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to all the sub 50's who whined about getting farmed


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I don't quite understand how it's worse to be farmed at 50 while you're trying to gear up, versus being farmed all through levels 10-49 before you even have the capability to open bags to try to gear up.


This. The biggest issue is that they took the 'lazy' way out when they created the level 50 bracket. It wouldn't be a huge stretch to make the top bracket more like a 45-50 bracket. That would give PUGS in the top bracket at least half a chance and still keep the lower bracket well populated.


Honestly, anyone who PUGS and then QQs about losing really infuriates me. I PUG, and lose, and move on because you can only realistically expect so much if you are solo que'ing.

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What im hearing is people dont like getting stomped by someone with better gear. Upon hitting 50 you are weak again, and the week or two or even three depending that it takes to get geared, is just to painful. This is were the problem is imo.


Its painful because pvp isnt fun to begin with. Im guessing half the people will leave within a few weeks of getting fully geared battlemaster. It wont matter if they buff nerf or whatever, wzs are poorly designed and world pvp is lopsided and or nonexistant.

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Imho revert the pvp ques back so 50's and 49 and under are in the same ques. That way there will be less geared players per battle and then it will seem better for the fresh 50's. That will fix that whole issue.


No thanks. There's been enough free gravy trains in the PvP system so far, I'm glad (As someone with a level 50) that gibbing lowbies isn't one of them anymore.

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That isn't the answer at all. This is kinda the bed BW made without drastically changing the gear system there really is no way to bracket stuff anymore.


There just are not enough players to segregate the population anymore. Sadly the problems this game has in pvp is not a minor patch its something that would take 1.2 and 1.3 to put a dent in since we are talking massive changing in the direction of gear/inflation/grinding.


The current vision/model for pvp BW has committed to is what we have and tbh i can't see it changing. The only two bandaids i see are making the grind to R60+ faster and easier for a side that can't win warzones or do ilum and/or modify expertise so it doesn't quad dip its effectiveness in pvp(basically making it a take less dmg stat only or do more dmg stat only)


At the end of the day one of the biggest mistakes apart from the gear issue is the choice in warzones is pretty awful for someone undergeared to have to play. Huttball is fun if you have a team but pretty bad/painful when you are getting rolled. Voidstar(the fact this is the best they could do for A v D is pretty embarrassing) is the worst since you are forced to just run in and die over and over. Civil war is probably the best since you can D a turret while the higher geared players pad stats.. but that is about it.

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