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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I haven't logged in for almost a week. Thoughts on why.


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I checked out your history of threads (I sometimes do that when I see what looks like a potential qq post.) You seem like you're a fairly reasonable community member. This means that instead of flamming you, I congratulate you on a well written post. It seems well thought out, although I will point out that you haven't played the hard/nightmare modes yet, so you might want to reconsider difficulty after you have tried them.


My hope is that BioWare recognizes this as helpful feedback and not a QQ thread like the title implies. You articulate some problems endgame has that could use attention.


Me too, and I hope they take it as constructive criticism. The OP did a great job with feedback and like he said in a response, it's not an unsubscribe thread. I will be watching the game's progress as well, but don't feel it's a good time investment for me as there are other really good options for gaming at the moment.

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I read your entire post (not sure why) and I must admit, you have some valid arguments.


The main thing they need to do is to make Ilum an instanced battle for objectives, kind of like Wintergrasp for those who are familiar with it. It would be every hour on the hour or something in that regards. It will be a 1:1 ratio with republic to empire. Now if an Imperial player didn't get in the first time, they would be put in a que for the next battle the following hour and so on and so forth. The way Ilum is now I will not even step foot in that entire area. I do the dailies for comms..if that, and move on to something else.


As far as your concerns with PVE I disagree. I like the fact that on regular mode a group of level 50s from different guilds can complete it without vent even and obtain some loot, but more importantly, complete it and see all content for the dungeon. Hard mode is there for the people who like more challenge and it rewards much, much better loot than regular. Please keep it this way, I like the fact I can see the normal version of every raid you release in this game from here on out and don't have to be in a raiding guild to do so.


Other than that, I agree with a lot you have said.


Turning it into Wintergrasp will only solve one problem: faction imbalance. It won't fix that it is still a meaningless sideshow attraction with no consequences like all instanced warzones.

Edited by Gungan
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I could have told you several months ago about what you described. This game isn't aimed at the die hard endgame raider/pvper. This game is aimed at the VERY casual.


What exactly in this game is difficult? The only blips in difficulty for me were killing The Emperor (I know not the real one w/e) and maybe one other boss battle in the class questline. My main difficulties even then were being a JK tank which are underpowered.


Fast forward to my BH. I'm rolling through content like nobody's business and haven't had any real challenges.


Once again this game is aimed at the VERY casual. Think working class SW fans that only can spare 1-2 hours a night.


This game 'right now' is all about the story. What we have here is KOTOR 3 with co-op play and a smatter of undeveloped WZ's and Raids. One day they will get around to fully developing endgame. That time isn't the present.


Frankly I wish they had just scrapped WZ's and Raids all together instead of lure people in with those half baked ideas. Greed is a powerful thing and they wanted your cash.


Endgamers/PVPers will never be satisfied. You guys chew up content quicker than any developer will ever be able to develop. You rushed to the end and missed the entire game. Or one dude dies in PVP and cries it's his class/devs fault. Never ending river of tears my friend.


Hopefully BW stick to the meat of the game where we continue to develop our characters story beyond 50. If you want to grind endgame or hope for balanced PVP. Well you're just setting yourself up for disappointment,

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Turning it into Wintergrasp will only solve one problem: faction imbalance. It won't fix that it is still a meaningless sideshow attraction with no consequences like all instanced warzones.


Good point, that one thing won't fix it for good, but at least it will give people incentive to at least attempt pvp weeklys again. It also would give Republic players a higher chance to enter and get valor since they would have a higher chance of getting into multiple Ilums because of lower population.


Just a thought, I realize even that probably won't be enough to save Ilum but it's better than the crapfest it is right now.

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As far as your concerns with PVE I disagree. I like the fact that on regular mode a group of level 50s from different guilds can complete it without vent even and obtain some loot, but more importantly, complete it and see all content for the dungeon. Hard mode is there for the people who like more challenge and it rewards much, much better loot than regular. Please keep it this way, I like the fact I can see the normal version of every raid you release in this game from here on out and don't have to be in a raiding guild to do so.



This, for sure. Repeated failures to learn an instance on it's normal difficulty level are wholly unnecessary.

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Because it's a game that caters to more casual players, who don't want to spend months going from level 1 to level 10.


How fast someone gets to a certain level has nothing to do with "casual" or not. As long as there is content for someone to experience, it has no bearing on a casual player. Casual players complained mainly when the content was simply a pointless task of grinding to level due to lack of content.


Having an extremely fast leveling pace is catering to the impatient and easily bored, to which those same people end complaining anyway about lack of content once they get to max level.

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In SWTOR, since I capped on a level 42-45 planet, all subsequent planets became tedious chores because I didn't have anything to look forward to except more missions. I wasn't going to get new skills, and I wasn't going to get new gear (because I had already doen the dailies on Belsavies and gotten all level 50 mods). Every item I received between Voss and Ilum was vendored. That's not fun.




And this is why I am losing interest in even getting to 50. You might think "what? you aren't 50 yet?" and the answer is no, but the reason is because I have tried to avoid leveling as much as possible while I was trying to make crafting and commendations on the way up to 50 have some possible meaning. The result is that I am about 47 and I have only done the class quest, and the first two planets fully. The rest I have barely touched and now most of the planets are grey to me, but as you pointed out, there is no real reason to go back to them aside from the story as there is nothing worth while in terms of character progression.


So now I find myself lacking the desire to log in, even though I am not 50 due to the fact that the bulk of the game was wasted due to an excessive leveling speed. /shrug

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And this is why I am losing interest in even getting to 50. You might think "what? you aren't 50 yet?" and the answer is no, but the reason is because I have tried to avoid leveling as much as possible while I was trying to make crafting and commendations on the way up to 50 have some possible meaning. The result is that I am about 47 and I have only done the class quest, and the first two planets fully. The rest I have barely touched and now most of the planets are grey to me, but as you pointed out, there is no real reason to go back to them aside from the story as there is nothing worth while in terms of character progression.


So now I find myself lacking the desire to log in, even though I am not 50 due to the fact that the bulk of the game was wasted due to an excessive leveling speed. /shrug




I see what you're saying here and agree. When I was leveling to 50, I ended up repeatedly skipping entire planets worth of content because I significantly higher level than the available quests. At one point I even stopped leveling completely for about 3-4 days before continuing because I felt i was finishing things too fast.

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Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback. All feedback, both positive and negative, is valuable to us as we make improvements in the game. We already have similar discussions going on in other threads. We encourage you to add your thoughts to the Suggestion Compliation thread, where that conversation is already in progress in our new Suggestion Box forum.


For bug-related issues, there is also the Ultimate Bug List thread.


We will be closing this thread now. We thank you for your cooperation!

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