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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

27 Gigabyte... Of what?


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My point being, when you first install/download the game you expect an endless amount of content. But to the surprise there isn't much...


Thanks for the giggle.


Have you even played this game?


Each planet is huge, there is content outside of planets, each faction has a great deal of isolated/seperate content, there are lots of flashpoints, all the voice and video to support it all.


I'm fond of saying that the average MMORPG player (well, average american, I guess) is an idiot. Sadly it gets proven multiple times daily.

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C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft - 17.9 GB


C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\BioWare\Star Wars-The Old Republic - 19.5 GB


Largest folder in SWTOR folder is the "Assets" folder. Containing 90 ".TOR" files that add up to 16.8 GB.


You don't have many of the WoW expansions apparently: Here is my latest of each game folder:



du -sh /d/Games/Star\ Wars-The\ Old\ Republic/ /d/Games/World\ of\ Warcraft/

20G /d/Games/Star Wars-The Old Republic/

31G /d/Games/World of Warcraft/


WoW clearly wins in the weight category.

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