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Nerf tracer missle now


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This game really needs an IQ test at the regist. Dude, that guy critted you 3 times in a row, if you crit someone with your main skill you'd the the same damage OH GOD.


And whats up with the people saying " I CANT USE MY INTERRUPTZ AS I'M CC'ED or SNARED OHMUSDHF" -.- -.- :(:: OH GOD I CANT EVEN HELP WITH THIS CAPS ATM. *more caps here* THAT SKILLS SUPPOSED TO KEEP YOU WHERE YOU'RE AND THEY'RE MOSTLY CD (dunno about other classes than bh)


And lols to that guy who says 3vs1 should be nerfed. *brofist*


edit: and i would like to say if you see a bh that spams you more than 3 TM in a row ( i use 2 max), that guy sucks. Kill it with fire.


he did not get 3 shot. he got 5 shot. Dude Popped A power Stim Used A Crit/Surge Relic then threw 3 Tracer Missles/Grav Rounds followed up by his 2 insta casts. The 4th shot hit at same time as 3rd Tracer Missles/Grav Rounds then 1 second later the other insta shot hit. and obviously they all crit for double damage due to the Crit/Surge Relic

Edited by Ssfbistimg
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Sorry but Tracer Missle/Grav Round is broken.


* It Hits for 3k EACH

* Its TECH Damage, thus not migated or deflected

* It reduces armor by 50%

* Spammable without heat/ammo problem

* Gives back Heat/Ammo on crit


Interupts last only 4 seconds. Merc/Commando Wear heavy armor so hard to kill, and sport heals too.


Lets not add they have a RANGE STUN.











Give me 1 skill that can compare to that. Why even bother rolling Gunslinger/Sniper.


lolwut? TM stacks 4% armor debuff 5 times. lets see, 4 x 5 = 20, 20%.


we have two ranged stuns, like every class...


you are worried about our heals? we heal for 1400-1800 per 2.5 secs. i cant out heal a single classes damage, if i stop to heal i am dead


next argument plz

Edited by Cegenaus
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he did not get 3 shot. he got 5 shot. Dude Popped A power Stim Used A Crit/Surge Relic then threw 3 Tracer Missles/Grav Rounds followed up by his 2 insta casts. The 4th shot hit at same time as 3rd Tracer Missles/Grav Rounds then 1 second later the other insta shot hit.


The amount of shots are really irrelevant. Its still killing someone in 5 seconds. Something I only see with Mercenaries and when 5 people attack a guy at once.

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lolwut? TM stacks 4% armor debuff 5 times. lets see, 4 x 5 = 20, 20%.


we have an interrupt now? this is news to me


you are worried about our heals? we heal for 1400-1800 per 2.5 secs. i cant out heal a single classes damage, if i stop to heal i am dead


next argument plz


she is accounting for the 35% armor penetration we already have because of Armor Piercing Cell (Troopers) not sure about name for Bounty Hunters

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Stacking an expertise adrenal and relic is really the only time I see my damage go through the roof and I'm quite confident that applies to all the classes. If you don't see those numbers you probably have no idea that the relic and adrenal are an on use item. Whenever I fight another merc who simply spams his TM I drop 2-3 TMs of my own and then just play an instant cast game with them (rail shot, explosive dart, Heat seeker missiles), interrupting with my rocket punch (talented knock back) running around him and playing los. Its quite funny seeing them fail and panic when their one shot glory is useless to a mirror class, especially when they think I'll do the same. I tried just spamming TM to see what all the fuss was about but I just couldn't, I kept getting interrupted, numerous los issues and it felt like I'm not at all reaching any potential. I utilize almost ALL of my skills as the way it should be. TM spammers are idiots and the ones that can't counter them are even bigger idiots. If you play the best of your ability and still lose to them its probably because of a gear gap not because they are "over powered" etc. Either way if they nerf TM I couldn't care less as I still have a gameplay that doesn't fully depend on it. I have a spec that can also support and toss heals whenever I need it or I see a team mate in need, that outlook in play style should be promoted but then again we live in a culture of selfishness so actually contributing to a team effort is simply to much to ask for.
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Seriously TM can only be cast while standing still (unless you use the next skill cast is insta) talent.

Casting TM 3 times is six seconds standing in one place not being noticed..literally being ignored.

BHs can't hide..we can't stealth..we can't run away we can't super jump past fire or super run past obstacles. The second we fire a missile we might as well wear a HUGE neon sign that says "I haz Bombs Kill me plz"


We have a turret mode that puts out respectable dps if we are willing to sit like a duck on a carnival shooting range waiting to be noticed..or we have roughly 5 instas that we can cast on the run that do laughable dps.


If a BH is wreaking havoc to your team ,9 times out 10 its probably your fault. Yes 1 match out of 20 Ill get a healer..woohoo..I'm a GOD! I have a healer.!!!one one

Edited by Ticklepink
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she is accounting for the 35% armor penetration we already have because of Armor Piercing Cell (Troopers) not sure about name for Bounty Hunters


high velocity gas cylinder and rumor has it that it may not stack with the TM armor debuff so we dont really know if we are getting it

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The amount of shots are really irrelevant. Its still killing someone in 5 seconds. Something I only see with Mercenaries and when 5 people attack a guy at once.


I'm Sorry but when all 5 attacks Crit for double regular attacks because of Crit/Surge relic, then the OPness is in the Relics/Stims not the actual abilities.

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That's timing the rotation though. 3-4 casted attacks then 2 instas back to back will hit within a few seconds of each other then you get double tapped at the end. Now stay with me here, it takes 1.4-1.5 seconds PER TM to fire then at 1.5 for Unload. So that means that you weren't paying attention for 5.7-6.0 seconds in a PvP fight and let us free cast on you. And now you're saying that it's our problem? I feel gangster now, thanks! Edited by Buddhalux
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lol. sure.


I'm sorry but 3 Aimed Shot/Snipe gets you OUT OF ENERGY, you can can spam to oblivoin and even have Reload/Vent Heat


lolwut? TM stacks 4% armor debuff 5 times. lets see, 4 x 5 = 20, 20%.


we have two ranged stuns, like every class...


you are worried about our heals? we heal for 1400-1800 per 2.5 secs. i cant out heal a single classes damage, if i stop to heal i am dead


next argument plz



Lets compare other skills. Reduce 20% armor and does only 500 damage max.



2 Range Stuns, tell me when a Gunslinger/Sniper gets ONE range stun.

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I'm Sorry but when all 5 attacks Crit for double regular attacks because of Crit/Surge relic, then the OPness is in the Relics/Stims not the actual abilities.


I tried mentioning that too but too many freshly nerfed OPs are frothing at the mouth and can't see reason at all.

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Seriously TM can only be cast while standing still (unless you use the next skill cast is insta) talent.

Casting TM 3 times is six seconds standing in one place not being noticed..literally being ignored.

BHs can't hide..we can't stealth..we can't run away we can't super jump past fire or super run past obstacles. The second we fire a missile we might as well wear a HUGE neon sigh that says "I haz Bombs Kill me plz"


We have a turret mode that puts out respectable dps if we are willing to sit like a duck on a carnival shooting range waiting to be noticed..or we have roughly 5 instas that we can cast on the run that do laughable dps.


If a BH is wreaking havoc to your team ,9 times out 10 its probably your fault. Yes 1 match out of 20 Ill get a healer..woohoo..I'm a GOD! I have a healer.!!!one one


Um no kid, 3 Tracers = 3 X 1.5 = 4.5 seconds. Then after your debuff you shoot an instant attack or 2 that can do 5k+. ALL IN 5 SECONDS. You also have the second best knockback in game. Its also not hard to hide behind your team or close to a pillar to not draw attention. This is a complete troll post from a Mercenary spreading misinformation to keep his OP one key wonder class from getting nerfed.

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Um no kid, 3 Tracers = 3 X 1.5 = 4.5 seconds. Then after your debuff you shoot an instant attack or 2 that can do 5k+. ALL IN 5 SECONDS. You also have the second best knockback in game. Its also not hard to hide behind your team or close to a pillar to not draw attention. This is a complete troll post from a Mercenary spreading misinformation to keep his OP one key wonder class from getting nerfed.


Add in the finisher aka Unload son. Oh my, now we're up to 6 seconds!!! Nice reading attempt though. Keep on working with the Reading Rainbow group!

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Or you can put a geared marauder or sentinel that has a clue how to play his class on any commando, bounty hunter and watch how helpless we are to beat them. Only time I can take them on (The good ones) is if I'm spec'd pyrotech and just kite and dot them all day long.
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Add in the finisher aka Unload son. Oh my, now we're up to 6 seconds!!! Nice reading attempt though. Keep on working with the Reading Rainbow group!


How cute a fellow lying apologist for his nerf main class backing up his fellow liars. Thanks for letting me quote you on supporting one of your fellow liars who says 3 tracer missiles take 6 seconds to fire off.

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Learn to interrupt


Bioware intended you to use your skills against human players instead of pretending like you're grinding NPC mobs.


I don't know, but sort of suspect that since its ranged ability average BH won't plan to stand next to you when he is spamming it.


They mostly stand back row and spam from there in my experience. If you don't have any kind of leap, like most troopers don't, it can be bit hard to reach them before more than half of health is gone. Ofc one can throw cry grenade if its not in DC.


And this ofc. only works too if there is no CC directed at you from any other source that would slow you down or incapacitate. If there is you're pretty much screwed.

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Sorry but Tracer Missle/Grav Round is broken.


* It Hits for 3k EACH


If it crits.


* Its TECH Damage, thus not migated or deflected


Same as elemental or force damage. And can be resisted.



* It reduces armor by 50%

Are you sure that the armor penetration ammo and armor debuff from grav round effects are addiditve?


* Spammable without heat/ammo problem

That means the ammo/heat bar never ends.


* Gives back Heat/Ammo on crit

1 ammo if it crits with an internal cooldown of 3 seconds. Not helpfull enough with allacrity.



Interupts last only 4 seconds.

More than enough to get out of range and force them to move in a position that you favor.


Merc/Commando Wear heavy armor so hard to kill, and sport heals too.

Champion provides about 35% damage reduction and their heals can be iset back with all attacks.



Lets not add they have a RANGE STUN.

That can be broken on damage or from cc removal.











Give me 1 skill that can compare to that. Why even bother rolling Gunslinger/Sniper.


Every class has its weaknesses find them.

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I usually swap between a full healing spec and a hybrid spec (CM/Assault). Been a long time since I've done gunnery. I still run into at least a few nubs a day that cry "grav noob" or somesuch. ("Psst, it's called Charged Bolts, nubs")


People are morons. This thread is not doing much to change that opinion.


Snipers/Slingers are sick dps when geared and played properly. I guess the same can be said for any class, to a degree, but most people play snipers/slingers poorly. Gunnery/Arsenal differs in that it is very EASY to get some decent performance with minimal effort against your average moronic PUG. It's ranged, it's auto face, it's stationary.


That doesn't make it OP, it simply not great design. In fact, Gunnery/Arsenal is one of the weakest 1v1 classes.

Edited by Pulpp
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Or you can put a geared marauder or sentinel that has a clue how to play his class on any commando, bounty hunter and watch how helpless we are to beat them. Only time I can take them on (The good ones) is if I'm spec'd pyrotech and just kite and dot them all day long.


Sadly, that is the only way to stop your team from getting slaughtered. Everytime I hear that tracer missile noise I immediately target the Merc 24/7 in the warzone. If I dont, I look at my OPs frame see my teammates health spike every 1.5s to death in a matter of seconds.

Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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How cute a fellow lying apologist for his nerf main class backing up his fellow liars. Thanks for letting me quote you on supporting one of your fellow liars who says 3 tracer missiles take 6 seconds to fire off.


Someone needs to reread the post.....

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Or you can put a geared marauder or sentinel that has a clue how to play his class on any commando, bounty hunter and watch how helpless we are to beat them. Only time I can take them on (The good ones) is if I'm spec'd pyrotech and just kite and dot them all day long.


I already asked nicely for the good Marauders to stop bouncing all around me hitting me with their glow stick cause it hurts, but they haven't got back to me yet. I'm hoping they hear my cries :)


Trooper Commando

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Sadly, that is the only way to stop your team from getting slaughtered. Everytime I hear that tracer missile noise I immediately target the Merc 24/7 in the warzone. If I dont, I look at my OPs frame see my teammates health spike every 1.5s to death in a matter of seconds.


Hang on. You were saying that you were a healer, and now you're 'targeting the merc 24/7'.


Surely you wouldn't have done something so base as to tell lies, would you?

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Sorry but Tracer Missle/Grav Round is broken.


* It Hits for 3k EACH

* Its TECH Damage, thus not migated or deflected

* It reduces armor by 50%

* Spammable without heat/ammo problem

* Gives back Heat/Ammo on crit


Interupts last only 4 seconds. Merc/Commando Wear heavy armor so hard to kill, and sport heals too.


Lets not add they have a RANGE STUN.











Give me 1 skill that can compare to that. Why even bother rolling Gunslinger/Sniper.


Beware, you are seriously going to be called a troll for your post. All mercs/commandos dont want to be fixed or balanced.

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I'm curious what will be next after this nerf will take place? HEALERS DON'T DIE WHEN I SPAM DPS THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY CAN'T I SEE STEALTHED PLAYERS INVISIBLE NO FAIR!!!!!!! HUTTBALL FIRE TOO STRONG I SHOULD BE ABLE TO WITHSTAND I'M MEGA HERO JEDI/SITH!!!!! One can only guess I assume lol.
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