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Nerf tracer missle now


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noobs who play other classes should stop making excuses because they suck and died to someone spamming 1 skill. It's like you never learned all those years ago when you used to lose in mortal kombat when all the kid did was keep sweeping you. I have never just sat and spammed Grav Round as it is useless without following it up with Demolition Round, High Impact Bolt, Full Auto. Plus I also have an AOE rotation I use when the situation presents itself. But 1 vs 1 you get a whole lot of

Power Stim, Expertise Adrenal, Crit/surge relic Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Demolition Round High Impact Bolt Full Auto.


And If you just stand there and trade with me you deserve to die. Don't be a Noob L2P. Dont stand there and take my full rotation


It came before that. Don't touch that, it's hot <queue crying and tears>


We all had to learn sometime.

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noobs who play other classes should stop making excuses because they suck and died to someone spamming 1 skill. It's like you never learned all those years ago when you used to lose in mortal kombat when all the kid did was keep sweeping you. I have never just sat and spammed Grav Round as it is useless without following it up with Demolition Round, High Impact Bolt, Full Auto. Plus I also have an AOE rotation I use when the situation presents itself. But 1 vs 1 you get a whole lot of

Power Stim, Expertise Adrenal, Crit/surge relic Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Demolition Round High Impact Bolt Full Auto.


And If you just stand there and trade with me you deserve to die. Don't be a Noob L2P. Dont stand there and take my full rotation



Again you're ignoring the issue.


Why are you doing tech damage? why do you have - armor?

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I did roll a Mercenary since BioWare designed this game around them. The FIRST pvp match I join I do 360k damage:




I even made a thread about your OP class:




Wow, 360k damage and we're the DPS class yet you can see posts from other classes claming 550k in WZ's. Clearly we need a nerf badly.....

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Again you're ignoring the issue.


Why are you doing tech damage? why do you have - armor?


because that is how bioware made my character. They gave me heavy armor they gave me tech damage they made my tree dependent on using atleast 3 Grav Rounds to get the most out of my tree. Its not my fault that you stand and take my full rotation. I don't ask this of you. I prefer you actually try and LOS me or stun/interrupt me. Or better yet sick your Marauder on me and have him whack me in the back with his glow stick. But 9 times out of 10 people like you (who are on here complaining) just stand their and eat my full rotation and wonder why they are dead

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Check the part about Tracer Missiles.


we have already claimed we do more damage when we stack power stim, expertise adrenal, crit/surge relic. If i pop all 3 before my rotation I will do huge damage. But its not my fault that all classes can do massive damage if they use stims/adrenals/relics then use their rotation. if i pop all 3 you best not stand there cause you will die. but thats the same with any class who knows how to use stims/adrenals/relics

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because that is how bioware made my character. They gave me heavy armor they gave me tech damage they made my tree dependent on using atleast 3 Grav Rounds to get the most out of my tree. Its not my fault that you stand and take my full rotation. I don't ask this of you. I prefer you actually try and LOS me or stun/interrupt me. Or better yet sick your Marauder on me and have him whack me in the back with his glow stick. But 9 times out of 10 people like you (who are on here complaining) just stand their and eat my full rotation and wonder why they are dead



I'm sorry but some classes have no range stun, and inteurpt lasts only 4 seconds.



Also why should you regain energy on tm?

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I'm sorry but some classes have no range stun, and inteurpt lasts only 4 seconds.



Also why should you regain energy on tm?


why do sorceres get to spam chain lightning for free and regain force as they use it. again this answer is simple thats how bioware made the game

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but you claim tracer missile is over powered and at level 10 you dont have tracer missle. so i ask you is it really tracer missle thats over powered.


He did say "I even made a thread about your OP Class"


Though the original message for this was based on TM, he did say class with his picture post.

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Im tired of saying it but one more time wont hurt....the problem is the design of the gunnery/arsenal tree many talents revolve around grav/tracer spam so the solution isnt nerf the tracer/grav is to redesign de mechanics of that tree because actually you are forced to spam it we have 3 more damage skills but they are on a 15 sec CD so we have no chance.
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You're not helping your cause when you make statements like this.


im helping my cause, cause my statement is tracer missle/grav round is not over powered. and yet everyone on here is saying it is. if you really did 350,000 damage at level 10 then you proved my statement that Tracer Missle/Grav Round is not over powered. I have never stated that the class as a whole isnt a good damage producer. I know i hit like a truck when im able to stand and unload my full rotation. But this garbage being spewed about how op Grav Round/ Tracer Missile is just stupid

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"And claim you did 360k in damage?? LMFAO!!!"




The deafening silence from you is sweet.


You don't have tracer and you spammed aoe. High five?


Reminds me of that nub that fraps himself in huttball, perched and sniping the whole game his team lost, came out barely ahead in his one man dps race, then herp derp'd a thread how it was overpowered.



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Went up to a trooper today...popped consumables and trinket then HS: I was rewarded with a nice and massive crit of 1k. At that point I ran away (but didn't make far: snared then blowed up by chain 3ks). 600 expertise too. W/e, lesson learned...never fight a trooper! Wait, half the team is usually that class with sages healin em...ah crap!


BW does NOT nerf the most popular classes and that is trooper/bhs/sorcs/sages. They infact do lots of bug fixing for them though! This thread will fall on deaf ears, period; get used to it.


Wreeeee wooosh...BOOM! x 1000

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Went up to a trooper today...popped consumables and trinket then HS: I was rewarded with a nice and massive crit of 1k. At that point I ran away (but didn't make far: snared then blowed up by chain 3ks). 600 expertise too. W/e, lesson learned...never fight a trooper! Wait, half the team is usually that class with sages healin em...ah crap!


BW does NOT nerf the most popular classes and that is trooper/bhs/sorcs/sages. They infact do lots of bug fixing for them though! This thread is will fall on deaf ears, period; get used to it.


Wreeeee wooohs...BOOM! x 1000


you just suck then. Im constantly being hit by 3K 4k and 5K crits by melee characters. And If 2 Sorcerers Hit me with chain lightning my HP drain faster then my bank account when my wife goes shopping :)

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Went up to a trooper today...popped consumables and trinket then HS: I was rewarded with a nice and massive crit of 1k. At that point I ran away (but didn't make far: snared then blowed up by chain 3ks). 600 expertise too. W/e, lesson learned...never fight a trooper! Wait, half the team is usually that class with sages healin em...ah crap!


BW does NOT nerf the most popular classes and that is trooper/bhs/sorcs/sages. They infact do lots of bug fixing for them though! This thread will fall on deaf ears, period; get used to it.


Wreeeee wooosh...BOOM! x 1000


By HS, do you mean Hidden Strike? The only way I can explain that is if he was both shielded and guarded by a tank, because HS hits me relatively hard at close to 600 exp when it crits. I actually can't attest to HS damage against me post-nerf, though, I haven't logged in yet this week as I've started a new playthrough of ME and ME2 in preparation for ME3, but even with a 20% reduction I'd still be looking at a lot more than 1k on a crit. Also, Merc/Mando don't have an on-demand snare. They have one linked to the AoE KB and a potentially talented one in conjunction with Unload/Full Auto, which wears off right after it finishes channeling. This would mean someone else had their attention turned to you as well.

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