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Leaving warzones is an epidemic...


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I thought you have a job and a family? This is what you do with your time. In other worsds, another guy who quits instead of losing


Nope. I need Ws not Ls for my dailies and if Im sitting in a warzone and my team is completely and totally inept Im not sticking around. Im already getting screwed over by Bioware with the no credit bug. Why would I waste my time further on a team that utterly blows if Ive only got a couple hours to get 3-9 wins?? Now if i get bored enough and feel like i just want the valor gain because ive been continuously dumped in a string of seriously suck-tastic pugs then Ill go with my option of stripping down naked, watch some tv, and go the lolz route if Im on a super terri-bad team. Im not going to willingly participate in gearing up the opposing team at that point. not happenin. it aint quittin. im adapting to the bs. it is what it is.

Edited by Rehme
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I understand why ppl leave... if u queue solo u get put in a group with some green geared ppl and trying to win against a premade....had a few runs today and i alone have more expertise than the rest of my team....so after 30sec u know if u should stay for 10 more minutes getting farmed or just leave and loose the 130valor... so i fully understand ppl leaving.


yep this.


I leave when it's 6v8 7v8 and even 5v8 and the game bugs and doesn't end, I leave when my team doesn't have a single piece of expertise gear, and I leave huttball if I've played it in the past 20 mins. Fix these issues and I wouldn't leave. AGAIN, I've said this a million times in other posts.


They don't need to PUNISH people that leave, they need to address the issues that are CAUSING people to leave. Because honestly, If I get into a huttball match vs a premade battlemaster geared imp team, and the pull the "we're just going to hold the ball not score and farm you for medals BS" I'm leaving weather you punished me or not.

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There Is also a bug when dying in warzones(maybe just Alderaan) when you respawn you get a loading screen and end up on the fleet. Its happened to me twice this week, but only in Alderaan, which only comes up once every 4 hours on my server anyways because we have 6 Republic 50s.
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There are two types of people in the world.


I'm going to sound like a real snob saying this, but hey, it's an internet forum. Take the people saying "OMG PEOPLE ARE LEAVING WAR ZONES ... PUNISH THEM!!!" and graph success in life. Wage, job satisfaction, family ... see what you get.




Any guesses on how it turns out?

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Nope. I need Ws not Ls for my dailies and if Im sitting in a warzone and my team is completely and totally inept Im not sticking around. Im already getting screwed over by Bioware with the no credit bug.


Another quitter blames bioware. According to this quitter everyone should essentially quit at 1-0 because it's about wins, (Biowares fault too) so if you have inept teammates (that's quitter code for losing) you shouldn't waste your time.


You see:

it's bugs

It's my teammates

It's not being able to pick my WZ

It's premades

It's gear




is all code for I dont like losing so screw my teammates who are trying to play a fun game, i win, or I dont play. They get mad when they lose and MUST blame someone. One day they will realize that there is no perfect system and whatever happens they will have an excuse to quit on their team.


If any of these people actually played team sports.......

Edited by richardya
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There are two types of people in the world.


I'm going to sound like a real snob saying this, but hey, it's an internet forum. Take the people saying "OMG PEOPLE ARE LEAVING WAR ZONES ... PUNISH THEM!!!" and graph success in life. Wage, job satisfaction, family ... see what you get.




Any guesses on how it turns out?


When it comes to making a better system everyone would actually agree on that.


The problem is that if you read the thousands of different reasons you will see that these are not real reasons. They are excuses. If you did what they said and let people q to the WZ they picked and had separate WZ's for premades and separate ones for expertise levels there would be 20 minute waits and guess what people would say then....


I am not sticking around to play with this terrible team when i have to wait 30 minutes to get in a WZ, and quit.


You need to read between the lines of what they are saying. They just don't like losing and can't deal with losing. It's the internet, you can leave the zone and who cares about the people in your group, they don't really know you. I was like that when I was eight, I used to throw the monopoly table over and say the dice were so unfair and if I got good rolls I would win.


But then I turned 9.

Edited by richardya
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yep this.


I leave when it's 6v8 7v8 and even 5v8 and the game bugs and doesn't end, I leave when my team doesn't have a single piece of expertise gear, and I leave huttball if I've played it in the past 20 mins. Fix these issues and I wouldn't leave. AGAIN, I've said this a million times in other posts.


They don't need to PUNISH people that leave, they need to address the issues that are CAUSING people to leave. Because honestly, If I get into a huttball match vs a premade battlemaster geared imp team, and the pull the "we're just going to hold the ball not score and farm you for medals BS" I'm leaving weather you punished me or not.


Solving the Huttball farming issue would be as easy as making the ball do damage to the carrying team proportional to how long they have held it in the oppositions "end area" or even better, proportional to the score. Not sure if it would solve the problem for the "very organized" groups but just the standard pugs that have a couple elite players wouldn't be able to farm like they do now.


But I'll go right back to my first point on this thread... input penalty for leave = over half the QQ on this form fixed.

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Leavers should get a red title that lasts until an hour, or until they finish completed full games of 3 warzone matches.


The red title in front or after their names could be "<insert name> is a Warzone Deserter", let them walk around proud with that so everyone can see.


Also their penalty could have drastic negative valor points or something new in which they must make up for it by completing warzones fully, and meeting it's target. For example must play full games and meet objectives to repay back the penalty.

Each game thereafter that s/he leaves th warzone, the penalty increases, therefore the more they leave , the more they must payback to receive rewards from warzone.

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I doubt it. These are very very selfish people. They will probably farm medals which is better than playing short in my opinion.


1. everyone is selfish, your selfish for not wanting them to quit


2. i already have bm, i dont need valor or commendations, all i need is wins, if my time is clearly losing i will quit, there is no reason for me to stay

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The penalty is you get zero xp, commendations, money, or valor and you've wasted x minutes of your game time.


Fair enough penalty.


I think it sucks that some players choose to bail at the first sign of trouble, but if they're quitters, they're probably not worth having around anyway.



On the other hand, if you're in a pug who has no clue what they're doing and/or people are screaming at each other in chat instead of concentrating, it's certainly acceptable to get the hell out of there.


The penalty for not leaving is not completing your daily massively slower, when daily-acquired bags are atleast 10 times more efficient than buying bags through commendations.

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Agree it is lame ,i usually stay except if we are going to loose:P


It is love/hate what i feel with beeing able to leave a warzone!


Love it when 80% of the team jumps from the ramp in huttball ,while the enemy ball carrier is comming,to chase that 20%hp sorc


Hate it when there is some good game actually going and some randomly leaves cause happens to be behind to score/doors/resources!

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I can give an estimate of my team strength right at the start. The HP is a dead giveaway. A Commando with 12200 HP, a Guardian/Vanguard with 13 800... Hey, guys, did you replace your lvl 30 gear yet or what? :D I've seen lots of people leaving just by checking the health bars. Its funny though when a Sage with 11 000 health says "get geared, noobs" and exits :rolleyes:




when i first started at 50 i had to wade through tons of people qqing about gear. "OMG NOOBS WITH NO GEAR STOP QUEUEING NOOBS" or "*** NOOBS, GET GOOD"


im not quite sure what they want fresh 50s to do....you cant really get pvp gear without doing pvp....there are so many elitist toolsheds in this game its crazy.


that said, im not about to waste my time suffering through a 6-0 loss in huttball. i dont have all the time in the world to play this game and the way empire plays on my server im lucky to win 1 out of 5 WZ. so yeah...i bail...

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I leave when the following 2 things happen, majority of characters in game are under 22 and then opposition caps 2 turrets, first door or scores first without any real resistance.


I don't have a major issue with lower levels, but I do second think staying when I see more that 1 person under 14 (under sprint level), if u can't get to an objective in a reasonable time you're not much help to your team, that being said, it isn't enough to make me leave straight away, I do give a team a chance, I've stuck with teams before, while my guildies have left games, to then go on to win, so I don't mind a bit of a challenge, but I'm not really into getting curb stomped because my team fails.

Edited by CountVlad
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1. everyone is selfish, your selfish for not wanting them to quit


2. i already have bm, i dont need valor or commendations, all i need is wins, if my time is clearly losing i will quit, there is no reason for me to stay


Nope none, you have nothing to gain. By the way, the 15 other people in the warzone are all there for you.

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Agree it is lame ,i usually stay except if we are going to loose:P


It is love/hate what i feel with beeing able to leave a warzone!


Love it when 80% of the team jumps from the ramp in huttball ,while the enemy ball carrier is comming,to chase that 20%hp sorc


Hate it when there is some good game actually going and some randomly leaves cause happens to be behind to score/doors/resources!


In other words, when you deem it ok to quit, its ok to quit, when others quit on you it is not ok.

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that said, im not about to waste my time suffering through a 6-0 loss in huttball. i dont have all the time in the world to play this game and the way empire plays on my server im lucky to win 1 out of 5 WZ. so yeah...i bail...


Yea, just quit when you are down 1-0. Who has time for losing.

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that being said, it isn't enough to make me leave straight away, I do give a team a chance, I've stuck with teams before, while my guildies have left games, to then go on to win, so I don't mind a bit of a challenge, but I'm not really into getting curb stomped because my team fails.


Yea, why play with "bads" when you can leave and play with goods and get a win.

Screw the people on your team playing the game, eff them. Right on.

You are a bit of a softie giving them a chance to play with you, I would just leave if I saw they were "bads."


Seriously, really magnanimous of you to give them that chance.

Edited by richardya
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Everyone leaves. Why stay, no penalty.


Enemy scored first? Leave.


Enemy capped two turrets? Leave.


Enemy got first door in 90 seconds? Leave.


Needs to be at least 20 min penalty on this, you leave you lose all benefits and can't join another till the one you left is over.



yeah not for nothing but i leave all the time. I did 25 warzones the other night. It took a full 25 warzones for me to get my 3 wins for my daily. Thats rediculous. 95% of the time its a pug who gets rolled, or you fight the republic who you can almost never beat in a warzone. God knows why.


But its frustrating to loose that much. So after a while you have no choice but to keep looking around for a decent group. i vowed then and there to not sit through another 25 warzones for 3 wins. If the group sucks, or its not balanced, or lack of players, Im gone! end of story.

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Give them a 1 hour debuff of not being able to go to Ilum or join warzones if leaving more than 2-3 minutes early.


Also add specific queues. Some people leave games early on because they just don't want to play hutt ball.


Other times people can leave because they have more important things to do, like maybe their guild is planning a big raid soon?


Specific queues, and 2-3 minute initial time after that if you leave you get a Deserter debuff.

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