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Leaving warzones is an epidemic...


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Everyone leaves. Why stay, no penalty.


Enemy scored first? Leave.


Enemy capped two turrets? Leave.


Enemy got first door in 90 seconds? Leave.


Needs to be at least 20 min penalty on this, you leave you lose all benefits and can't join another till the one you left is over.


100% rift DOES IT

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If a team can't work together, why should I spend 15minutes of my time losing a match, when I can possibly join another match and win.


The fact that WZ wins don't count for me(55% of the time)... I just want to win and finish up my dailies. Now then, if they decreased the wins it takes to complete the daily to 1 win... well, I'd probably never back out.


I have never backed out ONCE on ANY of my low leveled characters. Even if we were getting slaughtered. The only reason I leave on my main is because I don't even know IF the win would even count. This game doesn't award hard work.


If they would patch the WZ not counting towards your daily glitch, then you would start to see less people leaving WZ's. Just think for a second here, you just left an hour- 5hr LONG Ilum grind(Some people may join warzones during the grind, idk). Are you honestly going to spend 2-3 more hours trying to get your daily done?


Key facts :


1). Fix the warzone victories not counting towards your daily glitch.

2). Reduce the daily to only 1 victory / OR fix Ilum and make it fun, so less people will be frustrated after they are done with their daily, and can continue on with warzones.


If there is a penalty, I'll still leave. Penalties are completely unnecessary, fix the rest of the game first, and you will start to see improvements elsewhere.




Also, Don't even get me started on Error Code 9000. It DC's me PLENTY of times in an outside of warzones. So if they even THINK about adding any kind of penalty, then I'd suggest that they fix this issue first.


Why should people suffer a penalty when they DC? Actually, we already do... we are kicked out with 0 grace period to get back in. How do you think people would feel if they are about to win a game, then they get Error code 9000, and suffer a penalty(other than getting kicked out).

Edited by SithEBM
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If a team can't work together, why should I spend 15minutes of my time losing a match, when I can possibly join another match and win.


The fact that WZ wins don't count for me(55% of the time)... I just want to win and finish up my dailies. Now then, if they decreased the wins it takes to complete the daily to 1 win... well, I'd probably never back out.


I have never backed out ONCE on ANY of my low leveled characters. Even if we were getting slaughtered. The only reason I leave on my main is because I don't even know IF the win would even count. This game doesn't award hard work.


If they would patch the WZ not counting towards your daily glitch, then you would start to see less people leaving WZ's. Just think for a second here, you just left an hour- 5hr LONG Ilum grind(Some people may join warzones during the grind, idk). Are you honestly going to spend 2-3 more hours trying to get your daily done?


Key facts :


1). Fix the warzone victories not counting towards your daily glitch.

2). Reduce the daily to only 1 victory / OR fix Ilum and make it fun, so less people will be frustrated after they are done with their daily, and can continue on with warzones.


If there is a penalty, I'll still leave. Penalties are completely unnecessary, fix the rest of the game first, and you will start to see improvements elsewhere.




Also, Don't even get me started on Error Code 9000. It DC's me PLENTY of times in an outside of warzones. So if they even THINK about adding any kind of penalty, then I'd suggest that they fix this issue first.


Why should people suffer a penalty when they DC? Actually, we already do... we are kicked out with 0 grace period to get back in. How do you think people would feel if they are about to win a game, then they get Error code 9000, and suffer a penalty(other than getting kicked out).


These are vaild points, however, its a gaming community that generally isn't concerned with the points mention above. Things going bad, laters...getting a new grp. Without some sort of barrier, ppl will just take advantage. As for getting the debuff from dc'ing; other mmo's figured out how to bypass that, so I am confident that BW can as well.

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Honestly there is zero difference between sitting in spawn and being spawn camped, and leaving the Warfront.


I don't think putting a timer on it would be remotely helpful.


Unless you just want to waste everyone's time.

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These are vaild points, however, its a gaming community that generally isn't concerned with the points mention above. Things going bad, laters...getting a new grp. Without some sort of barrier, ppl will just take advantage. As for getting the debuff from dc'ing; other mmo's figured out how to bypass that, so I am confident that BW can as well.


I'm going to go to sleep after this post(College in the morning)


I agree with this post. People DO take advantage. But Bioware should NEVER implement a debuff system until they resolve every single issue that I have stated.


1). Warzones fixed - A lot of people will stay.

2). 1 win required to complete the daily - A lot of people will stay.

3). Error Code 9000 - Well, it sucks. But yeah, I hope Bioware fixes this soon.

4). Ilum - People are tired, angry, and don't want to be bothered with bad groups after this mess.


I believe those are the MAIN reasons why people leave warzones. Although, they are people who act as you have mentioned "Oh we are losing, well, let's just leave".


The thing is, I understand that... and I actually support it to an extent. That is, until Bioware fixes every point I have mentioned. Then sure, add the debuff and if people leave, then they leave and will be penalized.


The key is - Reduce the TIME it takes to get your daily done. Time is everything, and after Ilum, I am already worn out... After warzones, I just log off.

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The penalty is you get zero xp, commendations, money, or valor and you've wasted x minutes of your game time.


Fair enough penalty.


I think it sucks that some players choose to bail at the first sign of trouble, but if they're quitters, they're probably not worth having around anyway.



On the other hand, if you're in a pug who has no clue what they're doing and/or people are screaming at each other in chat instead of concentrating, it's certainly acceptable to get the hell out of there.


this mostly happens when people are doing the daily for wins. nothing else matters, just the win.

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There's a guild exploiting the size of teams on warzones every night for the past week (gg bioware so many have reported this) and playing 8 vs 10/12 is not fun, I immediately leave when I see them, as does everyone else.


Don't punish me for avoiding exploiters.

Edited by ChrisJSY
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