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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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NO NO NO NO NO ....and....NO. Gameplay balance between classes is a joke right now. Some can solo alot better than others depending on your class. Mobs in some zones are totally overpowered for the level you in. You can be five or six lvls above mobs and still you almost die,...it's amazing.


This game needs alot of work and it never should have launched in condition it was in. It's shameful :mad:

Edited by Jetsunz
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Like the PvE, Hate the PvP. If they could fix PvP I would love this. Things to make PvP great imo.


1. create new warzone for people who just want to run around and kill others. Like COD

2. Change dailies and weeklies to number of games completed instead of wins so people stop quitting (or make some sort of penalty for leaving a game early)

3. Stop giving out gear that I already have when I am lucky enough to open a bag with something in it

4. Keep ilum load balanced imp/rep. Put people in a queue if one side is lop sided. Groups of 10 seem to be ok. Or have multiple instances like warzones.

5. make separate warzones for premades and solo.

6. stop putting people in games that are half over.

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Yes or no are too simplistic. But, if I had to choose, yes, I like it in its current state. Of couse, I would also like it to get better, which I'm sure it will. I find it fun and engaging. I have no encountered any GAMEBREAKING bugs. The only ones I have encountered have amused me more than anything else. (One time I ended up floating through the fleet instead of walking around.)
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It crashes a lot, so when starting up and also when I switch between characters.

The gameplay is boring after a while and I just feel like I pressing the same buttons without thinking, that is till the game crashes again.


Should have never bought this game. Complete waste of money!

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This isn't hard people.


NO: Because I don't like the idea of paying subscriptions and TOR hasn't changed my opinion. It's buggy, and doesn't feel like an MMO, more like a single-player game with added multiplayer content.


There, was that so freaking hard?

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Absolutely YES.

I'm a fan Star Wars and a certified Sci Fi nut, I'll take blasters a light sabers over bows and arrows and swords any day. But I do have reservations, I think they need to concentrate on fixing bugs first and leave futzing around with new content and so called "balance" issues to a later date. Plus I have to say, in game support is a joke, when we call for help we want a person that can do something about the problems, not a bot giving us the wrong answers.

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I am loving alot of what we have going on with this game. I am eager to see things cleaned up - once support gets rolling on this I expect the bug issues to become less and less. Bringing in $15 a month from 1 million subscribers should go along way to ensuring higher quality content in future releases.


Definitely has some annoying issues - but my wife and I play this game a great deal and intend on continuing with that trend in the future.

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Atm, post 1.1.1 definately NO.


So much potential is being squandered here it's not even funny. I had high hopes for this game but week after week after week it's going right down the drain. I can't even play now because of freezing constantly. Sure we get informed on certain issues. Except it's just standard protocol in the game industry to handle issues like this, nothing special about it.


The patching, lack of communication and the uncanny feeling that the developers have no clue what they are doing add up to my answer above. I don't like SWTOR in it's current state.

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This isn't hard people.


NO: Because I don't like the idea of paying subscriptions and TOR hasn't changed my opinion. It's buggy, and doesn't feel like an MMO, more like a single-player game with added multiplayer content.


There, was that so freaking hard?


I don't where you can get better entertainment value for $15 a month than an MMO.


F2P are not really free since most of them require you to pay to get the "good" stuff.

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