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I heard Marauders are underpowered. I don't think so!


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The guy brings up a very valid point. How about a video (from anyone), where NO biochem/healing/adrenals are used? Pure class, no consummables. Would certainly be interesting to watch.


This would actually show how the class actually works, all these consumeables/biochem stuff doesnt show what the class is capable off....


Anyway, in swtor people are better off with a ranged class..game design is just broken.

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The guy brings up a very valid point. How about a video (from anyone), where NO biochem/healing/adrenals are used? Pure class, no consummables. Would certainly be interesting to watch.


If you cant see what a class is capable of with buffs, what makes you think seeing it without them will make any difference?

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If you cant see what a class is capable of with buffs, what makes you think seeing it without them will make any difference?


Because most videos are of a guy using consummables fighting a guy who doesn't. That makes for a rather lopsided presentation.


When was the last time you saw a video where the guy who posted a video is fighting someone...and that someone pops a grenade? Ever seen it? I've been watching videos of SWTOR since beta, and I haven't seen one like it.


The problem is, what I see very often in videos is class + crew skill vs class alone. That doesn't mean much to me. And in quite a few Marauder videos I watched, if the Marauder DIDN'T use a heal pack, he'd have lost at least 30% of the fights shown in the video. And the guys he was fighting didn't use heal packs, whether by choice or because on cooldown I cannot say.


That's why I'd be VERY curious to see a "Marauders are fine!" video WITHOUT consummables. Obviously fighting people also not using consummables. No adrenals, no medkits, no nothing. Pure class vs class. If your premise is that CLASS is fine, PROVE it! If your premise is that class+consummables is fine vs any other class WITHOUT consummables, well, duh, that's a no-brainer.

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Everyone uses consumables. Even without Biochem, you click on the PvP merchant and buy medpacs and adrenals


If you're not using consumables, you're:


(a) A scrub.

(b) Very casual.

© Not playing your main.




Ilianor, please don't use record using water in a video. Sigh.

Edited by EasymodeX
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Because most videos are of a guy using consummables fighting a guy who doesn't. That makes for a rather lopsided presentation.


When was the last time you saw a video where the guy who posted a video is fighting someone...and that someone pops a grenade? Ever seen it? I've been watching videos of SWTOR since beta, and I haven't seen one like it.


The problem is, what I see very often in videos is class + crew skill vs class alone. That doesn't mean much to me. And in quite a few Marauder videos I watched, if the Marauder DIDN'T use a heal pack, he'd have lost at least 30% of the fights shown in the video. And the guys he was fighting didn't use heal packs, whether by choice or because on cooldown I cannot say.


That's why I'd be VERY curious to see a "Marauders are fine!" video WITHOUT consummables. Obviously fighting people also not using consummables. No adrenals, no medkits, no nothing. Pure class vs class. If your premise is that CLASS is fine, PROVE it! If your premise is that class+consummables is fine vs any other class WITHOUT consummables, well, duh, that's a no-brainer.


THe biochem argument no longer holds true.


Rakata medpack is not stronger then warzone medpack and if you take power/surge or warzone adrenal is literally the same.


Only thing that would be worse is the stimpack, which after the next patch is a non factor yet again.


I will actually switch to cybertech, because the grenades are just better after I am done with my crafting cycle and I recommend every other marauder to do so aswell.


And even cybertech is a close call because you could just go with useable low lvl grenades, because what you want is the 4s incap and not wether it does 300 or 700 dmg while applying that.


However there is no low level eequivalent of the root grenade, at least not with the same duration or the high ticking dot grenade. So that makes a selling point there.

Edited by Pappus
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Everyone uses consumables. Even without Biochem, you click on the PvP merchant and buy medpacs and adrenals


If you're not using consumables, you're:


(a) A scrub.

(b) Very casual.

© Not playing your main.




Ilianor, please don't use record using water in a video. Sigh.

Yet you'll still be missing stims. which is a passive 110+ main stat +50 power and/or 500 power on demand

Edited by mastersloup
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Ofc they are :) You can tell your healbuddy that he did a good job :p



It's easy if you don't let your Annihi cd reduce buff run out then Annihi > all, but carnage is good too.

Edited by Ilianor
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THe biochem argument no longer holds true.


Rakata medpack is not stronger then warzone medpack and if you take power/surge or warzone adrenal is literally the same.


You're missing the point.


In videos, I see someone using the consummables (medpacks, adrenals, etc.) fighting someone NOT using consummables. Now, I don't care if they can or can't use consummables, and I don't know why they don't use them. Could be they're noobs, or maybe the consummables are on cooldown from previous fight or whatever.


The point is, I want to see Marauder vs other class, with neither one using consummables. Or with both using consummables, if you must. But NOT one guy using consummables, and the other not. It just doesn't paint a full picture.


Also it would be nice to see a video where people actually fight a Mara. More often than not it's people DPSing ball carrier, or supporting someone planting the explosive or whatever, too busy with something more important. And Mara jumps in and wallops them, as they're focusing 100% of their attention and CC on someone else. Who wants to see that? Honestly? Might as well find someone AFK and butcher them on video, it takes about the same skill.


I will actually switch to cybertech, because the grenades are just better after I am done with my crafting cycle and I recommend every other marauder to do so aswell.


My Sin is cybertech, and I believe grenades have 5 min CD. At least they were last time I looked. Something to keep in mind.

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the good thing about the reusables vs. the pvp medpacs is that the reusables are on a much shorter CD. undying rage + medpac = terminator status. if you're not taking advantage of it you're doing it wrong Edited by HBninjaX
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the good thing about the reusables vs. the pvp medpacs is that the reusables are on a much shorter CD. undying rage + medpac = terminator status. if you're not taking advantage of it you're doing it wrong


I just wish I could macro them together. You know, like in other MMOs, that came out before 2012? Somehow I don't think pressing F1 to get Undying Rage and then F2 to heal qualifies as "skill". It's just annoying.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm actually re-rolling as a Juggernaut because I'm sick of getting within an inch of dying against every mob, and I outlevel them by 2-4 levels.



However, in Warzones I do surprisingly well as far as survivability. But as others stated, that could just be a flaw on their part...

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