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warzone victory bug still not fixed


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Yep, didnt receive credit for my Civil War win on my Vanguard :(


Ok Edit:

Just played another game (Voidstar) which we lost (10sec QQ). And now I suddenly have a win. Maybe it just takes ages to register?



Switched to my guardian - Voidstar win. Didnt count, even after 2hours ;)

Edited by Zocat
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seriously this is where that other thread was directed?? horrible. horrible customer service on BW's part and HORRIBLE bug fixing. show your opinion with your money people.


those of you still having fun despite a few bugs though by all means keep on keepin on there is no one here saying that you are wrong for it. some of you however are bashing those of us expressing concerns and I wonder why that is.

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I *********** hate it. I just won 2 and I'm 2/3 still! Bioware is trolling the **** out of me with this. I don't want to do more than 3 *********** victory games because I simply don't have the time do keep playing the PVP I have other characters to level!
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This extremely frustrating when you are under geared and pugging for something that should be an easy fix its like ***.


That said someone told me if you uncheck the quest so it isn't tracked ie displayed on your screen it should fix the issue. I cannot confirm this but I am going to try it tonight.


Also I open a ticket everytime cause they keep closing them. Yeah its a b**** move but w/e for alts and new players win are important to be counted with the lotto who knows you might go on a hot bag streak and roll in pieces, heck I saw a valor 27 with only a few champ items missing. I almost cow punched him cause I was jelly. Anyhow I would keep queuing regardless cause I like PvP but I still want my bags as fast as possible to get closer to even ground with early 50s.


Off topic but maybe bumping up cent tokens per bag wouldn't be so bad. Let people at least get the lowest gear faster. Of you are a good player you can make up for that difference I would think. Like up to 6 or 5. Idk just a thought.

Edited by Avicii
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I still give them leeway with this being their 1st multiplayer game, but when you can't fix a counter with a patch meant to fix it....that kind of hurts your image little.


Concur while their at it just put wins and losses on a tab for us personally and count daily and weekly wins then they can use that for it. I mean really it should just be a column in a database table then compare it to the quest table with required number of wins. Shamzam! Lol

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After playing tonight and things still being ****, and trying to get my ilum daily done also and having 6 republic players out there trying to fight over 20+ imperials which is impossible to do, I am through with this game until they fix it. I hate to quit cause for the most part I enjoy the game but the severe faction imbalance along with faction favoritism and rewarding the zerg faction with the way ilum is set up it shows no concern or care for their player base.
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I had no problems last week with the unqueue and untrack workaround. They counted every time. Now today even doing those things... in all 3 wins I did not get credit for a single one. Just gave up.


Come on bioware, I was one of your defending fangirls...

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After playing tonight and things still being ****, and trying to get my ilum daily done also and having 6 republic players out there trying to fight over 20+ imperials which is impossible to do, I am through with this game until they fix it. I hate to quit cause for the most part I enjoy the game but the severe faction imbalance along with faction favoritism and rewarding the zerg faction with the way ilum is set up it shows no concern or care for their player base.


Trust me it's terrible for the imps aswell. I would love to jump into huge equal fight and get my daily done withing 20 minutes or so instead of roaming like an idiot for hours trying to find some stray rebels....

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Trust me it's terrible for the imps aswell. I would love to jump into huge equal fight and get my daily done withing 20 minutes or so instead of roaming like an idiot for hours trying to find some stray rebels....

Republicans <> Rebels

Aside from that, most Reps just ignore to go to Illum after 1.1 (which cuts the gearing process speed down by 50%, lovely) becouse most that it will accomplish is just feeding the Imps.


You can at least roam there solo and join whatever zerg is cruising around while if I go solo I end up alone and farmed by 10 Imps. The only way to try and do it on Republic is to make an Operation and confront the Imp zerg. But making Op is not easy if your population is low to begin with.

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yeah it actually seems worse to me now. I've won 3 since I was 2/3 on my daily and still have not gotten credit for my 3rd win, before, it might happen one time then the next match I'd get it, now I just can't get my daily done, this is the kind of frustration that just makes you not even want to play the game.
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3 wins here, and no credit. Still 0/3 for daily and no change in weekly. Seems to happen when starting matches at the beginning or midway. Frustrating.

I was lucky enough today to count all my 3 wins. But the fact that this is still not fixed is ridiculous. It almost seems like they deployed a guy to fix this bug. He changed a line of code somehwere and said "yep, this should work" and then they deployed this on servers. Is there even any QA in this company? :/

Edited by Aweus
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Trust me it's terrible for the imps aswell. I would love to jump into huge equal fight and get my daily done withing 20 minutes or so instead of roaming like an idiot for hours trying to find some stray rebels....


that's kinda my whole point, it's not fun period. and even when we do actually have enough in Ilum to get the daily done what ends up happening is a stand off on the bridge near one or teh other factions rez spawn. so we stand there on opposite sides of the bridge and aoe and each other, pull a player in, one or two will rush into the other teams mob so we are basically still just kill trading. If one team severely outnumbers the other and decides to zerg across and crush them then the losing faction will just move or leave and again nobody completes the daily.


Until they can find a better fix they should change ilum back to the original way, especially since they can't even get the WZ daily to work right and we are stuck spending hours and hours on that. No fun at all, so until they fix it I'll just go back to playing console games.

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Not sure if this is the case for some of the posters here, but I've noticed today that any win that was the result of a match ending early due to lack of players will not count. I remember getting credit for these types of wins prior to the patch, so this may have been something they patched without any notes about it.
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