased with the game.


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I just wanted to say again, how wonderful this game is, i love it! there is so much stuff to do and im having a blast doing it. I play almost 5-6 hours a day and there is always something for me to do, i barely run into bugs like other ppl mention, and my FPS is great. Thank you for bringing me a game that has me addicted like i was back in EQ1 .


p.s. and no this isnt a troll these are facts from my experiance in the game.


p.s.s yes im lvl 50.

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I posted something similar to this last week and I agree the forums move fast... Got bumped to the 3rd page within the hour haha.


While unlike you, I did (and still do) encounter bugs and FPS drops in random places. I feel the game overall has a TON of potential and honestly was rushed to release by EA and their investors.


People now and days just need instant gratification. Give it a few months for BioWare to clean up the bugs and start working on new content and they will all start resubbing.


I can't blame some people for canceling subs if the bugs and glitches are game breaking for them though. They don't bother me enough to make me quit. :D

Edited by Michelobe
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/agree. I have a 50, a 39, a 40, and bunch of other alts on both sides, and I'm loving it :) I would like to know more about legacy, though :rolleyes: (currently legacy level 15)


Legacy huh? perhaps you'll get some new eyebrows for your toons or something equally ridiculous...

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I just wanted to say again, how wonderful this game is, i love it! there is so much stuff to do and im having a blast doing it. I play almost 5-6 hours a day and there is always something for me to do, i barely run into bugs like other ppl mention, and my FPS is great. Thank you for bringing me a game that has me addicted like i was back in EQ1 .


p.s. and no this isnt a troll these are facts from my experiance in the game.


p.s.s yes im lvl 50.



I disagree. The game is far from wonderful. In fact it completely failed to deliver.

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I just wanted to say again, how wonderful this game is, i love it! there is so much stuff to do and im having a blast doing it. I play almost 5-6 hours a day and there is always something for me to do, i barely run into bugs like other ppl mention, and my FPS is great. Thank you for bringing me a game that has me addicted like i was back in EQ1 .


p.s. and no this isnt a troll these are facts from my experiance in the game.


p.s.s yes im lvl 50.


You have an odd username for such a chipper post.

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Legacy huh? perhaps you'll get some new eyebrows for your toons or something equally ridiculous...


:p why is everyone so negative about this when we know next to nothing? There was a hint in the preview video in the form of what may have been a Miraluka sith warrior... but other than that, it's all rumors and hearsay. I've been a fan of Bioware for many, many years. I certainly am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt for a few months.

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I agree. This game is very fun and I plan on being in it for the long haul. Sure the game is still in it's infancy and will be for the next 6 months to year, but I know by then all of these little bugs that people are constantly complaining about are going to be taken care of one by one. I know that my patience is going to pay off in the end.
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TOR is far from bad but can be very frustrating. PVE is fine but needs more end game of course and primary source of frustration is from PVP, especially if your having a bad losing streak.


What compounds frustrations on top of losing streaks is no credit for wins which still occurs, Voidstar barrier is flawed with one team waiting to join fight much longer than other, players dropping match at first sign of losing, healing spamable allowing team with most healers having huge advantage to name a few.


Ilum needs more mountable turrents to combat against base camping. Ye with larger zerg wins. There is little tactics involved and the frustrating part aside from simple grindfest is that players do not have more than one option to rez. Making it simple for zerg to go to med station to camp. 2 rez location options necessary and shocking that allot of these over sights were not thought out ahead of time. :eek:

Edited by AlphaBraddox
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:p why is everyone so negative about this when we know next to nothing? There was a hint in the preview video in the form of what may have been a Miraluka sith warrior... but other than that, it's all rumors and hearsay. I've been a fan of Bioware for many, many years. I certainly am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt for a few months.


Well the fact they seem to be too lazy or allowed themselves to be rushed into releasing the game without the legacy system in place was a dampener for starters, Why give them a few months!?!? Most of the things wrong with/missing from this game should have been attended too BEFORE launch and BEFORE they had the cheek to ask for a monthly sub.

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I love how "I like it" posts can speak for themselves, but Maker forbid if someone writes an "I don't like it" post without a bullet-point list of reasons why.


OP, your gushing does no one any favors.

Edited by Dezzi
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Well the fact they seem to be too lazy or allowed themselves to be rushed into releasing the game without the legacy system in place was a dampener for starters, Why give them a few months!?!? Most of the things wrong with/missing from this game should have been attended too BEFORE launch and BEFORE they had the cheek to ask for a monthly sub.


An easy stone to throw, when our knowledge of what went on in and between Bioware and EA leading up to release is all second hand and mostly rumor. A great many things may have happened, but I doubt very seriously that laziness was a primary motivating factor.:rolleyes:

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An easy stone to throw, when our knowledge of what went on in and between Bioware and EA leading up to release is all second hand and mostly rumor. A great many things may have happened, but I doubt very seriously that laziness was a primary motivating factor.:rolleyes:


tbh, i dont care about the reasons, i just want value for my subscription. I dont feel this has been achieved by bioware.

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Game is pretty good, although I'm VERY pissed off about the recent nerf to my IA. Luckily, I'm having a blast playing my Trooper now.


Oh, and I don't PVP. My anger relates strictly to how its affected my PVE gameplay.


Hopefully as time goes on, Bioware will learn how to balance things out properly, and get all the bugs squashed, and features added.

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