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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Upgrade Video Card....Still Low FPS...Trolol?


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So yesterday I decided to finally update the video card on my desktop. I didn't go crazy and get top of the line but I think we can all agree that a nvidia 550ti is nothing to scoff at (i had a nvidia 9600 in there). Loaded up BF3 on ultra and Skyrim at max and got around 30-35 fps. Not bad, about what I was expecting since the card is about a year old. Now time to load up to and see if I can get above 20 fps....oh wow yea! now I have !22! fps while running around in quest areas (didnt check fleet and WZ since it will probably be lower)


Wow so glad they had that long winded post about low end machines and explaining to us noobs what graphic settings are v.v


Edit: adding cpu and ram cause I am a tard and forgot. Quad core oc'd to 2.8 and 8 gigs of ram

Edited by AaronPenick
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So yesterday I decided to finally update the video card on my desktop. I didn't go crazy and get top of the line but I think we can all agree that a nvidia 550ti is nothing to scoff at (i had a nvidia 9600 in there). Loaded up BF3 on ultra and Skyrim at max and got around 30-35 fps. Not bad, about what I was expecting since the card is about a year old. Now time to load up to and see if I can get above 20 fps....oh wow yea! now I have !22! fps while running around in quest areas (didnt check fleet and WZ since it will probably be lower)


Wow so glad they had that long winded post about low end machines and explaining to us noobs what graphic settings are v.v


What's your processor? A top of the line card won't do much if your processor is slow(er), especially as MMO's tend to be both CPU and GPU (depending on settings) intensive.

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MMO's in general are CPU bound not GPU. and your FPS sounds about right for a 550 as i have a all in one pc that has a 550 and it gets the same. I use my gaming desktop though which now has a ATI 7970.


Alot of performance gain would be gotten if BW ever codes the game to take good advantage of multiple cores

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MMO's in general are CPU bound not GPU. and your FPS sounds about right for a 550 as i have a all in one pc that has a 550 and it gets the same. I use my gaming desktop though which now has a ATI 7970.


Alot of performance gain would be gotten if BW ever codes the game to take good advantage of multiple cores


How could that sound right for a game that doesnt seem that graphic intensive? I mean Skyrim and BF3 look way more astounding and have to render a lot more then TOR right?

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While you are in game, please hit CONTROL+SHIFT+F


You will see a little FPS meter appear in the bottom left corner.


Is the color green or red?


Green = Your card what's causing the ceiling on your FPS (even if it's really high, it has a ceiling).


Red = CPU is the cause.


I'm guessing your FPS sucked because of the CPU from the start.

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How could that sound right for a game that doesnt seem that graphic intensive? I mean Skyrim and BF3 look way more astounding and have to render a lot more then TOR right?


because like i said, MMO's are CPU bound, games like skyrim and bf3 are more GPU bound so you get better performance for that reason. WHen something is CPU bound that means it doesn't use the GPU as much. CPU now a days don't get much faster they just get more cores and most mmo's don't take advantage of those cores. Most single player games don't either but more and more them are now.

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While you are in game, please hit CONTROL+SHIFT+F


You will see a little FPS meter appear in the bottom left corner.


Is the color green or red?


Green = Your card what's causing the ceiling on your FPS (even if it's really high, it has a ceiling).


Red = CPU is the cause.


I'm guessing your FPS sucked because of the CPU from the start.


green never flickers to red. this is both before and after upgrade

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How could that sound right for a game that doesnt seem that graphic intensive? I mean Skyrim and BF3 look way more astounding and have to render a lot more then TOR right?


The thing with MMOs is as soon as other players are taken into account the CPU usage goes up, quite fast too. It has to keep track of every single one you could possibly see. You don't have that in Skyrim. I'm running 2 Xeon equivalents to the Intel 980X and I get CPU bottle-necked in heavy areas. I don't have them OC'd at the moment due to power constraints but when I do the performance goes up. And one of the settings that seems to affect it the most is the view distance, which isn't in the settings unless you go mucking with the ini files.

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Actual CPU architecture too, that goes a long way in determining performance.




that processor probably doesnt have an L3 Cache... probably bottlenecking whats your resolution?



check your usage..


if cpu usage is at 99% and gpu usage is at like 15-30% cpu is probably bottlenecking.


and keep in mind.. the lower the resolution the higher the strain on your CPU. the higher the resolution the more weight it takes off the CPU and puts it onto the GPU

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While you are in game, please hit CONTROL+SHIFT+F


You will see a little FPS meter appear in the bottom left corner.


Is the color green or red?


Green = Your card what's causing the ceiling on your FPS (even if it's really high, it has a ceiling).


Red = CPU is the cause.


I'm guessing your FPS sucked because of the CPU from the start.


This has actually been proven to be false.

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Shadows, bloom, shader complexity.

Turn them down and enjoy high frame rates.


Might also be worth noting that 550 Ti isnt actually some high performance card. Just on the higher end of regular consumer cards considering it's preformance. Cant expect any miracles from it.

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This has actually been proven to be false.


Really? How odd, I could have swore that's what Georg said on the beta forums back in beta.


To the OP: Very odd - my GF's machine we bought for $200 bucks - dual core 2.4ghz, 4 gigs of ram, and GTS 250 (I think) and she gets about 30 on average with all settings set to low.

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