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Nerf tracer missle now


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Bioware please nerf all classes. Make them all the same. I want 3 skills per class. You can name them different things, but I want them to do the same thing.


For ranged I want shoot, kick, stun

For melee I want swing, kick, stun


Making every class the same exact thing should clear up all the 'nerf this' threads... then again, even if something as stupid as the above did happen, we would still have morons in here asking for nerfs.


Oh, great job ruining the Assassin btw, probly one of the few classes that didn't seem overpowered when I played it or when I fought them in pvp. /thumbs up (I have a smiley face sticker for you guys)

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I love guys like you that let me get through my full rotation...lol


Use your interupt... it seems every class except BH has one.....it messes up most BH's. "Unless he is a smart BH and has TM on a macro to fire Power shot if TM goes on CD that is" :)


Move/LOS, stun me...do anything except stand there and think you can out dps me. I'm standing there because I have to...lol


The point is TM does not need a nerf....you just have to respect it and play better.


Same thing with pre-nerf scoundrel/ops l2p

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I'm not for sure that comparing "a" skill that needs to be spammed 3-4 times in a 6 second period to a skill that leaves me laying face first on the ground still taking huge amounts of damage as the "getting up" animation works itself out is really viable.


I have upwards of 17k hp as a bh and there are several times Ive been back stabbed whatever..slice slice slice before I can get up and I'm dead. BHs certainly don't have any talents like that.


The best Ive been able to do is move forward to speed up the standing up animation and hit rocket boost for a knockback (if its up). We have concussion missile that we can use and sometimes it works really well but while incapacitated the targets health regenerates faster than normal (so that's not always the best thing you want to do for a target who is almost dead..help their health rejuv quicker)


(the only time a missile will follow someone around a corner is if I get the shot off while looking at you and a sorc decides to run away at super high velocity around a corner) Hey..I got the shot off..run where you like.

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Wheres the balance. Op's and scoundrels were killing too fast doing half HP in 5-6s. well Tracer missle spam can take 3/4 of my HP is 3 hits. 3.2k 3.4k 2.9 . That is killing much faster then intended per bioware.


Balance this crap out.


meh not scared of tracer missile. just interrupt it. then watch the merc do nothing while they continue to spam the button that wont activate. then they die.


so easy to stop tracer missile. mercs that use it always die to me.

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I can't wait for combat logs. It will be funny to see all the mouthbreathers that never use interrupt start "OMG Nerf RAILSHOT" and "NERF HEATSEEKER OR I UNSUB!" posts.


i love the 2.5k RS + 4k HSM crit combo. tracer, tracer, tracer......BOOM YOURE DEAD. i chuckle every time i do it

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You want to take away the winbutton? How can you be so heartless?


God when will all the crying stop. It's like all the bads have a private meeting to see which class they are going to cry for nerfs next. I am not hard to kill. Try playing as a team. You see a commando/mercenary that is doing damage stun him & focus fire him. He will die just like everyone else. We play the class the way bioware intended it to be played. Pvp in SW:TOR is not a 1 vs 1 death match. Try using the 7 other people on your team. I guarantee that if you do you might not suck as much as you do now. who knows you might even enjoy yourself. Stop trying to nerf everything in the ground cause you don't have the Intelligence to play well with your teammates. Tracer Missile/Grav Round is not that big a deal. Mercenaries use it on me all the time and its no where near as bad as getting hit by chain lightning over and over. Stop trying to 1 vs 1 everyone. And to the good Marauders please stop bouncing all around me whacking me with that glow stick It Hurts.


Trooper Commando

Edited by Ssfbistimg
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I have 588 expertise and a Mercenary can 3 or 4 hit me that is equally geared or higher. I even know the kid's name in game who did this to me. Remeber what happened to a certain class that could 3-4 hit someone? This is worse because unlike the Operative, all you have to use is one button. Enjoy your comming nerf to your one key wonder Mercenaries.
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Not even close to the same thing. We can't kill a toon before they get out of a CC that we put on them. We can't DPS that fast and drop someone in our 4 second stun. Nice try though!


right, you don't have to CC, you proved me wrong, you don't have to CC because you don't have the time to. It would be dumb of BH/CM to stop face slamming the keyboard with TM GR binded to every key, just to set off a CC

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I have 588 expertise and a Mercenary can 3 or 4 hit me that is equally geared or higher. I even know the kid's name in game who did this to me. Remeber what happened to a certain class that could 3-4 hit someone? This is worse because unlike the Operative, all you have to use is one button. Enjoy your comming nerf to your one key wonder Mercenaries.


you have no clue what you are talking about. he used 3 buttons to 5 shot you, just so happened 4th shot hit at exact same time as 3rd shot and 5th shot came 1 second later

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Idc whether they nerf it or not, commandos/mercs aren't as hard to kill as people like to think they are. 90% of them have no idea what to do when you interrupt tracer missle and it's funny to watch them just sit there.


dont know about mercs but when you interupt my grav round I will either throw a heal Or medpac if timer is up then finish my grav round stacking so I can pop u with my 2 insta cast followed by full auto

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I love guys like you that let me get through my full rotation...lol


Use your interupt... it seems every class except BH has one.....it messes up most BH's. "Unless he is a smart BH and has TM on a macro to fire Power shot if TM goes on CD that is" :)


Move/LOS, stun me...do anything except stand there and think you can out dps me. I'm standing there because I have to...lol


The point is TM does not need a nerf....you just have to respect it and play better.


You realize that there are no macros in this game?

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People who spam tracer missile/grav shots are morons. People who use Grav Shot/tracer missile to build up gravity vortexes/heat signatures to help increase the damage of their other powers and get procs off on certain powers are good players.


Seriously, play an arsenal merc and stick with it. I will tell you now, if you just spam grav round/tracer missile and literally nothing else, you will fail on the damage charts.


But see, the structure of the class is such that heatseeker, rail shot and unload are on CD about 90% of the time, so you have nothing else besides tracer missile or power shot. If you fire off your salvo of CD abilities, you will be firing nothing but tracer missiles for about 10 seconds because you have nothing else. It's stupid class design more than anything else.

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Id like to see a 5-10 sec cc immunity myself. Two days ago I had a PT and a sorc literally ping pong me back and forth from top to bottom at least six times in huttball. Having two Juggs rotate force choke on me is just stupid..lets nerf that.


Totally agree with you there!!

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I have 588 expertise and a Mercenary can 3 or 4 hit me that is equally geared or higher. I even know the kid's name in game who did this to me. Remeber what happened to a certain class that could 3-4 hit someone? This is worse because unlike the Operative, all you have to use is one button. Enjoy your comming nerf to your one key wonder Mercenaries.


How many hit points you had when that guy started to shoot you?

What abilities he used on you?

Did he attacked you alone or he had support?

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. Gunnerycommando is the easiest class to play against in the game.


Guess you dont see enough gunslingers or snipers to know that those 2 are the easiest to play against. Plus the huge population gain of commando/mercs since the 1 button spam was discovered.


Interupts and LoS are marginal, 1 interupt lasts 4 secs, cd lasts 8. How many tracers can get let loose in that time?


Plus if a commando/merc is in trouble, pop a shield, run off and heal. Not too hard to kill the 'easiest class' to play against, amirite?

Edited by Tooswifty
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Guess you dont see enough gunslingers or snipers to know that those 2 are the easiest to play against. Plus the huge population gain of commando/mercs since the 1 button spam was discovered.


Interupts and LoS are marginal, 1 interupt lasts 4 secs, cd lasts 8. How many tracers can get let loose in that time?


Plus if a commando/merc is in trouble, pop a shield, run off and heal. Not too hard to kill the 'easiest class' to play against, amirite?


Do you know what the shield of commando does?

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Guess you dont see enough gunslingers or snipers to know that those 2 are the easiest to play against. Plus the huge population gain of commando/mercs since the 1 button spam was discovered.


Interupts and LoS are marginal, 1 interupt lasts 4 secs, cd lasts 8. How many tracers can get let loose in that time?


Plus if a commando/merc is in trouble, pop a shield, run off and heal. Not too hard to kill the 'easiest class' to play against, amirite?


Im sorry but yes we are easy to kill. As I stated before stop trying to best me 1 vs 1 always. Its a team game. Any good melee class can abuse us. Sorcerer's can completely destroy us with dots, chain lightning and a couple cc's. Seriously stop whining and crying about how OP we are. Only way I'm ever OP is if I have a pocket healer (then I'm just wrecking fools) but that goes for any competent player who has a pocket healer. There is not one single class who is OP. Just class's who seem OP because of their team mates actually playing as a team, instead of the team where every one thinks they are a 1 vs 1 God and dont need no help.

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How many hit points you had when that guy started to shoot you?

What abilities he used on you?

Did he attacked you alone or he had support?


15.5k HP. By himself near west turret on Alderaan. I will start recording my Warzone matches now and he is usually on. Cant wait until I run into him again and post the encounter on youtube.

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This game really needs an IQ test at the regist. Dude, that guy critted you 3 times in a row, if you crit someone with your main skill you'd the the same damage OH GOD.


And whats up with the people saying " I CANT USE MY INTERRUPTZ AS I'M CC'ED or SNARED OHMUSDHF" -.- -.- :(:: OH GOD I CANT EVEN HELP WITH THIS CAPS ATM. *more caps here* THAT SKILLS SUPPOSED TO KEEP YOU WHERE YOU'RE AND THEY'RE MOSTLY CD (dunno about other classes than bh)


And lols to that guy who says 3vs1 should be nerfed. *brofist*


edit: and i would like to say if you see a bh that spams you more than 3 TM in a row ( i use 2 max), that guy sucks. Kill it with fire.

Edited by Boheiman
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Sorry but Tracer Missle/Grav Round is broken.


* It Hits for 3k EACH

* Its TECH Damage, thus not migated or deflected

* It reduces armor by 50%

* Spammable without heat/ammo problem

* Gives back Heat/Ammo on crit


Interupts last only 4 seconds. Merc/Commando Wear heavy armor so hard to kill, and sport heals too.


Lets not add they have a RANGE STUN.











Give me 1 skill that can compare to that. Why even bother rolling Gunslinger/Sniper.

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But see, the structure of the class is such that heatseeker, rail shot and unload are on CD about 90% of the time, so you have nothing else besides tracer missile or power shot. If you fire off your salvo of CD abilities, you will be firing nothing but tracer missiles for about 10 seconds because you have nothing else. It's stupid class design more than anything else.


I have plenty of other abilities to use, but I don't need to as you are exaggerating the cooldown times on my big 3 attacks.

Power Stim Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Crit/Surge Relic Demolition Round High Impact Bolt Full Auto Heal if Needed Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round then my Big 3 are off cooldown again.

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