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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rate SWTOR out of 10.


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The space combat somponent really needs a complete over haul and the rail system was really a bad idea. Space combat should be like a true simulation where the player has the freedom to go where they want to go in a combat mission. The x-wing tie fighter game got that right and do not know why they did note take ideas from that.


I don't think it needs to be a flight sim inside the cockpit. All it needs is for it to not be on rails, and the galaxy should be an open world you can fly around in sort of like the Star Trek Online space combat.

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I don't think it needs to be a flight sim inside the cockpit. All it needs is for it to not be on rails, and the galaxy should be an open world you can fly around in sort of like the Star Trek Online space combat.


Again, this was exactly how Star wars galaxies Jump to lightspeed was. You could fly among the planets and you even had to fly in and actually land in the spacestations orbiting the planets.

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Leveling 5/10:

Although the stories are somewhat good (depends of course who you ask), there is a common pattern on every planet. Typically on a single planet there are 4 zones, each zone has 1 to 2 class quests, some general quests and a heroic quest. It's fun at the beginning but in later game it becomes repetitive and predictable.


End game 3/10 (First raid Tier, I haven't done the new):

I do like the visuals and boss emotes in fights, however the fights themselves were very easy (tank and spank most of them), and there were many many bugs. In fact we could clear the HM instance in under an hour and it was taking longer because of boss fights being bugged (EV puzzle I am looking at you).

Flash points are cool the first few times you do them, and then it becomes a chore

Dailies as always become very boring in a short period of time

Open World, uhmm yeah Ilum was supposed to be this bad *** end game area and now is a ghost town.


PVP 3/10

PVP was somewhat interesting before 1.2 but with the 3 initial Warzones it became boring for me (I personally like a variety of levels). I also had this problem at level 50 which was our republic pugs was always against Empire premades and our only chance winning a game was mostly doing same faction huttball (I play on Jedi Covenant). When games become republic meat grinders 90% of the time, I tend to get very frustrated.

Also I don't like not having the option to select which warzone I want to play, and the complete lack of automatically building very unbalanced groups (like all Sages, or Troopers or a mix of those 2 only).

Finally Ilum was supposed to be this kick *** end game planet (in terms of open world, and single player) and for me it was one of the biggest failures in all MMOs I have played to this date (good job Bioware marketing)

Re-playability: 5/10

After having my first character to level 50, I tried to start alts to balance the end game boredom. Redoing 90% of the same quests, and hunting all the datacrons -again- made me lose any desire to level an alt through questing. I did PVP a lot on my alts, however after the 1.2 patch it only makes me not want to level anything else. Also it requires a lot of grinding again to gain the PVP valor I have on my main (which I hate grinding for grinds sake).


Overall I have 2 subscriptions one for SWTOR and the other for WoW. Lately even after 1.2 I see myself playing more WoW than SWTOR, and with Diablo 3 and GW2 (which I pre-ordered) I don't see myself subbed in this game for long.


Edit: English is not my first language

Edited by hypnosys
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Ok my scoring might be slightly influenced by this on going in game event but still...


9/10 Levelling... this is where this game shines.


6.5/10 MMO content... Flashpoints are great but getting to experience them isn't (Lack of LFG system)


7.5/10 PvP content... PvP is fun and feels more balanced than other MMOs I've played would score higher if Rated/Arenas were in as well as an LFG tool.


-/10 Endgame... Haven't experienced it so I'll reserve judgement.


Overall I feel 8/10... I'm really enjoying myself just wish they would hurry with optimizing the code so the game runs smoother.

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Overall Game - 7 of 10. good, enjoyable.


Story progression - 7 of 10. many times I wish the story had more game impacting alternatives. but there are still many there. best work of it's kind in the genre atm, but still needs polishing


Quests - 5 of 10. Many quest "choices" felt odd to me. I had pictures of how "X" character would work, and I ended up either going against the flow and losing moral points and being gray 9thus locking out certain game aspects), or B: going against my character story and getting the moral points. not the best mechanic design IMO.


PvP - 3 of 10. some enjoy it, I don't. it's far too easy to get rewards (as with most PvP) adn because of the way the game is developed, pvP gear is best in its level category for PvE as well. another example of PvP ruining PvE game content. I'd give it a 0 of 10, but I know many people who enjoy it, so it can't be all bad. so perhaps 3 of 10 for PvP intentions, but actualy PvP play is 5 of 10.


End game - 7 of 10. Im not really into progression at this point in life, and I am more of a story/alt/crafter kind of person. so end game for me involves crafting top stuff, leveling/supporting alts. legendary system has many great possibilities. but still could use more.


Crafting - 9 of 10. really good system (compared with the others I've played). could use some more, but i like the direction they're going.


flashpoints/Ops (non progression) - 9 of 10. I like the storylines and details. the bosses are challenging enough that a PuG has to think, and a well polished team can feel OP steamrolling them (gear not included).


Game world - 5 of 10. I love whats there...it just feels like it needs more at each point. the planets have fantastic designs, but fail when i can't get to places. like the exhaustion zones On Tatooine. Really? i cant walk from the main town to the questing areas? really? just mark them as hostile zones, and put level 200 elite pats all over the place to prevent PvP ganking. Dromund Kaas is my favorite planet, but there's really no exploration there. Not a SWG fan, but I can appreciate the explorability it had. bigger worlds plz, more room to just wander around and explore.


Combat animations - 8 of 10. love them for the most part. pale in comparison with some more twitch based MMO's (aion), but overall very fun dynamics.

Edited by Elyx
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