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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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this is a bit of a misleading question, so i'll answer and make sure there is no confusion with my answer.


yes i like, if not love the game as it is, but i'm not saying its a perfect game, or that i think the devs can sit back and relax. the game has problems. problems related to performance like FPS and ability delays. not problems with missing WoW features.


when they fix what i consider to be the problems the game will be great. but yes i do like the game in its current state

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Just flag the troll post and move on... enough people flag certain posts and mods will ban trolls from forum. (yes they really do... Mods: time to enforce your own rules...) :cool: Edited by C-Bee
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Yes, I enjoy the game despite the various bugs and weirdness of PvP implementation. My long-term concern is whether new content can be added and bugs can be fixed before my interest wanes. There are other games on the horizon that sound really, really good.
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Flush out even 30% of the current bugs the game has and :





Too many bugs at the moment, so majors ones are there since beta. The fact that they are still there is not very reassuring.


So, my final anser is a soft NO


The core of the game is rock solid, it's sheel as it stands now, is very fragile.

Edited by Alianar
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Do I sound look, or do I look like? This game is on par with WoW when it comes to launch, and is no where near Rift's great launch experience.


Or maybe I am wrong... yeah. SWTOR announces bug fixes that are not actually fixed. This has happened in every patch since launch. "We fixed it," and then nothing from the Devs, even though the bugs clearly haven't been fixed. Warzone daily is a fine example.


Anyone that was around for WoWs launch knows how horrible that was. As for Rift, yeah the 12hr queue times and massive account security holes were amazing. Not to mention the massive class imbalances and horrible pvp. Yep greeeeat launch.


I like this game, it needs a lot of work but they all do at this stage.

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No, and everyone saying Yes is just kidding themselves and preventing this game from actually reaching its potential. Potential is a strong word though..there isnt much more potential really..


Wait, what - are you saying it is impossible for people to like it in its current state?


I am having fun with the game as is. That does not mean I want them to stop working on it, fixing issues and adding more content.

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Anyone that was around for WoWs launch knows how horrible that was. As for Rift, yeah the 12hr queue times and massive account security holes were amazing. Not to mention the massive class imbalances and horrible pvp. Yep greeeeat launch.


I like this game, it needs a lot of work but they all do at this stage.


Great post.

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Anyone that was around for WoWs launch knows how horrible that was. As for Rift, yeah the 12hr queue times and massive account security holes were amazing. Not to mention the massive class imbalances and horrible pvp. Yep greeeeat launch.


I like this game, it needs a lot of work but they all do at this stage.


You claim WoW's launch was horrible, but that's where you end it. How about backing up your comment with some evidence?


Twelve hour queue for Rift? Must have been a lot of people logged in, and for a long time. GREAT LAUNCH.


Massive class imbalances? Such as? Horrible pvp? Details?


Fact is Rift was a very smooth launch, as was WoW.


This game has a PTR and doesn't actually test anything. Broken bugs keep on being "fixed" every patch here, right?


I don't recall random load screens popping up during the first month of WoW, and that was 7 years ago!

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I like the storylines and the massive zones, but that's about it.


The PvE is mediocre, the Space Game SUCKS, the PvP SUCKS.


The worst part of the game though is the endless load screens and running through carbon copy corridors.


LOAD SCREEN WARS wasn't what I signed up for.

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torn between yes and no


yes because i like star wars, i like sci-fi mmo. i like the storyline and the voice over conversation with npc. the light or dark choices.


no because the fps drops for me on wz, ilum, and fleet. it's somehow playable in wz with 15-20 fps but hard on ilum 3-5 fps. for that, the game isn't optimized yet.


nothing to do much on lvl 50 after you finish dailies, weeklies, it gets repetitive. it was easy to get to lvl 50 and have epic gears. im thinking what to do if i already have all battlemaster epic gears. create new character?


im willing to play and sub for another 2 months and see what happens with the upcoming patches,fixes and content.

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I don't recall random load screens popping up during the first month of WoW


But getting stuck on the loading screen and then seeing "World Server Down" just because of a PvP raid on Orgrimmar after 4-5 years of development wasn't irritating at all lol =\

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Wait, what - are you saying it is impossible for people to like it in its current state?


I am having fun with the game as is. That does not mean I want them to stop working on it, fixing issues and adding more content.


As I said, anyone saying they like the game in current state is kidding themselves. Or You are level 10, and didnt encounter 90% of the crap that comes later on.

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