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Any word on a seemingly good pop EU english pvp server yet?


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As title says, me and my friends just found out that the guild we planned to join will be raiding and pvping at times that are pretty much out of the question for us ( Think 1 am onwards GMT).


Has anyone got some advice on a good pvp server yet? I know it's still very early in EGA, however a lot of people seem to have made pre-arrangements.

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Yeah for the EU servers its far too early to say really, however some of the US servers already seems to have been decided, to be one of the upcomming top-pvp servers for the community around it, but as far as I am ware no such server has been decided in Europe.


But hey just join a PvP server, and I am sure you will find plenty of PvP, and World PvP to no matter which server you choose :)

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