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Leaving warzones is an epidemic...


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yeah not for nothing but i leave all the time. I did 25 warzones the other night. It took a full 25 warzones for me to get my 3 wins for my daily. Thats rediculous. 95% of the time its a pug who gets rolled, or you fight the republic who you can almost never beat in a warzone. God knows why.


But its frustrating to loose that much. So after a while you have no choice but to keep looking around for a decent group. i vowed then and there to not sit through another 25 warzones for 3 wins. If the group sucks, or its not balanced, or lack of players, Im gone! end of story.


Not to point out the obvious but you are solving your own dilemma. Find a group, queue with them, win warzones.


Heaven forbid you play a team oriented game with a team.

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Either we win or lose we still get rewards for playing.


The only time I leave is if my team is horrible. Example, the majority of my team is defending 1 turret and not bothering to attempt to attack another. They simply gave up, and that is unacceptable.

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yeah not for nothing but i leave all the time. I did 25 warzones the other night. It took a full 25 warzones for me to get my 3 wins for my daily. Thats rediculous. 95% of the time its a pug who gets rolled, or you fight the republic who you can almost never beat in a warzone. God knows why.


But its frustrating to loose that much. So after a while you have no choice but to keep looking around for a decent group. i vowed then and there to not sit through another 25 warzones for 3 wins. If the group sucks, or its not balanced, or lack of players, Im gone! end of story.


Or this actually, to be more constructive then I can care.

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Yea, why play with "bads" when you can leave and play with goods and get a win.

Screw the people on your team playing the game, eff them. Right on.

You are a bit of a softie giving them a chance to play with you, I would just leave if I saw they were "bads."


Seriously, really magnanimous of you to give them that chance.


oh cool, i care because...oh yea i dont care.

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yeah not for nothing but i leave all the time. I did 25 warzones the other night. It took a full 25 warzones for me to get my 3 wins for my daily. Thats rediculous. 95% of the time its a pug who gets rolled, or you fight the republic who you can almost never beat in a warzone. God knows why.


But its frustrating to loose that much. So after a while you have no choice but to keep looking around for a decent group. i vowed then and there to not sit through another 25 warzones for 3 wins. If the group sucks, or its not balanced, or lack of players, Im gone! end of story.


Man, you get stuck with the "bads" You have the worst luck. They should put the skilled players like you with other skilled or of course you are gonna leave. Why on Earth should anyone stay around. If youre losing just hit leave and screw that game and those people. You need your wins. Let those 15 clowns find a new game. I gotta respect the folks like you who ditch 75% of their matches, really good for the WZ's and PvP in general when people ditch the bad games.

Edited by richardya
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Man, you get stuck with the "bads" You have the worst luck. They should put the skilled players like you with other skilled or of course you are gonna leave. Why on Earth should anyone stay around. If youre losing just hit leave and screw that game and those people. You need your wins. Let those 15 clowns find a new game. I gotta respect the folks like you who ditch 75% of their matches, really good for the WZ's and PvP in general when people ditch the bad games.


^^ hes just angry because his conscience wont let him leave complete strangers hanging....



and enough with the bads and the goods stuff, you sound like a 10 year old kid on xbox live.

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^^ hes just angry because his conscience wont let him leave complete strangers hanging....



and enough with the bads and the goods stuff, you sound like a 10 year old kid on xbox live.


Disappointing how ridiculous these people are, i am not angry.

You people unfortunately dont have the capacity to understand the issue.

It's too hard for them to grasp that if everyone did what they did, every PvP match would end after 1 minute.


Again, none of them leave when their opponents are undergeared or bads, that is fun.

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Disappointing how ridiculous these people are, i am not angry.

You people unfortunately dont have the capacity to understand the issue.

It's too hard for them to grasp that if everyone did what they did, every PvP match would end after 1 minute.


Again, none of them leave when their opponents are undergeared or bads, that is fun.


we clearly understand the issue, we just dont care that it affects some randoms we dont know

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Everyone leaves. Why stay, no penalty.


Enemy scored first? Leave.


Enemy capped two turrets? Leave.


Enemy got first door in 90 seconds? Leave.


Needs to be at least 20 min penalty on this, you leave you lose all benefits and can't join another till the one you left is over.


If you want to leave early because you are losing your penalty is not getting the valor, commendations, xp and credits that even the losing team gets.


If people want to leave, let them, it doesn't bother me. Sometimes that slot gets filled by someone like me who will play to win even though the other team is ahead at the moment and we may end up winning anyway.


I think i might actually prefer that the defeatist twonks get out of the warzone and make room for someone that could potentially bring us a win.

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Sure, I'll go afk in a corner instead so you don't even get the chance for a new, motivated player.




This is the reaction I expect from a seven year old. The concept of sticking it out and finishing a game is alien to these people.


Amazing. They will sit in the corner rather than play a losing match or a WZ they don't like the best.

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OP is the most selfish person I've ever seen. Totally not a team player, and only out for himself.


If you were "there for me" or "supported me in WZs" like you said you do, wouldn't you want to see me get my daily done?


And the best way to do that is to leave you horrible group and try for a better one.


So show your support by telling me it's a-ok and you understand how important that is, stop being such a selfish, horrible person.

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It's too hard for them to grasp that if everyone did what they did, every PvP match would end after 1 minute.


Apparently it's equally too hard for you to understand reality : it will never happen that everyone leaves since people join in faster.


Unprobable hypothesis are useless.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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Funny thing is, I'm not too upset about people leaving. Quitters quit. It's the joining an already started (losing) match that peevs me. If there's time to actually turn it around then fine, but to join & have no chance of winning kinda sucks.


The quitters could care less that you get stuck in that situation, it's part of being selfish. Other people are not even considered, irrelevant.

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Option A: create a penalty for leaving and have more afk'ers to whine about

Option B: do nothing and cry about people leaving

Option C: change daily to matches played and have less afk'ers since once they are done the weekly/daily they wont play anymore

Edited by LanceUpercutt
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Disappointing how ridiculous these people are, i am not angry.

You people unfortunately dont have the capacity to understand the issue.

It's too hard for them to grasp that if everyone did what they did, every PvP match would end after 1 minute.


Again, none of them leave when their opponents are undergeared or bads, that is fun.


it also seems to be hard for you to grasp that nobody here cares about your sarcastic, completely unfunny posts in this thread. you are not the warzone police. you can continue wasting your time suffering through getting crushed over and over all night long. i however choose to ditch.

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The quitters could care less that you get stuck in that situation, it's part of being selfish. Other people are not even considered, irrelevant.


stop being selfish and let people leave if they want to, just because you want them to stick around doesnt mean they should have to

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Option A: create a penalty for leaving and have more afk'ers to whine about

Option B: do nothing and cry about people leaving

Option C: change daily to matches played and have less afk'ers since once they are done they weekly/daily they wont play anymore


I approve of option C.

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Apparently it's equally too hard for you to understand reality : it will never happen that everyone leaves.


Unprobable hypothesis are useless.


What are you talking about. I said that if everyone thought as they did PvP would end. People would leave every losing match. In reality they are leaching off the majority of non-selfish people.


It's not a high level form of logic.

It's like saying "you should vote because if everyone thought their vote didn't matter, no one would vote and it would hurt democracy."

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What are you talking about. I said that if everyone thought as they did PvP would end. People would leave every losing match. In reality they are leaching off the majority of non-selfish people.


It's not a high level form of logic.

It's like saying "you should vote because if everyone thought their vote didn't matter, no one would vote and it would hurt democracy."


... and he is saying your if scenario will never happen so it doesnt matter

Edited by LanceUpercutt
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