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Some people are just so terribly ungrateful.


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1. I agree, they said we may get less than 5 days.


2 a. Game quality is questionable when I hear from people who got in and couldn't find other players to do grouped content with.

b. The "you should have preordered earlier" argument has a problem, if many people did preorder sooner then others would be pushed back. The staggered access as it is ensures that X amount of people will not be able to play until day Y.


3. I agree, except if you mean people who just wanted an idea of when they may get it, those people deserved a clue.


4. On the 20th pre - orders and everyone else will attempt to jump on at the same time anyway, if they crash then it was all for nothing.


2: I can see your point and it is valid to a point. However finding players shouldn't really be all that difficult. Friends of mine have got in and have had no problem. In fact quite the opposite. 2B: This is also true to a point but universally not everyone would remember to order sooner hence the statement containing the world "individuals".


3: Yes I do mean those people. But if they want information and are not in yet then they can search the forum like most responsible users do. They are hopefully not children that need things handed to them. They should be capable of doing something as minor as scrolling through a few pages.


4: I can agree completely with this however the staggered launch will no doubt help them gain the information concerning server population they need to create the correct sized ques and so on and so forth.

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Pre-order and get game access AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and Pre-order now, get early game access




People are playing SO GAME ACCESS IS POSSIBLE, yet i'm not in, so i did not get what i paid for.


edit: That is reason why i'm so "ungrateful"...


Obviously you have not read any of the sales information before the 13th. This does not even warrant a response but I will give one simply so I can point out I will not entertain any further Trolls as it is time consuming.

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Amazing that people think Customers should be grateful for what they get.... when did the world change and become like this ? In the good old days the companies were lucky/grateful that you were a customer - seems now we should grovel and be grateful we are deemed worthy to give people our money... very strange.
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This oh so successful staggered launch strategy is great,

for the people who preordered before Oct 4th.



The waves would only be effective if after your wave's initial access you logged out. By the time they let more people in today, the people already in will still be there, combined with anyone in the UK as today is the new bumped up launch date and you will get a few hours of nice choppy service until tomorrow when all the US copies arrive because they bumped up the US release date to the 16th.


The guild deployment assigned guilds to a server, without all the preorder people allowed on the server people not in guilds have NO idea which server to join because they did not have an accurate idea of server populations before joining. Once I do get in, I can enjoy a queue to be able to play with my guild.


I'm sorry that this doesn't upset you in any way and you still feel like this inconvenience is doing you a favor but if you are not angry about it, that's your problem. If you continue to defend their behavior you are reinforcing it and you become my problem.

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They said "UP TO 5" which means as little as 1 and as great as above 5 for those of you clearly unable to comprehend the meaning of such a blunt and straight forward statement.



Actually if you comprehend what they said, that doesn't mean "as little as 1" at all.


It means as little as 0, in fact. :eek:

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This oh so successful staggered launch strategy is great,

for the people who preordered before Oct 4th.



The waves would only be effective if after your wave's initial access you logged out. By the time they let more people in today, the people already in will still be there, combined with anyone in the UK as today is the new bumped up launch date and you will get a few hours of nice choppy service until tomorrow when all the US copies arrive because they bumped up the US release date to the 16th.


The guild deployment assigned guilds to a server, without all the preorder people allowed on the server people not in guilds have NO idea which server to join because they did not have an accurate idea of server populations before joining. Once I do get in, I can enjoy a queue to be able to play with my guild.


I'm sorry that this doesn't upset you in any way and you still feel like this inconvenience is doing you a favor but if you are not angry about it, that's your problem. If you continue to defend their behavior you are reinforcing it and you become my problem.





Yeah the guild issue is plain messed up at the moment.


And slightly pointless as guilds will probably end up having to move due to full servers on the Live day anyway.

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Both Sides are completely childish and stupid grow up.

White Knight = *** Kisser

Rager = Raging


Both of you sthu:eek:


*Checks your logo/Userpicture*

YOU HERETIC! Rage is the way of the Dark side! You should embrace it! We should even stimulate more raging towards Bioware. So more people join the Darkside. FOR THE EMPEROR!



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Good post!


I am amazed at people. Would they behave like this if they couldn't hide behind their keyboard? How would the same people crying around here manage the launch if it was their reputation and their job on the line? They'd probably care less for some crybabies on a forum and play it safe and slow aswell...


Some nag and nag, scream and cry, for the game to be relased asap!!! Coming up with all sorts of arguments. And I bet, if BW would do what this usergroup wanted, the same group of people would whine and post several threads about the game was released too early and was full of bugs, server crashes and such. And that they will now unsubcribe beacuse BW haz failzzz.


Very intresting!


I find this kind of pre-release the best I've experienced yet in an MMO. Slowly adding players and see how the servers behave. They have really thought things out in both user experience and quality of the product. "Get things right first", I think is something they are all about. Not "get big fast" as many other MMO:s are doing.


They are definatly planning ahead for a game that are here to stay for a long time! If they keep this kind of mindset, I have no doubt that this game will go a long way!


5 stars for the launchmodel, 0 stars for the crybaby fanbase who only care about them getting into an MMO a day or 2 faster. Like it really matters... Its a day or 2... Not like the world is coming to an end...



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I pre ordered on Dec 9th, been spending time with my kid, had a nice dinner with my wife, not sure why so many people are so upset, the game is gonna be there next week, its gonna be here in a year. Calm down and enjoy yourself life is way to short to be getting all wound up over a video game. Ill be skewering all you sith chumps with meh lightsaber :) see you all on the field of battle!


I can totally see your stand point and I am man enough to say I do not have your kind of restraint. I'm close but not quite there yet lol. Very refreshing response. Thank you. :sul_grin:

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You see a lot of brown nosing in any game forum , but this one in particular just seems full of people lining up with their knee pads to kiss the dev teams ***. You know they don't even read the forum, right? The mods are probably still shell shocked from 1000 pages of ragestorm yesterday too.


They can take criticism, they don't need you lining up to scream about how all their mistakes are really just brilliant plans that no one understands but you. It's just pathetic and sad.


Aint you got no self respect?

Edited by Stantz
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Obviously you have not read any of the sales information before the 13th. This does not even warrant a response but I will give one simply so I can point out I will not entertain any further Trolls as it is time consuming.


No i've not. I spotted the pre-order in origin (official store), that is where i bought it from. That is where they should do their fine prints, not in the game news or forums.


It does not matter what they say in swtor.com, when i'm in OFFICIAL store, all the info i would need about early access SHOULD be there. It's just false advertising to say if i buy the pre-order, i will get game access as soon as it's possible.


People are playing = game access possible. I did not get what they did promise. Simple.


That is why i'm not "grateful"...

Edited by Viikuna
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3: Yes I do mean those people. But if they want information and are not in yet then they can search the forum like most responsible users do. They are hopefully not children that need things handed to them. They should be capable of doing something as minor as scrolling through a few pages.


4: I can agree completely with this however the staggered launch will no doubt help them gain the information concerning server population they need to create the correct sized ques and so on and so forth.


3. The trouble is the information in the forums for the first day was all hearsay from players. There were constant posts by people claiming to have received an invite on their late preorders. There wasn't any information on how big the waves were, this was ultimately because of the massive number of July preorders making it seem like the waves were big/small depending on how many people you believed preordered at that time. And finally we didn't know how long the invitation period for the day would be until half way through it.


4. This is what beta stress tests are traditionally for. If they needed more information they could have extended the beta or sent out more invites to the last beta weekend.

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You see a lot of brown nosing in any game forum , but this one in particular just seems full of people lining up with their knee pads to kiss the dev teams ***.

and just like in the rest of games, the fanbois will slowly shut up and end up quitting the game due to the exact same reasons they are flaming others for mentioning right now


fanbois: a new breed of stupid...

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I for one am growing sick and tired of all the complaining. Bioware did NOT falsely advertise. They said "UP TO 5" which means as little as 1 and as great as above 5 for those of you clearly unable to comprehend the meaning of such a blunt and straight forward statement.


Secondly I was a November PO and I am not complaining because I know that due to the staggered launch server stability and game quality will be at a premium no other MMO has achieved more than likely due to this staggered launch. True it is irritating to get in behind the crowed. But the that is OUR fault as individuals for not per-ordering sooner. The gain's out weight the negatives by a vast majority here.


Thirdly to those who are complaining about not getting responses to their questions and creating hate and rage posts due to not getting an answer think about this. Bioware is very busy working on making sure the servers are working fine and who knows what else for all of us. It is not the player bases job to answer your questions but a good number of us try to to the best of our ability. So if you are not being answered by the player base on the forum you may just want to try and search for a post with the answers you are looking for like a responsible member of the forum community.


Lastly to all of those complaining about a few short days of wait time instead of complaining you should be thanking Bioware for coming up with the staggered launch solution to create stable servers. It would be much easier for them to just throw us all in at once to avoid all of the childish accusations and complaining but they put up with it because they are trying to do what is best for all of us the customer. It is just pure and utter ungratefulness. The logic of staggered launch speaks for itself.


That is my whole ten, twenty and thirty cents on all of the blatantly uncalled for complaining. If you would like to share your frustration with the people constantly complaining without flaming them in their posts please feel free to show your support in this thread.


./signed and thank you

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Good post!


I am amazed at people. Would they behave like this if they couldn't hide behind their keyboard? How would the same people crying around here manage the launch if it was their reputation and their job on the line? They'd probably care less for some crybabies on a forum and play it safe and slow aswell...


They are definatly planning ahead for a game that are here to stay for a long time! If they keep this kind of mindset, I have no doubt that this game will go a long way!




First part I would wonder as to this as well. Second part I completely agree. It's a very good stratagem.

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