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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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As I said, anyone saying they like the game in current state is kidding themselves. Or You are level 10, and didnt encounter 90% of the crap that comes later on.


I'm level 37 and I have no clue what you're talking about. So, I guess you're wrong.

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As I said, anyone saying they like the game in current state is kidding themselves. Or You are level 10, and didnt encounter 90% of the crap that comes later on.




I have a level 50 Sith Warrior and a level 24 Sith Sorcerer and I love the game.

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As I said, anyone saying they like the game in current state is kidding themselves. Or You are level 10, and didnt encounter 90% of the crap that comes later on.


I have a level 50 with two level 30 alts and one level 10 alt.


I have not encountered one game breaking bug.


The worst bugs I have experienced were certain datacrons could not be gotten solo due to being male body type 3 (but with a partner and some creativity I was still able to get every one of them), MGGS not working all the time, broken harvesting nodes and I had items disappear in the mail but they showed up 10 minutes later.


None of these things prevent me from liking and enjoying the game as is.

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People say give it time. I played the beta for 5 months, these problems were reported and well known in the beta. I have given it time. I haven't seen any improvement. The game engine is broken, the end game content was challenging at launch (hard mode soa) but then got extremely overnerfed to the point of nightmare soa now being a joke.

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Count me as NO


As a spiritual successor to KOTOR? YES - I like it. Especially the addition of multiplayer.


As a MMO which is going to make me put a lot of time and effort into? hell NO.

Edited by mufutiz
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Another Zerg hugging PVP'er trying to tell others they do not know about MMO's


Im sorry but when someone tells me that he didnt encounter one game breaking issue in this game with all the ability delays/not firing off issues, fps issues, engine is crap and unstable, Ilum overall, customer support on freezing point...I just cant take that guy seriously.


So yea, in current state its crappy game that needs another year of hard work and lets face it different dev team to be worth playing it.

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As I said, anyone saying they like the game in current state is kidding themselves. Or You are level 10, and didnt encounter 90% of the crap that comes later on.


I'm level 50 and I am enjoying the game. Wierd I know.


Your opinion is just one of many and it won't hold true to others. No one is kidding themselves just because they don't agree with you.

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Then either you have no idea about how an mmo game is supposed to look like or your kidding yourself :)


I've played most MMOs since EQ Classic, the list is so long I forget half of them everytime I try and do a list so I think I can catagorically state that I do know what a MMO game is supposed to look like.


I'm 42, happily married with a couple of kids, a very responsible job managing a company and have plenty of life experience. I do not kid myself.


And I voted yes. In fact I voted Hell Yes.


Your opinion is hardly worth the time it takes to refute it but I can't resist the lure of trollbaiting. Its a personal character flaw I suffer from.


Maybe you could post a more sensible argument when you get out of school?

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As a single player game I play through and beat, and never come back to? Yes, I got about the same level of enjoyment leveling as other Biogames like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, or KOTOR.



As an MMO to keep me interested at max level? Undecided, as they have a lot to learn and improve as far as MMO end game progression and itemization go. It boggles my mind there's no /random or /roll function.

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