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Why we need a votekick option in WZs.


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Eh a vote kick would be abused i think.


There just needs to be an option to report for being afk and if the player doesnt respond it kicks them.


but they're not afk, they are sitting their eating twinkies watching star trek re-runs


i agree with the votekick, but it would require a 80% majority.

Edited by Evuke
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Eh a vote kick would be abused i think.


There just needs to be an option to report for being afk and if the player doesnt respond it kicks them.


The player should be required to contribute. If you don't score any points in a minute, 30 second warning, then removal from the match. In addition to the removal, a flag that prevents participating in any other WZ's for 1 hour.


The case the OP gave, the person was at the keyboard and refused to participate. Did you even read his post and look the screenshot? o.O

Edited by Moghra
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Not a damn chance. Morons will abuse the hell out of it. Report the person and shut up, don't even dare giving Bioware this idea. Imagine if a team of people joins into warzone with a slot and they don't like you for some reason and boot you, happened in every other team game with votekick option, going to happen here.
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You can get all zeros when you zone into a warzone has almost completed. This has happened to me several times. So I wouldn't go by your screenshot as an indication of anything.


If he had just joined, he wouldn't have had time to trash talk. Introducing a vote kick option would have no effect on people who join a warzone at the end.

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