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How do I Succeed in PvP as a Combat Medic?


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So for PvE purposes (friends doing FPs, many class quests require you to use Yuun in the 40-43 range and being CM makes these ridiculously easy) I've gone combat medic spec for the time being. I do like to PvP however, and it seems alot harder for me to get medals as CM as opposed to say gunnery.


I'm talking about a pure tree here btw, so up to the 40 pt. talent ability. Any help is greatly appreciated, tyvm.

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Your going to average 5 medals if your performing your "role" correctly but if you do it well you will win more than you lose..I usually concentrate on healing 95 percent of the time but you can help finish a lot of fights if your quick enough with HiB...and grenade shield/ground stun are all great tools that can be game changers.
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Short Answer? Don't be a healer. If you are aiming for Points go DD with using your healing skills.



I'm a full healing specced Commando myself. I can tell you whenever you face someone equally geared and average skilled (he can use his interrupts, knows the CC exploits and uses stims). YOU are out of luck.


Your damage sucks and is to expensive (ammunition) to keep up even with SCC running. You will need to hit 24k Damage average to any decent geared enemy in the level 50 bracket. (Including his medpack heals). Fighting certain FoTm Builds you are looking at 30k HP or more you need to grind down. (Shields, rakata medpack).



Your damage will be around 700 for charged bolts, he is hitting you between 1k and 4k + dots. IF you are lucky you can crit for 2.6k with Expertise stim / damage buff running.



If you stack up stims yourself, you can outlast his initial Burst. But that's the best case.

In a 1vs1 Situation you have no hope to kill a decent player of equal gear. And only in rare cases you can survive him. Because grinding him slowly down would mean you are looking at a 2 minute fight (the whole Warzone will be upon you then or your own team on him).


That's mainly due to the broken resolve system and lack of anti CC for other forms of CC outside stun. 2 Stuns + 2 Interrupts / Push / knock / Pull / Tech grenade. That's what you will get in a 20 seconds window from ONE player. Even with an Instand Medical Prope, Bakta it's hard to outlast that even utilizing your knockback, and two CCs.


Once you meet someone outgearing you, you are dead. (e.g. 300 expertise vs 600). If it wasn't for the 30% healing debuff you could outheal his burst, but sadly that's how it is. Between all the cc you can't counter heal his damage.


This situation is mainly because:

- consumables favor to much DD specs. +15% on 3.5k damage is more than 15% on 2.5k healing.

- Lack of interrupts against DD specs. (I got locked out of one healing skills out of three, of where at least two have a huge CD).

- Flat out Healing Debuff 30%

- Too much working forms of CC on you. (Our shield has too much CD and a short duration to be viable)


If one of these would be changed we could dominated instead. :D



Anyway don't get me wrong, i sometimes 3vs1 on alderan towers for a long time before i go down, i even get my 25 kills and 75k damage as well as 2.5k single hit medals. But it's no where near to how easy it is when you are in a DD spec.



What kind of frustrates me, is how much time i need to spend Shooting stuff deliberately just for Damage Medals instead of proper healing my teammates. And yes it takes more time to get the Damage medals than the healing ones.



Most games i average around 60k to 150k Damage and 100k to 170k Healing and 6 Medals. Proably spend 4/5 my time doing Damage instead of healing. :o


We all know those Voidstar games where both teams are evenly matched, then you easily rack up 300k healing and damage or even 500k but when you gain 8 medals everyone else is getting 12+.




Generally Speaking.

- Use your CCs. Nothing "heals" more a focused teammate than a AOE Knockback, and a Stun grenade.

- Try to use SCC in combination with your shield and Koltor bomb. This is your strongest combination.

- Koltor grenade , Koltor grenade, Koltor grenade.

Edited by -sasori
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In warzones you will need to do damage and healing together along with objective points.


Defend/assault maps make sure to stay near the nodes to get your points. As a healer your priority targets are players who can take hits. Do not waste healing on softies. You also simply heal just enough to turn the tide of combat but even then you always slap out some dps and target enemies with low health to finish them off. This will contribute to kill count and finish off players. Killing an enemy STOPS there damage. Do not pad damage on full health players ... that is pure dps class roles.


Basically you assist your tough players locally to you and help finish off their targets as if you are an extension of them. It is dps specialists who should pressure enemy healers or targets away from your healing targets ... not you. Assisting on a kill also pressures enemy healers into resource dumping on their own players. Dps is one of a healers greatest tools when used correctly which is why all healers in this game can still do respectable dps and why there is a trauma debuff ... bioware WANTS damage to be king and to preserve attrition (one of Wow's greatest pvp failures).


Pure healing will never take you far in warzones and for every target not killed quickly it is just another enemy who will target you to take out the healer.


Read over the contribution rules (I know they are adding more soon, especially for healing so that should help) and work toward addition medals. you will average 6-9 medals with ease as long as your gear is good.

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Short Answer? Don't be a healer. If you are aiming for Points go DD with using your healing skills.



I'm a full healing specced Commando myself. I can tell you whenever you face someone equally geared and average skilled (he can use his interrupts, knows the CC exploits and uses stims). YOU are out of luck.


Your damage sucks and is to expensive (ammunition) to keep up even with SCC running. You will need to hit 24k Damage average to any decent geared enemy in the level 50 bracket. (Including his medpack heals). Fighting certain FoTm Builds you are looking at 30k HP or more you need to grind down. (Shields, rakata medpack).



Your damage will be around 700 for charged bolts, he is hitting you between 1k and 4k + dots. IF you are lucky you can crit for 2.6k with Expertise stim / damage buff running.



If you stack up stims yourself, you can outlast his initial Burst. But that's the best case.

In a 1vs1 Situation you have no hope to kill a decent player of equal gear. And only in rare cases you can survive him. Because grinding him slowly down would mean you are looking at a 2 minute fight (the whole Warzone will be upon you then or your own team on him).


That's mainly due to the broken resolve system and lack of anti CC for other forms of CC outside stun. 2 Stuns + 2 Interrupts / Push / knock / Pull / Tech grenade. That's what you will get in a 20 seconds window from ONE player. Even with an Instand Medical Prope, Bakta it's hard to outlast that even utilizing your knockback, and two CCs.


Once you meet someone outgearing you, you are dead. (e.g. 300 expertise vs 600). If it wasn't for the 30% healing debuff you could outheal his burst, but sadly that's how it is. Between all the cc you can't counter heal his damage.


This situation is mainly because:

- consumables favor to much DD specs. +15% on 3.5k damage is more than 15% on 2.5k healing.

- Lack of interrupts against DD specs. (I got locked out of one healing skills out of three, of where at least two have a huge CD).

- Flat out Healing Debuff 30%

- Too much working forms of CC on you. (Our shield has too much CD and a short duration to be viable)


If one of these would be changed we could dominated instead. :D



Anyway don't get me wrong, i sometimes 3vs1 on alderan towers for a long time before i go down, i even get my 25 kills and 75k damage as well as 2.5k single hit medals. But it's no where near to how easy it is when you are in a DD spec.



What kind of frustrates me, is how much time i need to spend Shooting stuff deliberately just for Damage Medals instead of proper healing my teammates. And yes it takes more time to get the Damage medals than the healing ones.



Most games i average around 60k to 150k Damage and 100k to 170k Healing and 6 Medals. Proably spend 4/5 my time doing Damage instead of healing. :o


We all know those Voidstar games where both teams are evenly matched, then you easily rack up 300k healing and damage or even 500k but when you gain 8 medals everyone else is getting 12+.




Generally Speaking.

- Use your CCs. Nothing "heals" more a focused teammate than a AOE Knockback, and a Stun grenade.

- Try to use SCC in combination with your shield and Koltor bomb. This is your strongest combination.

- Koltor grenade , Koltor grenade, Koltor grenade.


The first part of your post is ridiculous and wrong. I haven't come across a battlemaster geared dps that can singlehandedly burst me down (Im champion geared). They can pop every single consumable they have and even get the expertise buff, and they still will not be able to kill me. Why? because I have cooldowns too.


I literally become a healing god when I use reactive shield. I can easily hold off 4-5 geared dps with reactive shield+relic+adrenal. I will stand there in one spot taking 20% less damage and healing myself for constant streams of 5k+ heal crits + advanced medical probe HOT+ trauma probe.


Also, why do you care about 1v1's? Why are you off by yourself in a warzone? If you are guarding an objective by yourself, why are you trying to dps anyone that attacks?


Aside from that, yes you can 1v1 certain specs and win by just spamming hammer shot/kiting/LOSing. Against other specs that can heal, it's going to be a stale mate. You wont kill them, and they wont kill you. This is a good thing however, if you are guarding an objective, because that person will just be wasting their time trying to kill you.


Also, if you are a healer and you are trying to get damage medals, you need to reroll dps. I play to win, and to win, I heal. Sure, I won't gain ranks as fast as the people who play to get medals, but I sure as hell am going to make those guys bad.


I'll take my 400k+ healing over 100k damage and 150k heals any day. (I have screenshots of 600k of legit 90% single target healing too)

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In warzones you will need to do damage and healing together along with objective points.


Defend/assault maps make sure to stay near the nodes to get your points. As a healer your priority targets are players who can take hits. Do not waste healing on softies. You also simply heal just enough to turn the tide of combat but even then you always slap out some dps and target enemies with low health to finish them off. This will contribute to kill count and finish off players. Killing an enemy STOPS there damage. Do not pad damage on full health players ... that is pure dps class roles.


Basically you assist your tough players locally to you and help finish off their targets as if you are an extension of them. It is dps specialists who should pressure enemy healers or targets away from your healing targets ... not you. Assisting on a kill also pressures enemy healers into resource dumping on their own players. Dps is one of a healers greatest tools when used correctly which is why all healers in this game can still do respectable dps and why there is a trauma debuff ... bioware WANTS damage to be king and to preserve attrition (one of Wow's greatest pvp failures).


Pure healing will never take you far in warzones and for every target not killed quickly it is just another enemy who will target you to take out the healer.


Read over the contribution rules (I know they are adding more soon, especially for healing so that should help) and work toward addition medals. you will average 6-9 medals with ease as long as your gear is good.


some really good advice in here.


The number of medals in and of itself is meaningless. Be a team player and contribute to a win first. Worry about getting kills and earning medals last, if at all. If you burn someone down and he runs away from your node, let him go and keep your eyes on the prize. All too often I see people getting pulled like brainless mobs and cause a node to get capped by the other side.

Edited by Buckit
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some really good advice in here.


The number of medals in and of itself is meaningless. Be a team player and contribute to a win first. Worry about getting kills and earning medals last, if at all. If you burn someone down and he runs away from your node, let him go and keep your eyes on the prize. All too often I see people getting pulled like brainless mobs and cause a node to get capped by the other side.


There's a difference between farming medals while ignoring objectives, and farming medals while playing the objectives.


As a healer you get completely dicked on medals if you ONLY heal. We have no choice but to dps also if our valor grind is supposed to be as fast as a tank or DPS. Does that mean I'm going to dps when there's healing to be done? Maybe, maybe not, depends on the situation. I'm certainly not going to let my guard tank die, that's for sure, but if I have to sacrifice a couple people so I get decent valor like everyone else, then so be it.


Take for example my last Voidstar.

I had 560k healing, 150k damage, ended with 7 medals.

The other healer had 700k healing, 20k damage, ended with 4 medals.

If votes are equal I end up with more valor.

Is it a ****** system? Yes, but it is what it is.

Edited by Jooji
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Some differing opinions in here so I'll throw mine in to help as well.


31/10/0 is a fantastic build that can put out very large damage along with, of course, very strong, clutch heals.


Try not to be one dimensional with your play, though that is generally true for every class in swtor. That will fix your issues with medal gathering, but that shouldn't be your focus. While you might think a 31 combat medic spec should just be healing. You'd be wasting a lot of your potential. 3k+ charged bolts become very common once your gear catches up (that is not including expertise stims). Supercharge makes it spammable and will let you burn down an attacker that will be very shocked to find out you don't just turtle immediately upon being jumped.


If you're biochem, get those power stims to use alongside your power relic, and you'll find you can do both roles amazingly well.

Edited by Aerodi
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