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Developer Blog: Busting Bugs and Fixing Exploits


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My god, you are hopeless.


Nah, you're just trying to make arguments to points I never brought up or expressed opinions about.


All I have essentially said is that squashing bugs is not as simple as people make it out to be.

Edited by Jasuk
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stop new content and fix the game. All your resources need to be put into fixing the game that exists now!!! You said you patched warzones not properly awarding wins, you lied. There is no argument there. You told the player base you fixed an issue when you did not. That is LYING.


Lying to your paying customers will result in you losing paying customers. As for the bug thing, it would be best for this "future" content you are working on to be tested this time. Please test it and increase the utility of the PTS. The PTS is useless as is right now. Add incentive for players to want to test your patches on there such as character copying!!!! Why is this so hard for you?????


Easy there. They could have fixed an ASPECT of the bug. I.E. one way the bug was occurring that they knew of or in another way like patching one hole on a pipe to discover another further down the line. If the bug is still occurring that just means they missed something, not that they are lying. Keep submitting your tickets so they have more data to make a better patch.


Jeez with impatience like this, I shudder to think what my generation of politicians are gonna be like. Cool off people, the devs posted a long blog about how it TAKES TIME to squish these bugs. Give them a break already. >.<

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Basically one of the creators of the MMO genre.

Weird how SWG died after he left, we don't know why? ^^


My answer to most issues in the game is: "seen worse"

Ive seen smaller game with more issues that i have played over the last 15 years.

I like where this game is going and its on the right way.

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This is good to know and I appreciate getting a peek into the process you guys use. One thing that bothers me is that the trooper class seems to have not been given any updates in the past few patches.

Perhaps the class has not had as many showstopping issues as others.

The issues with the full auto skill for example. That skill does not seem to tick off correctly. I see updates for the other classes regularly and just would like to see a little love for us as well. :)

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Rift is a perfect example of how to do it right. They had issues. They communicated. They fixed it. Sadly, content wise the game is well- let's not go there. This is about SWTOR.


It's interesting that you brought up Rift. I would totally be playing Rift instead of TOR if I haven't been playing LOTRO for the past 2 years - kinda burnt out from fantasy MMOs. BW should have learnt from what Rift has done about the launch and post-launch stuffs.


TOR's customer service and communication are very disappointing. I do hope they are fixing things as hard as they claim coz clock is really ticking.

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Well, if it works as written, it just how it SHOULD work, though I would probably use SCRUM to get a bit more effective then it seems today...


latest patch today broke my install again....


During repair the launcher chrashed...


Second, try, main asset 34... repair...


repairs downloading at a sadly low low speed :p


Will I have another mega repair loop cycle again?


No gaming tonight for me... another day lost :p



Edited by Dhurgan
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Nah, you're just trying to make arguments to points I never brought up or expressed opinions about.


All I have essentially said is that squashing bugs is not as simple as people make it out to be.


What is as simple as people make it out to be?

Everything is hard/life is hard. But that doesn't give companies the excuse of not fixing things properly and we are not even talking about avoiding mistakes.

Edited by MilkPudding
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Our turn-around time is really good in this area and we’ve dealt with some recent exploits quite quickly.


Such as? Certainly you don't mean the Ilum issues, or the vendor credit exploits? As far as I know, players got to keep their millions of exploited credits, and Ilum is still functionally broken (spawns are still camped even if you can't literally stand inside the spawn any longer.)


Edit: Apparently the emergency fix of the login problems didn't fix that issue for everyone, either.


I'm curious, which exploits, specifically, do you feel you handled "quickly," or even adequately, for that matter? If you're going to make the claim, I'd like to see you back it up with something. Currently, based on what I've personally seen, this is just blowing smoke.



Edited by Macheath
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Another wind bag blowing hot air at us?


Yea, fix your bug ridden game instead of knee jerk fixes


Worst dev team ever


Honestly, why would i give a **** about your internal process?


Here is what i want if you want my money


1. Swift bug fixes to pressing issues like daily warzone quests which, contrary to your patch notes, STILL ISN'T FIXED


2. Numbers to support any adjustments to balance since we don't have any combat logs


3. Proper communication from the dev team

Edited by lineschmidt
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"We estimate the severity of bugs by looking at volume of tickets sent to our Customer Service team, Forum posts, and using our telemetry data from the game, amongst other things."


This is basically admitting that bugs which affect Empire players receive preference, because there are more Empire players and thus a higher volume of support tickets filed and forum posts made.


So should those of us that play less populated factions and classes simply expect to be put at the back of the bus? Is that why Particle Acceleration/Force Potency is still broken and we have not even received the slightest acknowledgment of the issue?


...*sighs* Or simply since there are more players there is more DATA to draw from. Simple analogy time. Easier to fix a pipe FULL of water or one only HALF full? Empire doesn't necessarily get preferential treatment, but it can look that way without taking all the facts in CONTEXT. While cases can be made this isn't one of them.


I really just need to stop going to the forums. My forehead is getting sore and my faith in human intelligence is fleeting. >.<

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Nothing said about the action taken against exploiters or reverting the damage done by them..........imagine that.


So how would you handle it? How would you handle it if you were affected by your solution as well?



It's interesting that you brought up Rift. I would totally be playing Rift instead of TOR if I haven't been playing LOTRO for the past 2 years - kinda burnt out from fantasy MMOs. BW should have learnt from what Rift has done about the launch and post-launch stuffs.


TOR's customer service and communication are very disappointing. I do hope they are fixing things as hard as they claim coz clock is really ticking.


Yes, they should introduce a tiered pvp gear system that makes fresh 50s absolutely cannon fodder while making the commendations they earn based on how much damage or healing they do. I.E. You want a pvp grind then try Rift's system. As much as I hate RNG, it is far far FAR easier to gear up with it then how rift did it. ESPECIALLY with having to have not only the commendations but the lower tier piece just to get the next level. So you could have a rank 8 player that only has the rank 4 gear set. Fun times. 9.9


Geez, I keep wondering that if people found that other game whatever it may be so much better why did they come there? What were they expecting? A gateway into a universe with ideas never thought of and a direct neural interface to control your toons with? Maybe i'm jaded, the game is kinda what I was expecting and I'm still having fun.

Edited by Tetrablade
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Thank you for the post devs. I think maybe ability delay fixes should come as emergency patches bc we are all really sick of it, or at least I am. To me that was bug numero uno the first time I saw it, but I guess the truth of the matter is that it's more than one bug.


If you are going to put things like "fixed an issue" please remember that we don't really read the patchnotes so much as skim them (at least in my case). Some people feel that they have been cheated bc they don't notice the difference between that and "fixed all issues/fixed the issue".


My message is please be more explicit. "fixed ONE OF the issues" "fixed TWO OF the issues" would be really nice, if you can't do that then just do what you can to make it a little more eyecatching or something?


We are your customers and we WANT to be very patient with you, but you have to make things more apparent bc up until today when I got the actual patchnotes and read the forums I thought I was going to get all of my wz match wins, thought that saber ward/rebuke were always going to pop when I have them up :( But no, they fixed AN issue. We don't need to be led by the hand but why should we have to look so closely at the patchnotes when it could just be worded better? I understand that it's not good business to say "this has 'X' amount of issues exactly" but frackin spike guys i was really lookin forward to getting some love today and my ability delays aren't completely fixed. (which is what you said, but not what i read)


So I will take Mr. Vogel's advice and the next time i can't use my flash grenade on my scoundrel or saber ward/leg slash/rebuke on my sentinel I will send you exactly what happens with the total scenario. I really hope you take my advice too, small words like 'an' are easy to miss when all we want to see is 'fixed'.


Btw, don't let the haters keep you from progressing with new content. These same people are saying make me a new system for champ bags and whatnot, so either they want new stuff or they don't I have no idea. Also, I would like to say that I have very few problems with the game, the fleet and ilum are both kind of fps killers but they seem better than they were before. In normal situations with unlocked frames I get well over 100fps and my latency isn't that bad for a game this new at around 65-100ms HOWEVER ability delay is really nasty on my melee guy (ahem... leg slash?... ahem... it doesn't really even have a cd so what's with it?) and my scoundrel gets it on her long c/d abilities like disappearing act (ouch, killed me a bunch of times in pvp) and flash grenade.

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Reading these forums makes me sad for humanity as historians will one day assume this was a representation of our species. 90% of replies resemble tantrums of entitled brats that obviously didn't read the blog post being discussed.


The other 10% respond with measured responses that get hit in the face with illogical statements and replies that can't be argued as there's no rationale or reason being used.


I hope the devs at Bioware/EA/Mythic learn from previous games that Official forums are where people that are unhappy go. It's not an accurate representation of the populace, it's just a breeding ground for trolls with first world problems who don't have an active audience in their normal lives.


We're glad you devs are working on improving bugs and the majority of us understand it's part of the package in the early days of an MMO. Considering how smooth SWTOR launched compared to other MMO's, the games brilliant and while it can always be improved, you're doing a bang-up job.

Edited by sethendal
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so do broken skills that aren't working as intended count as bugs.. or.. something else..


cause if those are bugs.. and it's only broken on say.. the republic side.. then couldn't you say this "bug" is also an exploit in a way since only 1 side can benefit from the correct use of the skill while the other side (republic) can't even use it properly?


anyway.. that's not the point.. point is.. please fix these broken skills..


such as sage telekinetic momentum and shadow's particle acceleration..


and then please take a look at actually balancing the mirrors out (priority please before adding more crap after more crap)


then i'll actually believe you when you say you guys are trying their hardest...

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What bugs? I've been playing the game since launch and I haven't encountered a single bug.

You're lucky as hell then, because I've encountered a few. It's no biggie to me though, I still have fun playing the game regardless. People here need to just chillax and let Bioware do their thing fixing this and that.

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The community is rather frustrated about having been repeatedly lied to and treated like a bunch of idiots. =/



THIS is why the Devs don't post more! The second that something goes awry and they can't deliver on time or some other issues come up, you guys pounce like a bunch of jackals! All of the accusations of "BW lied to me, boo hoo" or "You guys are idiots" is sickening. Have you folks ever considered that a modicum of respect might lead to more/better quality interaction with the Devs?? I believe they want to fix things as quickly as possible. Kicking and screaming will not get them to do it faster.



Here is some reading for you folks, you may have already seen it posted here and there but it fits this topic perfectly:



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Reading these forums makes me sad for humanity as historians will one day assume this was a representation of our species. 90% of replies resemble tantrums of entitled brats that obviously didn't read the blog post being discussed.


The other 10% respond with measured responses that get hit in the face with illogical statements and replies that can't be argued as there's no rationale or reason being used.




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You're right, MMO's came out with bugs but atleast the Developers took care of them quickly and fixed the bugs as soon as possible instead of "fixing" them and making them even worse or creating even more bugs that weren't even there before.


This and many other people have no idea whatsoever what they are talking about. Heck most don't even read the article and come here spraying their vitriol as if they know anything or are the least bit credible.



I've been in the MMORPG genre for over a decade now. Every new game comes with bugs. Fixes break something else, become new bugs, or plain don't work in every game that I have played. Including the heavy weights like WOW people are so fond of.



Fact is SWTOR is one of the better releases in MMORPG history. Don't give me that "ya but those were released X years ago, no excuse for that now" crap. Things have only gotten progressively MORE complicated.



Try being a reasonable and mature human being for a change people. Stop running in here and screaming like somebody's kids in the supermarket throwing a tantrum with nobody stopping them about not getting the toy they wanted that they wouldn't care about once they had.

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